Here we go again ! I get a new burl body for my omni because the frist one broke. This one is definitely the most beautiful piece I have. It's more golden than the previous one

. (You can also notice the 5gen Ti tip)
I decided to mod it a little. First I applied a golden dye on it. Hydrogen Peroxide wasn't needed because of the already light tint of the wood.
Then I sanded it with 2000 and 4000 sandpaper to give it a smooth finish. And I sanded the inside as well to insert the tips and the omni more easily because is was quite hard to fit them inside.
And voilà !
It george-ous now

! Do you know the tiger eye stone ? It has the same optical propriety, you can see a bit the reflections effect on the picture.
At the top of my bed, here is my batcap.
And because we didn't see a cap engraving for a while.
This piece is just perfect, I'm really happy. When I show it to someone, "Wow, it's beautiful !" it's the first thing said.