No problem my friend. Funny OT: I initially mistyped "Mo problem", lol! Mo money, mo problems!
I must have been stoned (what?!) when replying earlier, because I didn't answer your questions fully. The diameter you want is 12mm or 1/2 inch, depending where you are. The official DynaMag-TM is only about 1 or 1.5 mm thick. Doing what you proposed is a great way to use a magnet (particularly if you can find a thin one like the DM), just a drop of superglue = job done!
One of our esteemed members suggested just popping the magnet on an Altoids mint tin, no glue! I use this solution around the house, it'll cool your cap right down and I use the empty tin for temporary ABV storage. VC lovers have come up with lots of ways to use their magnets, you can use the search (upper right) for "Dynamag" or "diametrically" in just this thread and that should give you even more ideas!
@ataxian The "igniter" is the Pipes Induction Heater your good friend pxl_jockey told you about
before thanksgiving. Dude! You don't even listen to me tho!

You absolutely need one of these. PM me with any questions or some kind soul will point you in that direction. I would, but you wouldn't listen to me.