Well-Known Member
an all titanium M would be neat. The 'T'?... Shit, as an upgrade but same form factor as M, I bet George would end up selling out. I'd be good for a couple at least. A 'Steppin out' or black tie version of the M you love but all ti. Great idea!!. Loving how you thought to anodize.. Way out of my realm of knowledge but so cool to see. I feel like part of the magic of vapcaps is the " patina" or nifty colors the cap turns over time. Anodizing seems to do something similar looking at your pics. Neat! Thanks for ideas. Cheers, DI decided to give it a go with experimenting anodising Titanium.
My first try ever.
Used a Pyrex bowl filled with tap water (not of so good quality,I'm afraid ) ,
as an (acidic ) electrolyte I used ordinary vinegar (acetic acid ) and as a power source I used
the 19,5 Volt PSU of my laptop.
As a specimen for the procedure I used a titanium spork that was available .
The spork had initially the dull grey color of non-anodised Ti
(sandblasted in midsection /handle ) :
I thought that I was going to get a blue color ,at 19,5 Volts.
But the electrolyte type and it's concentration seem to play also an important role when it comes to achieving specific colors through anodising .
So I got a nice deep gold / bronze ,instead of blue .
Very solid ,very uniform .
(Sorry for the pic,but it was the best out of a dozen.
Pretty difficult for my camera to capture the real hue of the anodised piece.
But ,trust me is quite vivid in real life. )
Now ,I feel more confident for the next step.
Ordered couple of Ti tips from Dynavap and can't wait
for the Ti tubing to arrive .
Time for some artwork ,right ?
Seeing that deep gold -bronze color ,I think I would like to have a full Ti VapCap
at that color.
And then is the other one I keep dreaming to make.
A full Ti (tip+stem) VapCap with the tip having an "electric blue " color
that continues at the stem and becomes flames ala "hot-rod" .
In a vivid yellow background color !
And that's for starters.
I like wood ,don't get me wrong.
It's classy !
But for every day carry and use wood is quite fragile ,while I find the M a bit harsh in taste (comparing to my Nonavong ),a bit heavy and a bit "slow" regarding it's operation.
Other than that ,the M is the absolute one-hitter of vapes.
But a full Ti VapCap is at least durable -if not undestructable-,
seawater -resistant ( Greece = seawater -almost-everywhere ) and
at the same time extremely lightweight .
I do get to keep the fast heat up / cool down times and mellow taste of a Ti tip
and the whole unit being anodised in many different ways ,
can even look like a fidget toy or something similar,rather than a vaping tool.
So many possibilities ,at so small package ...
Simply Amazing!
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