Haha, you'd vape me under the table. I just started medicating again after a looong time away. Most flowers are enough to sit me down.
Thanks that makes me feel better. I think I must be a lightweight too. I can easily suffice on a third of a gram a day, but then my allergies massively restrict the amount and frequency that I can vape, so this in turn also keeps my tolerance down.
Take the allergies away, and from dawn to dusk Im sure I could manage a good gram or so, but I really dont think you need that much. A half gram daily vaped should be plenty I would have thought for most people, but I see nothing wrong with any amount if one enjoys it and feels the need.
When I first got my verdamper, I insisted to myself that I wanted to vape three 0.4gr loads a day. I thought each 0.4 would be pretty quick and easy to finish, like smoking a few bongs.
But it took forever just to finish the 0.4. I was pretty wrecked aftr the first few hits, and there were like 20 or so.
It took me all day just to actually get through the three 0.4's, only 1.2 grams total.
Every night, after forcing myself to keep going late at night to finish the final 0.4 load, I would get in bed and put the lights out only to have a whitie, and it was like everything was so bright as if the lights were still on. It took me over 2 hours to get to sleep because I was buzzing so much.
I was never a lightweight with weed and I was staggered at just what a monstous amount of weed 1.2 grams was in the verdamper compared to smoking methods, and other vaporizers (rubbish ones).
I mean, when smoking, to make a gram last a day you have to basically ration and forget you have weed for large parts of the day. And if you shared it with anybody, double ration!
I was a foolish youth and abused hallucinogenic substances for a decade. I used to take huge amounts of ecstasy, LSD, ketamine, mushrooms etc, and came back from many raves and festivals a changed man with parts of my brain missing, feeling very damaged.
After my initial 11 days of verdamper usage in 2009, at 1.2 grams per day, I felt as damaged and in need of recovery as any of my crazed psychedellic binges. When friends of mine first tried the vardamper, they couldnt understand how I managed to get through 1.2 grams. To this day nor can I!
Take allergies away completely, and I honestly feel it would be easier for me to take 5 strong LSD trips,than to vaporize 1.2 grams in the verdamper. Im sure not all vaporizers are the same when it comes to bang for buck though.