I always see people advocating the nug stuffing then the dump and crush. But if I'm gonna end up having to dump the herb out wherever I am, crush it, and put it back in I really don't see how it's any more convenient than just pre grinding all my bud. People can do what they want of course, I just have never understood why people like it so much. I've never gotten the vapor from unground that I do from ground, and people still end up having to break it further down most of the time so...just doesn't make sense to me
I dunno.... no reason to harsh on anyone for how they like to do their own thing.
I usually pre-grind too, and have a few different small carriers that work well for out and about - especially with VCs or Mi/MVT. But, sometimes am in a rush to get out the door and will take a couple small nugs. Or, will be partying with someone who has a different strain, may pick something new up while I'm out, or just come across something fresh and unground. I always carry a small grinder in my man-purse (or murse if you rather) - which I always at least have in the car with me (if not on my shoulder).
But, is often more convenient to just toss a small nug in. When on the go like this, it is much easier to vape that nug and dry it out with a couple heats/hits. Then dump it into hand, give a quick finger crush, and suck it back up into the VC chamber for another hit or 2. MUCH easier than pulling out grinder, trying to figure how much of a new strain should be ground for one load, grind, and try to suck it up directly from grinder or find a convenient, not-too-windy, spot to dump onto a piece of paper or even into your hand to suck up into VC from. Hope this helps it make more sense to you - at least in these types of situations.
Whether you do this or not, or it makes sense to you, shouldn't really matter though should it? I like to do my own thing how I like to do it, and let others do the same. Often I find that I can learn something from them, or maybe incorporate some of their techniques into my routine. But, even if not, still don't think there's a right and wrong way to do things like this. If you're getting vapor you like, and doing so without combusting, it's all good, right?
No, I just have pretty much no sense of smell, and consequently a pretty weak sense of taste.
This must really suck in a lot of situations, vaping especially. A friend of mine is in same situation, but she can't smell anything at all (medical condition since birth), and also has trouble tasting things. Consequently, there are many things she doesn't like the flavor of - like chocolate for instance. Weird, but I totally get it.
Be prepared for DynaVAS in the extreme.
Dynavaps are like crack - no matter how many you have you always need more!
MAN!!! This is the truth! Other vapes may make you want to pick up an accessory or two, or even make/build something special for them. But, fuckin VCs!!!!!! Think the last time I felt like I needed every damned thing - and more than one of many - was when I was a kid with GI Joes. And, I'm talking old-school 12" GI Joes. Had probably everything you could have between brother and me. Every Christmas, birthday, money we could scrounge from whatever little odd jobs was time to add to the collection. Understandable when you're 9-10 (even 12) years old. But, now? I got no excuse!
Think it is more of George's genius. For a while I think I thought he was being mean or cruel taking advantage of us.

Now, I can't even bother to think about such things. Just know I want more! Don't know if this is some sort of weird internet based cult, or he has just figured out how to brainwash me & others - nor do I really care. But, I'll tell you this..... I can't wait to see that cool new textured Ti body on my OMNI! Out of everything I've been purchasing recently (and I've been on one of my worst VAS/GAS/VCAS tears lately), I'm most anxious for this little bugger - even though some of the other things will get more use and be much more key to my whole vaping experience.
Best part? I know I'm hooked and don't mind at all. Hell, I really love it!