
Collector of Functional Art
Wow I didn't realize just how much this thing could give from so little. It was literally three specs, like enough that I would just wipe it to the floor if I spilled that amount when moving material from my grinder to a container. I got about 9 heat cycles from it, 1-3 hits each, and at first I barely felt anything. Then just like that BOOM to the moon I go!

It is ridiculous how little I used, and it all vaped super evenly, I took it to very dark brown, didn't even save it because there was so little in there and it was all very dark (no combustion though). George really has made something amaxing here and I'm definitely a believer. Carbon omni FTW:rockon:

I finally got a scale that goes to thousandths of a gram so I could weigh you how much I pack in the bowl. It's right at .05 g, but I don't pack it completely full. This gets me to the moon at least twice. And yes, it hits me really hard all of a sudden. Incredible! I absolutely love this little vape.


Active Member
I wonder if this is gonna end up being my flower driver (not that I use a lot of flower, maybe 1g a day)?

1g/day is a lot for me. Back in my combustion days that'd be about right. Can't imagine going back to a regular glass pipe now, wow. So harsh on the throat.

Fucking fuck... so yesterday I was sitting in the parking lot at work Standing by the drivers side door enjoying a beverage before I clocked in. Heard a screech and turned around to see a car over the curb coming right at me at a high rate of speed. Caught a glimpse of the driver slumped back in his seat. Got myself out of the way just in time. Car smashed my truck all to shit. 2500 diesel truck and it spun a full 90 degrees from the impact. Ran over to check on the driver, who was having a seizure, got his car in park and shut off and made sure he was still. Ems and cops showed up quickly, wrecker got my truck and the car, driver was taken to the hospital. My truck was taken to the tow yard, and as happens in situations like this I left my lunch bag in my truck. Yea you can probably guess where this is going. My Ti burly was in my lunchbag, packed. Went in this morning to check out the damage and retrieve a few items, and my fucking Vapcap is gone. I mean it's shitty enough that someone took it out of my truck, even more shitty that the guy who stole it probably has no clue what it is. Now my burly is lost and likely being used as a very expensive combustion one hitter. Honestly I'm more upset about my Burly than the truck.... I mean I still have my og and my girls short burly, but it's not the same. Sigh rant over.

That is one crazy story. Terrible luck. I feel for you, but considering what happened, you came out safe and unharmed. You can always order another vapcap.


Well-Known Member
1g/day is a lot for me. Back in my combustion days that'd be about right. Can't imagine going back to a regular glass pipe now, wow. So harsh on the throat.

That is one crazy story. Terrible luck. I feel for you, but considering what happened, you came out safe and unharmed. You can always order another vapcap.
I actually probably use less than a gram a day of flower most days.

The main reason for this is that I am almost exclusively a concentrate user lol ;)
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Well-Known Member

Beautiful Friday VapCap session...

Enjoy and much love everyone!

That is a beautiful piece there, you've had it a while if I remember? The crack by the tip makes me cry a little bit inside though.

Didn't know @Ed's TnT was making vapcap parts too! Great to see him still blazing trails with all of our favorite new toys :D

Cheers Nick, might join you as I medicate with my omnivap :peace:

All of the wooden sleeves/ vongs etc available at Dynavap are produced by Ed. it's a great collaboration.



I can't remember who was asking about using the silicone mouthpieces to pair with 14mm glass, but I checked it out earlier and it seems that the older mouthpieces are slightly wider and give a much better seal than the newer mouthpieces. The mouthpieces can easily slip over the Omnivap mouthpieces to use the omni through water too.
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Log Hog
That is a beautiful piece there, you've had it a while if I remember? The crack by the tip makes me cry a little bit inside though.

All of the wooden sleeves/ vongs etc available at Dynavap are produced by Ed. it's a great collaboration.



I can't remember who was asking about using the silicone mouthpieces to pair with 14mm glass, but I checked it out earlier and it seems that the older mouthpieces are slightly wider and give a much better seal than the newer mouthpieces. The mouthpieces can easily slip over the Omnivap mouthpieces to use the omni through water too.

Yes I've had it a while. The crack is recent though. My fault I think. I didn't butter it up after a cleaning. There's still an air tight seal so no worries. I did cry a bit myself though.

@herbivore21 yes @herbalist33 is correct! All vapcap standard wood is turned by Ed. Mine was a special order though. You know I can't be standard lol.

Bad Ocelot

Well-Known Member
Thank you! Both of them are w9tech herc coils actually. The one that appears black was just quickly torched/saturated in oil, the picture made it look a lot darker than it was. They're relatively easy to work into shape using some pliers.

Thanks! I'll have to pick up a few of those & a few titanium screens. My set up will be a little different as I use the VC for less melty hashes. Though I might have to give it a try with concentrates after I get the wick set up. Will definitely post some pics when I get it like I want it. I'd thought about making something from some Ti RBA wire, but the herc coils aren't too pricy and I trust w9's sourcing over my own, ha.


Well-Known Member
That is a beautiful piece there, you've had it a while if I remember? The crack by the tip makes me cry a little bit inside though.

All of the wooden sleeves/ vongs etc available at Dynavap are produced by Ed. it's a great collaboration.



I can't remember who was asking about using the silicone mouthpieces to pair with 14mm glass, but I checked it out earlier and it seems that the older mouthpieces are slightly wider and give a much better seal than the newer mouthpieces. The mouthpieces can easily slip over the Omnivap mouthpieces to use the omni through water too.
Thanks I did ask about this, all the available and best options for connecting the vapcaps to water tools. I decided it would be worth having the 18 short VonG to go direct in an 18 mm joint, and compare that to the fat mouthpiece into an 18 to 14 mm joint converter, to see which is best or gives larger hits etc. I think somebody else did ask about the fat mouthpiece for water connection too.

I will be sure to report anything of interest eventually.


Vapor Sloth
Question: My VapCap has changed behavior regarding the "clicks" and it rattles. When you shake your cap do the disks in there rattle? Also, my cap went from 2 clicks, with the second one pretty loud, to one soft click. It seems since this has happened that my OG is a little harder to control.

Also, I have a hairline crack in the body in the bowl area. It is still airtight though. Could this be changing the dynamics of the vap as well?

Is my cap damaged? Do I need a new body? Not sure.


Yes mine rattles, I haven't noticed the clicks changing much but sometimes they are a little quieter, sometimes a little louder, but it always happens. You should send George an email about the crack. Probably best to get a new body, see what he says. The cap is fine.


Well-Known Member
Question: My VapCap has changed behavior regarding the "clicks" and it rattles. When you shake your cap do the disks in there rattle? Also, my cap went from 2 clicks, with the second one pretty loud, to one soft click. It seems since this has happened that my OG is a little harder to control.

Also, I have a hairline crack in the body in the bowl area. It is still airtight though. Could this be changing the dynamics of the vap as well?

Is my cap damaged? Do I need a new body? Not sure.

The body is fine. I cracked mine in the same area about 2 months ago and it still works like the day I got it. Have even dropped it a couple times with no further damage. Was quite suprised. George offered to send me a new body but I declined because it was still working perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Haha, you'd vape me under the table. I just started medicating again after a looong time away. Most flowers are enough to sit me down.
Thanks that makes me feel better. I think I must be a lightweight too. I can easily suffice on a third of a gram a day, but then my allergies massively restrict the amount and frequency that I can vape, so this in turn also keeps my tolerance down.

Take the allergies away, and from dawn to dusk Im sure I could manage a good gram or so, but I really dont think you need that much. A half gram daily vaped should be plenty I would have thought for most people, but I see nothing wrong with any amount if one enjoys it and feels the need.

When I first got my verdamper, I insisted to myself that I wanted to vape three 0.4gr loads a day. I thought each 0.4 would be pretty quick and easy to finish, like smoking a few bongs.
But it took forever just to finish the 0.4. I was pretty wrecked aftr the first few hits, and there were like 20 or so.

It took me all day just to actually get through the three 0.4's, only 1.2 grams total.
Every night, after forcing myself to keep going late at night to finish the final 0.4 load, I would get in bed and put the lights out only to have a whitie, and it was like everything was so bright as if the lights were still on. It took me over 2 hours to get to sleep because I was buzzing so much.

I was never a lightweight with weed and I was staggered at just what a monstous amount of weed 1.2 grams was in the verdamper compared to smoking methods, and other vaporizers (rubbish ones).

I mean, when smoking, to make a gram last a day you have to basically ration and forget you have weed for large parts of the day. And if you shared it with anybody, double ration!

I was a foolish youth and abused hallucinogenic substances for a decade. I used to take huge amounts of ecstasy, LSD, ketamine, mushrooms etc, and came back from many raves and festivals a changed man with parts of my brain missing, feeling very damaged.

After my initial 11 days of verdamper usage in 2009, at 1.2 grams per day, I felt as damaged and in need of recovery as any of my crazed psychedellic binges. When friends of mine first tried the vardamper, they couldnt understand how I managed to get through 1.2 grams. To this day nor can I!

Take allergies away completely, and I honestly feel it would be easier for me to take 5 strong LSD trips,than to vaporize 1.2 grams in the verdamper. Im sure not all vaporizers are the same when it comes to bang for buck though.
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Had to make my stash smell proof.


Fits snugly, did need a little modification.


And fits perfect for quick reloading.


That tube is what I have been asking for a long time, where did you got it? I just got my amazing Dynastash today and would love to have a tube (if it was glass that would be amazing) that fits in the dynastash to put my weed in!! It's so useful, perfect size to just grab it and dump it in your pocket with a lighter and you're set! Love my Omnivap and the Dynastash is his perfect partner in crime :science:

PS: Will upload some pictures tomorrow, almost 00:00 here in UK and the pictures won't do justice to this beautiful piece of art ...


Well-Known Member
Tips for extracting quicker without combusting? After three cycles with just a couple specs in the bowl I still have a little green left and it takes another 3 after that to turn light brown. I've gotten over 9 cycles back to back on my past few bowls before the material is dark and fully extracted, even though I'm warming the cap pretty far from the tip and closer to the body


Well-Known Member
Have you tried doing a cycle empty before you put herb in? I do it sometimes when I want to push it to the limit through water

How far is your flame from the cap when you heat?


Well-Known Member
I have not but wouldn't that just make you wait until it's cool again before loading? And I start out kinda far but get pretty close to letting it almost touch. I'm using the triple torch that george sells


Well-Known Member
Only until it clicks, then it's sort of pre heated

Try holding it so the flames are side on instead of the three flames going top to bottom of the cap if that makes any sense. I have a different triple that focuses the heat a bit more
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