And perfect timing for me to come rolling back in...
My time in the wilderness

has been fruitful, and I have learned much: for one thing, I've learned to heat the dang' thing correctly in the first place...I had "remembered" George's heating video inside-out somehow all my complaints about my vapcap experience are revealed as complaints about my lack of clue about THAT, first of all.
Next, I have no idea why I was having the results with the CCDs that I was having - tho I
WAS having them; I have employed
DynaLowRider's nut-and-bolt method and have made it work better than it (seating the CCDs) worked before, which doubled my efficiency (or more so) - and that before I saw the light on heating

...still developing skill & sensitivity there.
Still no clue about the condenser & the tip bore - but I'm getting visible resin build-up now...
I believe my 14mm vong body issue is due to my using an 18-to-14 adapter...which the vong body doesn't really mesh with at all.
DynaLowRider's suggestion of hookah hose grommets was a great idea...the hookah guy sent me to the heady space next door, I got samples...none work in the adapter: so the 14mm adapter is out. SAD!
I tried the grommet + vong trick in the native 18mm female joint, but that was as much fail in the one direction as the 14m attempt had been in the other. I will likely wait for things to stabilize around here (ie,
my life) before exploring alternatives. Oh well.
So here today, I am back

, I am adequately medicated

, I feel like I've got my gear and my tech synch

- and I'm waiting for my new pair o' Ms

Huge thanks to George, Matt, Arielle, Squiby, the Vaporist, Vapor Eyes, and to this fine and fun community!
With the spinning mouthpiece is there still a need to feather the carb. Or can I set to to were the vapor is thicker And just rip it. Will I have a chance of combusting if it is set to the hole closed ?
There is a spinning mouthpiece that aids in heating, and there is a "spinning mouthpiece" in the sense that the Omni condenser is two-piece, and gets longer or shorter by turning the mouthpiece (it DOESN'T spin); this means that you can't "set" a Woody - or other non-Omni - to your preferred vapor AND you can't spin them as a heating aid.
None of this has to do with carburation, and closing the carburetor increases the resistance to the inhale - not the temperature of your bowl! If you combust, you've overheated. I mostly use the carb in bursts, after the first big pull - I think I've noticed that using the carburetor speeds the cool-down click, so I use it to pull 'what's left in the chamber' at the end.
I have a stupid question since I dont have an Omni --- Since the spinning action of a Omni mouthpiece adjusts the airflow, does that mean it cannot be infinitely spun in 1 direction for heatup the way I spin my Ti Woody-S?
Or does the Omni MP continue free-spinning after youve reached the points of maximum/minimum airflow adjustment?
to reiterate the above:
(I suspect that's part of the reason for the o-rings)
There's no definition of spinning, much less "free spinning" that includes "turnable by deliberate force". It WILL NOT turn on its own. It's a two-handed operation, and therefore pretty deliberate. No spinning action.
That said, once you've unscrewed the two pieces of the condenser, you can continue to "unscrew" them for as long as you like - but as I say, it's a two-handed process and would come to seem pointless after a bit. I suspect that once you'd tightened them fully, the whole condenser would turn then, but that would be even more effort than the other, which just turns the mouthpiece (short) end.