Well-Known Member
You can buy Newport gas in asda (the larger 24h stores)Kelly, have you tried a good old fashioned, vigorous shake?
In the instructions that came with the brulee torch I bought for the Supreme, it says to give the can of butane a good shake before filling the torch, in order to warm the gas up.
And when my mum and her friend couldnt get her triple torch to light, insisting it didnt work, I just instinctively gave it a good old shake, feeling sure it would fix it. And it worked straight away.
And I have not used lighters for years until just recently, and only sparingly since.
This was indoors, before winter even. But it fixed an otherwise unresponsive torch.
Also make sure you bleed the lighter now and then before refilling.
Perhaps also the purity of thr butane can make a difference. I got 2 cans of "WhipIt premium filtered butane" off of ebay for £15 (420 ml ×2).
But there is also one called "Newport" which I think is good enough for the longevity of the torches. Its cheap on Amazon, like 6 250 ml cans for £15.
A lot of the well known butanes wont ship here, or you can only get them in 12 packs etc.
It's about £1.50 for a 90ml can at the cigaret kiosk