Just a dude
@cgod That is pretty dang beautiful, and a really nice pic as well. Looking at yours will make the time go buy maybe? I'm starting a list of people to begrudge for early Omni delivery and possession. 
@cybrguy You go on the list with cgod, the list of whom I'm being temporarily jealous. Enjoy!
So until this freakin' sale is over, I'm just keeping a tab open to save time. Has anybody ever get a dual jet torch from DV? I have a triple in the triangle formation, is the triple inline better? If you know anything, post it quick before @Summer makes me move this over to the lighter thread!
@Willy You're not imagining that time has indeed slowed for you. This is a more accute strain of VAS. This variant is known as DVAS. There is little hope your condition will improve until your VapCap by DynaVap arrives. Once you have acquired your VC, your DVAS will most likely go into remission. Many people falsely believe that they are cured, although future acquisitions will likely be required.

@cybrguy You go on the list with cgod, the list of whom I'm being temporarily jealous. Enjoy!
So until this freakin' sale is over, I'm just keeping a tab open to save time. Has anybody ever get a dual jet torch from DV? I have a triple in the triangle formation, is the triple inline better? If you know anything, post it quick before @Summer makes me move this over to the lighter thread!
@Willy You're not imagining that time has indeed slowed for you. This is a more accute strain of VAS. This variant is known as DVAS. There is little hope your condition will improve until your VapCap by DynaVap arrives. Once you have acquired your VC, your DVAS will most likely go into remission. Many people falsely believe that they are cured, although future acquisitions will likely be required.