My first 24 Hours with A Dynavap M: The very basics !
* Exothermal conduction vaporizer. ..Mainly ..
Ideal as a splifshooter ,or a microdoser ,or as a quick session and perfect as an EDC vaporizer .
* ~ 19 grams of 316L stainless -aka surgical-steel alloy .
Design of each individual part is exceptional.
Machining is very precise.
Finishing is rather CNC basic / default .
The parts fit to each other very smoothly .
Amazing job done overall !
* The cap resembles in design an old type bullet casing.
Actually the "enclosing" of the two "clickers" is made like on bullet casings .
There is a certain way to use the scoop of the cap ( and the cap itself as a container)
to collect the whole spent herb (ABV ) without a single speckle falling outside the cap !
* Quick guide ! How to use it !
Heating with single flame jet (torch) lighter .
Found that actually there are three zones /lines/tracks /paths of heating.
The "
DY " zone

,the closest to the clickers ,offers the most of taste and aromas ,
during it's
CTC (click to click) inhaling sessions.
On the other end ,towards the scoop,is the "
NA" zone .
Blast it for some time and get ready for massive clouds and mind-blowing ,rapid effects !
The "
YN" zone that rests in the middle of the two ends ,shares abit of both worlds.
It's the golden section,indeed !
! Thoughts about playing with fire !
* Fats,oils,resins and other organics under high temperature dehydrate ,
degrade and finally become pure carbon residues.
The latter under the same conditions (of high temperature)
may react with some elementsof the 316L alloy
and may stain permanently the cap's surface.
So ,better be safe than sorry and always clean
the cap from fingerprints and other
debris before the torch ritual even takes place.
*Keeping the torch lighter i such way that the inner
blue jet flame burns close to the cap ,may result to a glow red spot
if mishandled ,quite easily.
This act can burn up the carbon of the steel alloy
( into CO2 gas )in the long term,while it changes rapidly
the alloy's crystalline structure and
of course it's mechanical & corrosion resistance properties.
Thus it may aid to severe oxidation and degradation
or even total failure of the material .
Keeping the inner blue jet flame close to the cap
promotes also combustion of the load.
So, always keep a distance from the inner blue flame.
The goal is to evenly heat a specific zone,
in order to provide
gradually the needed heat
in order to achieve a successful vaporization.
Not to create a hot-
glow red actually -spot ,ideal for forging the cap !
Neither to melt or weld the cap to the tip ...
Inhaling !
1)With the carb hole fully closed :
Mouth to lung deep draws needed (the ones that make chicks go "inside"),
exactly as smoking.
Vapor is thick and dense ,but rather suprisingly, an easy comer regarding it's temperature.
Short bursts of draws will create massive amounts of rock-dense vapour ,
the perfect intro scene as you begin to sail into the misty oceans of euphoria .
2) With the the carb hole fully open :
Direct lung draws are possible.
Incoming ethereal delight is a mixture of air and herb vapours,quite easy and smooth.
Caution : Prolonged inhaling with the carb open lowers the temperature of the tip.
Thus the cool down click will be heard sooner than if otherwise.
* Any possible combination of heating and inhaling techniques described above ,
will have substantially different effects and final results /outcomes ,
regarding the whole experience of vaping with the device.
*M can be used with a body set-up or stem set-up,
without actually the need to buy any separate parts !
At the pic the M with it's-unusual- stem set-up !
* The device is the absolute vaporizer for the year 2017 !
Should be awarded with an Oscar ,Nobel ,Pulitzer ,something ...
With everything,actually !
See ya on the next click !
Cheers .