happy camper....
First, you forgot to address me as...Princess, which is basically just unforgivable.

Secondly, okay, I'll swap ya, just send your M&M doublet to me first, okay? (What's an M&M doublet?)

I thought I'd show off some summer acquisitions. The omnivap and the two nonavongs are from the 4th of july sale.
The nonavongs are sitting on a double garage/double magnet custom blackwood dynastasher that I got in the classifieds from @vapen00b, along with a nice blackwood tiwoody not pictured, new favs that have been in heavy rotation.
That's a new curly maple @Winegums piece in my mflb orbiter, a lovely pair.
I found that a glass water adapter from a DaVinci Ascent makes a nice mouthpiece for the orbiter, I like that little setup.
The nonavongs pair well with the orbiter too.
And theres the new for me blackwood woody I picked up with the double garage stasher. My carbon omnivap seems a natural pairing.
I realised something Dynavap today. . . I want George to make a Ti-Tip that is designed only for the smallest bowl position. Please@VapCap
This is because getting the screen in the smallest bowl groove is a pain!! I'm a dexterous carpenter with tools and intelligence to achieve the task, but I still find it a right pain. And older screens just get harder and harder to fit properly. I only use my Ti-tips in the smallest bowl setting, so I would appreciate this myself. But more importantly most of the people I would recommend the dynavap to would also want the small bowl setting and I feel torn as I'm sure most of them simply wouldn't manage positioning the screen - especially if it was a well worn one that had popped out of place, with no spares available. . .
I keep forgetting to get one of those bolts and nuts. Number #8 I think. George talks about using the cap of a bic pen too, but I never find the right ones. And I refuse to buy a box of ten for this...
Added: Wait a minute. Are these the ones? https://www.staples.com/BIC-Xtra-Co...-Pens-Medium-Point-Black-Dozen/product_382241
$2 for a box? I think I can live with that... Are these the ones?
Everybody needs these if you are going to maintain your VapCap (new) Ti-tips in pristine condition. I used to fight to get the screens in the right groove. With these it just clicks into the correct groove "everytime".
I do recommend buying stainless steel nuts and bolts. You can set the first nut and lock it with the second nut.
Get yourself a couple of (at least one (1) inch long), M8 stainless steel bolts, and enough ss nuts for two (2) nuts for each bolt. Install both nuts on a bolt. set the nut at the depth you want the screen in the tip. Lock the first nut with the second nut. The first nut will stop the bolt from pushing the screen to far in.
I got the Skelator. It is a naked induction heater that runs on rechargeable batteries. I have it in a vintage type quart paint can but may move it to a wood box.... Love that I can put it in different containers and that it is portable. Not portable as in on the go really, too big for that, but portable in that it is not tethered to a electrical receptical.
I LOVE it!
I'm in for the tip with a smaller bowl... Would be nice when I'm running low or just wanting a quick hit. I wouldn't want It to be my only tip... but It definitely sounds like a nice accessory!
I'd also really LOVE a full stainless steel omni. More weight, tip stays hot longer, same great omni design...
Are stainless tips available? That would be the simple way. Haven't seen them on the DV site tho.
I have an M with a stainless tip.... That might be the only way to get the ss tip ? Not sure...
I'd still really like a full on stainless steel omni. It would completely change the feel of it i think. Just Changing tips doesn't change the weight much if any and your still touching titanium... Which doesn't have the same feel to me.
Or hell... I'd settle for an M with the omni shaped mouthpiece... Even if still one piece on the stem... The more defined mouthpiece is what i like the most when it comes to omni vs M.
Actually I'd like to have one of every single model they've got times several.![]()
I realised something Dynavap today. . . I want George to make a Ti-Tip that is designed only for the smallest bowl position. Please@VapCap
This is because getting the screen in the smallest bowl groove is a pain!! I'm a dexterous carpenter with tools and intelligence to achieve the task, but I still find it a right pain. And older screens just get harder and harder to fit properly. I only use my Ti-tips in the smallest bowl setting, so I would appreciate this myself. But more importantly most of the people I would recommend the dynavap to would also want the small bowl setting and I feel torn as I'm sure most of them simply wouldn't manage positioning the screen - especially if it was a well worn one that had popped out of place, with no spares available. . .
I'd prefer hollow inserts. They'd be a lot cheaper than a whole new tip, and you could get them for both smaller bowl sizes. All you'd have to do is just pop the insert into the bowl before the screen, and it would provide a nice base for the screen to snuggle up to.![]()
Guys just ask George to add some retentionclips to your Next order.
Take one and drop it in your ti tip.
Now use your Omni moutpiece or an 8mm bolt and press down until the retentionclip slips down and gets caught by the grooves in the ti tip.
( Note it takes quite some force to set the retentionclip)
the retentionclip creates a small lip for the ccd to rest on.
Now you can insert your Ccd screen without it ever sliding down belown your retentionclip.
That way you can drop a whole nug in the tip and enjoy some really flovour full Hits. Now to Finish the load you can use your Diggerouter from the cap to crush the nug while it is still in the tip.
No mess no fuss and all that without any Chance of the ccd screen ever moving down your ti tip again.
I am doing that for the last 6 months and it made my vapcap Experience even more enjoyable.
I'd still like to have a metal Vong
Guys just ask George to add some retentionclips to your Next order. Take one and drop it in your ti tip. Now you can insert your Ccd screen without it ever sliding down belown your retentionclip.
I am doing that for the last 6 months and it made my vapcap Experience even more enjoyable.
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing this idea!
Can I ask. . Does the screen fall out the front easily like this?
Because the spring clip,is now taking up,the groove space I would worry the screen wouldn't stay in the tip. Or does it grip as well as it does at the bottom of the tip, in the largest bowl setting?
no Need to worry i allways have to poke it out from the other side.
it stays in there by friction as usually.
Love the Omni for herb and I think it is superior to the M. However, my Omni, bought recently, does not feature a Titanium condenser. Apart from that I would have liked the idea of it being titanium, are there actually any advantages to an titanium airpath? Would be nice to know.