Don't fall of the wall of late reply
That's nice to see your black cap from times to times, always reminding me some S&W beauties
However, this stem is wonderful and absolutely classy as hell.
The refinement of it, the mouthpiece integration, the overall smooth design...
This is reminding me my old Montblanc pen, you had achieved a true masterpiece
The picture is doing justice to your work!
Kudos too about changing the paper towel for a nicer fabric
Nice family picture! The blackwood NV stem is gorgeous!
I'm eager to know if my custom NV will be achievable! I absolutely love this unusual design.
One question about the middle stash, wich wood is it?
I think that's the first time I saw it, and it doesn't look like the cedar one we saw before.
When I ordered Last Tuesday I was unable to create an account so I had to order with out signing up. At the end of the process I was surprised to see I was not able to choose shipping options (I might have missed it. I was not smoking

) and then I was not able to send a note to accompany the order to ask for quicker shipping.
I had gone to the site a few times trying to find a phone number to call but did not locate it. I was confused when I clicked contact us and all it provided was a link to the bottom of the home page where it appeared to me you could only write a note. I tried to write a note but it said that the email address was not good. It was on Friday I finally noticed that the logo that said "719-Dynavap" was the phone number. The color and blend made it difficult to realize it was the phone number. Classy logo .. Im just saying I had difficulty finding a phone number.
I went to order some screens, some O rings and I thought I would ask for the extra glass body I had been offered. I tried to create an account prior to placing this order but it would not let me stating I needed to use a different email address (just a standard gmail address) So once again I had to order without setting up an account and there was no option to send a message with the order. I think that the site does not let you use the same address for an account as you have already used for an order without an account.
First, welcome in the DynaBoat

Second, I'm sure that
@Web&App will be interested by your quote, he's the one in charge of the website
I got my Dynastashes back and the holes are fixed perfectly.

I'm extremely happy with my Dynavap experience, thanks George and Matt!
Man you should see a doctor, you seems to suffer from the worst case of V.C.A.S, as a treatment you should immediately send me half of your stuff,in order to respect the symmetry (wich you and me seems to like a lot

Dude, you vaped 5gs of reclaimed goo???!?! THAT is hard-core.... I have scored none so far, tho I've been using mine daily for more than a month now...then again, I find there's little match-up between "how much vapor (or other trace)" and the height of the lift...I just keep doing it until the bowl is the right (dark) color, then start on another bowl.
I seem to get more predictable results from using my regular grinder; I have a coarser piece, but that hasn't turned to my benefit. I find my only nug success w/ DRY material.
Still, only a month...much to learn
Ahah hopefully I haven't! Not sure I'll be awake at this time if I did it

I was talking about the blob coming from the end if the condenser, but my sentence isn't really correct, forgot to say "usually I store it".
But this blob was huge, gave me 13 thick hit, sending me right in orbit
Have you clean your condenser yet? Because one month of daily use without cleaning, this is gonna be a lot of reclaim!!
What you see coming from the end of my condenser is just two weeks of daily (and heavy) use!
Let us know your results
A small suggestion here. Before you load up any vape. While still cool, and you are not "Vaked". learn about your purchase. When nice and new and clean the VapCap fits like a glove together. No gooey, sticky, stuck mess. At that time you will see how precise these little beauties are. There is a lot of science here not nearly appreciated enough. George is a pretty smart fella. Doc
These are the words of truth, this isn't said enough!
Some people think that is just metal bits and wood, but when you understand what it is behind, you know that George is a clever guy, and so humble...
When others tries to sell you common stuff with magical words, George sell you magical stuff with common words...
@Kozzmozz I asked George at the time when I happened upon the idea if he'd do some small adhesive disc's with a selection of hole sizes.
I jokingly called them Dynadots. March 2016 I took the glass picture.
Kapton tape works well and it's used in quite a few different electronic vapes in areas where they get very hot, it's a lot less noticeable than paper.
Kapton tape is a fucking good invention, never detach, resist to both high and low temperature, electric isolation..... Used in the aerospace world...
I still hate Dupont, let make some Hemp Kapton made of polyhemp
@TheVaporist Thanks and congrats to your - as ever - sophistacated pics!
Thanks to you man, I'm always glad to enjoy us!
Another week and another beautiful picture!

I really like how the reflection is a double image because of the angle the mirror is at. It almost gives an effect like a rippling pool of water. The mood is mysterious with this one! Have you been watching film noirs?
"Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
Ahah, just by reading "film noirsy" I was thinking about Sunset Boulevard, and here you are!
I wasn't thinking about that at the time of my picture, but I can feel that atmosphere now you had said it.
The inspiration for this one was initially the Monolith from 2001, but I wasn't able to achieve my vision of it so the picture had evolved into this, an etheral picture of the vapcap
It's been a while since I've posted a picture here. I've got an order in the works but I thought I'd take it back to where it all started, the OmniVap.
I guess I'm the type that likes to jump in the deep end, I went for the top of the line model for my first purchase. I wasn't worried about being disappointed because of all the positive reviews in this thread.
I had been watching the VapCap thread and was waiting for the Omni to come off of preorder status. Then one day, I got in, they had them available at Puffitup! A couple of days later I got to see what all the fuss was about.
Hey double quote, how lazy I am

Your story is the same as mine, I discovered the VC thread back in January 2016, lurking the thread for a few months and in July I went straight to the Omnivap pre order.
As you after reading all the thread, I was sure to be amazed by this amazing piece of engineering, and I'm still amazed today!
However, nice picture! The balance of it is nice (and maybe unstable?

) hopefully there isn't wind inside
However.. I was asking some Vapcap questions on Reddit and someone told me they're coming out with a Vapcap "M" before April which is made of stainless steel and will retail in the $50 range. This sounds like it might seriously be an option in terms of entry point for me. It'll let me really test drive the system and not feel bad about getting an Omni later.
Thanks for bringing this to our knowledge, I wasn't aware of it personally!
And that's a great thing to see a metal counterpart of the OG, this is gonna sell really well as a starting metal VC!