Ok, convinced :-)
I have now ordered the M and the fat mouthpiece. The Vaposhop has no spare parts. Unfortunately you are already used to it as a European ;-)
Hi all, received my M today. Dynavap sent it out on the 4th came on the 13th so 9 days from the States to Oz
Thanks to Dynavap
Okay, maybe a lttle too much passion somethimes. When I see a good thing, I like to shout about it. George does genuinely care about making everybody happy.@Alexis, don't lay it on so thick. "George's selfless altruism"?? For sure DV has a really great CS and CC, but altruistic?? That let's me wipe off the tears...
It's getting nearly quasi religious. What's coming next? UCVC (United Church of VapCap)?
It pains me to read this (people getting used to not being able to order spare parts in Europe). We try to always stock spare/replacement parts for the models we carry. As I indicated in an earlier post, this week we received various DynaVap spares - these are currently being added to the website (the first parts are up; https://www.vaposhop.com/vaporizer_accessoires/vaporizer-parts/?filter=26-138).
Apologies for the delay in this, thanks for your support! (and enjoy your M!)
EDIT: Maybe I could reorder O-rings, my order has not been shipped yet.
Im curious about this too, I would give them a call or email to find out. It was many pages ago in this thread that they posted a pic of them, so we know they've been made. Unless im wrong and those were Omni MP's..
Sometimes the Omni needs to be broken in.... if you are twisting the mouthpiece of an assembled Omni and your airflow does not move from completely open to completely cut off, then you may need to adjust the condenser/mp outside the body.
- pull the mouthpiece and condenser out of the body.
- unscrew the mp from the condenser so that it resembles the image below on the far right. Unscrew it as far as it will go without becoming disconnected.
You can see the threaded condenser tube by itself below as well as fully threaded into the mouthpiece and mostly threaded out.
Reinsert the condenser and mp into the body making sure the mp is pushed tight to the body. This should effectively block the air intake as the now longer condenser will go father up into the neck of the tip sealing it off.
I hope this works for you.
Okay, maybe a lttle too much passion somethimes. When I see a good thing, I like to shout about it. George does genuinely care about making everybody happy.
Yes Dynavap will surely be very successful finacially, but I really I really dont think money is what motivates him deep down.
He wants to provide a service to the world, and change people's lives for the better, bringing them joy, and he will go far out of his way to see that happen. To me that is technically altrusim of sort, that is what I meant really.
Vapcap= joy!![]()
My picture was of an earlier version. The differences are, I believe the softer mp profile and there is one less oring on the mp as you mentioned.My condenser does not have any threads. The Center O ring is fixed on the enlarged piece. Also These condensers do not look anything like mine. I ordered a Omni Blackwood and it has two o rings next to the mouthpiece not three and no threads on the condenser tube other than the ones for the omni adjustment.
My picture was of an earlier version. The differences are, I believe the softer mp profile and there is one less oring on the mp as you mentioned.
The only threads on the Omni condenser are those that allow you to screw the mp onto the condenser and that adjusts the length of the condenser and how far it pushes into the tip.
Both the newer version and previous version operate the same.
I am happy to hear that you are able to adjust your Omni condenser now!!!Now I turned the mouthpiece a couple turns and then pushed it back into the body and it effectively closes off the carb.
Yes. The only threads on the condenser are those that adjust the mp.Oh and there are no threads on my condenser tube other than the ones to adjust the mouthpiece.
Me too!The Omni has quickly become the only device I use on a daily basis,
ike many people i am of the opinion that the higher end vapcaps seem overpriced, but as payback for the good customer service i will get an omni further down the line and make my own mind up, and i will definitely be trying to convert my combusting mates to M users!
I strongly reject the first part of this assertion..
but from a more general perspective i think more would lean to my thinking. I should probably also add that i think most vapes are overpriced for what they are.
I'm not interested in arguing with you, but this is also irresponsible. "Think" all you want... plenty people bought the OG, and then multiple OGs after that, when the first broke due to the nature of the material. Overpriced? Not to those people.