I hope that your health is already greatly improved.
I will force the universe to make that happen ,brother !
The letters at the pentagram points of my avatar form the word " υγιεία " .
Health .
" These stages correspond surprisingly well with the exercises practiced in the Pythagorean brotherhood. It is entirely possible that Pythagoras taught his most advanced esoteric disciples to perceive the celestial music, rather than reserving this faculty uniquely for himself. It is known that Pythagoreans used Pentagram, or
Pentacle, labeled with the letters U, G, I, EI, A on its points representing the harmony of elements and spirit (the word
hugieia means “health”), as a distinctive mark by which his initiates could pass the information from one to another, simply by leaving this sign in a designated place. It seems legitimate to suppose that indeed there exists
a perennial tradition of wisdom passed on through centuries via mystery centers and brotherhoods, and that this tradition neither started nor ended with Pythagoras who was but one of its most outstanding Masters."
Listen to some soothing music and get some sleep.
Tomorrow will be a whole new day .