Unknown Member
Yes it definitely changed in the past few days. For example, the wenge one wasn't there before.
No XL Dynastashs' to be found either.

But the t-shirts and hats are now in play.
Yes it definitely changed in the past few days. For example, the wenge one wasn't there before.
The Ti seems to add like $30. lil too much for me for an impulse buy.
Seems like the SS would just get hot pretty fast. Any thoughts?
I have a Lotus Zico torch .. should I upgrade to the triple?
Anything else I need to get started? Storage container?
And how do you know what "really happened"?
Bud is someone I know personally. What "really happened" is most of the voting took place and the VC came in a very high place considering it was competing against much more expensive and complex vapes (3rd place). Votes for VC's at this time were accompanied by the required text that the voter was asked to enter. That keeps it pretty honest as it took much more than a mouse click to vote.
Then at a LATER date when voting had tapered off, there was a sudden flood of VC votes with NO text cause all you gots to do is click the mouse and stuff the ballot box.
That's what happened.
As to your question of how...I just answered that.
As to your question of why....who the fuck knows.
Why does there have to be a subplot. A conspriacy (especially one with a commerical motive). Why not just accept, and even rejoice, that your well beloved simple and relatively new VapCap came in third amongst all other vaporizers. Just because it didn't come in first place??
We see this "you called my baby ugly" BS all over this site and it does no one any credit.
I'm done with this conversation. If anybody wants to pursue it further, post on
Is there a special technique to produce the biggest clouds possible?
I recently got the Nonavong S, it's a great lil piece that produces great flavor but the cloud production for me has just been average. I am using a mini triple flame torch with the blue flame hitting the base of the cap, but still when I put this through my 12" beaker bong I barely notice the chamber being filled with vapor.
The nonavong fits kinda loosely and deep in a 14mm female where only the carb hole and edge of the stem stick out from the joint. This make it difficult to pull out the piece without touching the hot cap.
Is the loose fit an issue for vapor production?
Should I bring the cap even closer to the flame?
Pack the herb chamber even tighter?
Is the chamber size for the woody/nonavong adjustable?
I like the vapecritic's reviews in general. But I am also in the camp that it makes more sense that he closed the poll because he didn't like the results, as well as how they all came in at once. Your/his explanation is certainly more pc though. This is a very enthusiastic bunch, and when we found out about the poll here it was already late. If we had started voting earlier and staggered them a bit, the vapcap would have probably won by a landslide. All I wrote when I voted was vapcap, because I figured that's all he needed besides a valid email to discourage multiple voting. If there was a requirement for my vote to count where I was supposed to provide justification for my vote or background on myself, I must have missed that part.It turns out the Vapcritic closed his poll becausd he fetl it was being compromised by a stream of vapcap voters, many not giving any reason for their vote, or background. He seems genuine in this, so fair game I guess.
It turns out the Vapcritic closed his poll becausd he fetl it was being compromised by a stream of vapcap voters, many not giving any reason for their vote, or background.
He seems genuine in this, so fair game I guess.
I like the vapecritic's reviews in general. But I am also in the camp that it makes more sense that he closed the poll because he didn't like the results, as well as how they all came in at once. Your/his explanation is certainly more pc though. This is a very enthusiastic bunch, and when we found out about the poll here it was already late. If we had started voting earlier and staggered them a bit, the vapcap would have probably won by a landslide. All I wrote when I voted was vapcap, because I figured that's all he needed besides a valid email to discourage multiple votes. If there was a requirement for my vote to count where I was supposed to provide justification for my vote or background on myself, I must have missed that part.
.......................................................................................................The best vape critics reside within this forum and even within this thread in particular.
We all already know the truth.![]()
Ah, that's a little weird...No XL Dynastashs' to be found either.![]()
It's no secret that he receives compensation if people use his referral links. It's fair for him to question the integrity of the voting, and its just as fair for us to question his intentions for closing the poll.
Is there a special technique to produce the biggest clouds possible?
I recently got the Nonavong S, it's a great lil piece that produces great flavor but the cloud production for me has just been average. I am using a mini triple flame torch with the blue flame hitting the base of the cap, but still when I put this through my 12" beaker bong I barely notice the chamber being filled with vapor.
The nonavong fits kinda loosely and deep in a 14mm female where only the carb hole and edge of the stem stick out from the joint. This make it difficult to pull out the piece without touching the hot cap.
Is the loose fit an issue for vapor production?
Should I bring the cap even closer to the flame?
Pack the herb chamber even tighter?
Is the chamber size for the woody/nonavong adjustable?
Is that a Nonavong Stem plus an S mouthpiece? Hmmmm...Got a Nonavong-XLS on the way.
Thanks Vapor_Eyes.@Smokey McVape Don't take anything personal, we are only trying to be helpful!
In practice I find my OG is no more likely to combust than my Ti tip models if you respect the click. After your most recent comment about jet black ABV I think I know what's going on.
When I first got my Omni I often thought I was combusting because the ABV would end up almost black. It had been a while since I had last combusted so I forgot the taste. I was also using mostly convection vaporizers which don't darken your materials as much, especially at the mid-range temps I usually use. With my VapCaps I like to go for high temp extractions and this results in nearly black ABV if completely extracted.
After a while of getting this near black ABV I had an incident of actual combustion. The taste was unmistakable and foul.
It will also linger and affect the flavor of your next chamber. With a near-black extraction my next chambers always taste fresh and delicious. Not so when I have accidentally combusted.
A standard high temp extraction doesn't taste amazing in the last few hits, but it certainly tastes a lot better than combustion. The smoke will linger in the air and have a yellow tinge. Vapor will disperse within 15-20 seconds.
I will say the OG seems to reach a higher temp at the click. If you are going for lower temp extractions the Ti tip is probably a better choice. I think it is a little easier to "adjust" the temp with the Ti tips. The solid glass surface seems to achieve a more consistent temp across the chamber no matter where you heat. The grooves in the Ti tips seem to insulate the top from the bottom if that makes sense, so if you're heating near the cap the bottom of the chamber walls won't get as hot with Ti as it will with glass.
I'm no engineer so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
I almost always heat past the click and I go for that near black ABV most of the time. This usually takes 3-5 heating cycles. If I only do two heating cycles I end up with a medium-brown ABV. Then I get a cycle or two and end up with dark brown ABV. The next cycle or two are whispy clean up hits that end in near black ABV.
In short, I think you will be more pleased with the performance of the Ti tip over the glass. It is easier to dial in the low temps. Also, you may not want to do a full amount of heating cycles, when you have some extra time, wait for everything to cool down and check the chamber contents between heating cycles to find your preferred stopping point, which you can use as a reference in the future.
Also, it is easier to get low temps in any model with a loose pack versus a tight pack. Coarser grind is also better for low temps, or even not grinding at all.
For what it's worth I pack mine full of medium grind, .10 grams, heat past the click for two seconds, and never have problems with combustion in any of my models unless I'm too medicated and forget to wait for the cool down click before reheating. That's only happened a couple times.
Don't come at me acting like I "questioned his integrity" because I wanted to say something about other reasons he could've ended the poll. I don't actually have anything against him ending the poll for that reason whether its true or not. I don't actually judge if he got irritated with vapcap fanboys and closed it- I also don't care if he had a financial motive for closing the poll, hell, I might have closed it too if I were him. And that's because the results are pretty much there now either way- the Vapcap has established itself as a heavyweight contender in the market, which can be seen even with the poll closed. That's the part I'm glad to see and the point has been made now. So whether i'm right or wrong about the financial motive doesn't matter: 1) I labeled it a speculation so your angry response was futile, and 2) you must have assumed that I was irritated that he closed the poll, which I wasn't. Oh speaking of straw man fallacies, that's actually what you're doing to me. For you to say that I questioned his integrity and "spread fake news" is more of a straw man fallacy than anything I said; you're putting thoughts into my head to make it easier for you to attack me. I labeled it speculation precisely so I wouldn't get shat on the way you're shitting on me. In fact, I made the point in Bud's favor that there are a bunch of rabid vapcap fanboys who may have spoiled the poll, which you conveniently skipped over in your tirade. Lol. Sad, really.You do understand that this site also makes money off of sponsor clicks and other features, right.
I don't agree that its fair for him to question Bud's integrity. He had absolutely not one shred of evidence to support questioning his integrity (and he admitted as such when he labeled it 'speculation') and neither do you.
He does not get money from S&B. You will not find a link direct to sales at S&B. He does have sponsorship and links from a number of large retail outlets that many of us also tend to like....puffitup, vapornation, etc. and he is very up front about it.
Another note, EVERY critic and MJ related website out there gets money from industry...every one of them.
As far as Bud favoring S&B vapes....I dunno....I favor Porches....because they make a GREAT fucking auto. Consider that a bit.
I say to you and others want to question his integrity....then have some yourself and post your thoughts and speculation over on his forum and to his face.
I keep thinking that the only reason for you guys to complain about the poll and question Bud's character is because your little darling didn't win the beauty contest. Sad, really.
Well said, @needalift. No more talk of the poll here, please. Take it to PMs if you want to discuss that stuff.@ everybody , it's just a poll , forget about it and pick up a vapcap ( or whatever vape you prefer ) and enjoy .
Just in case you guys aren't spending enough money this weekend already, I noticed the Scorch Tactical dual jet torch is back in stock on Amazon. I got a lot of questions about it when I posted a picture with it and my amboyna burl VonG last month, but it was backordered.