The M is neat looking for sure! Great price from a great company.
I won't be getting one, simply because my Carbon Omni and Full Spectrum Ti Omni are working flawlessly, and have been doing so every single day since getting them in October 2016.. nearly 6 months ago. They're perfect! VAS satisfied, completely. While the new look Omni I saw quite a few pages back is absolutely beautiful, I wouldn't get one simply because putting a torch to it would be like torching a piece of jewelry.
The Full Spectrum is still scratch-free, she's my at-home vape.
The Carbon gets used at home and out and about. More stealthy than a full spectrum of colours!!
I love both of them, you can tell because both the caps have the same blackening around the bottom of them. My husband and I share, (but they're both mine!!

ha!) puff then pass, so simple to use.
I dream of the day when I see people openly 'capping in public. Maybe then Aussies will actually be as relaxed as the media has always told us (and everyone else) that we are.

I don't visit FC very often anymore, I just assume everyone is as happy with their VapCaps as I am. lol