The M would still sell well at $75, and still be worth every penny.
While I think, like you, that $75 would not be unreasonable, I also think that the more Ms get out there the better. I'm quite sure George knows better than anyone what a good marketing tool the M is. Once you own an M, the odds are very great that you will buy another, more expensive VapCap, if not several more.
I don't think most wouldn't much appreciate your advocacy of raising the price of the M. Because most very likely don't have the money you seem to have to throw around. Jus' sayin'.
George doesn't need to ask us how to market his VCs, and while he is watching, directly or indirectly, I don't see him raising prices on his entry level VC because someone might suggest he can get a couple more bucks.
While I think, like you, that $75 would not be unreasonable, I also think that the more Ms get out there the better.
Pardon me for quoting myself, but lets also keep in mind that $75 would be more than double the OG price, which was his original entry level device. That might significantly reduce the number who want to try out the platform and could be a mistake. George has made few (visable) mistakes so far.