I agree that the sexy girls aren't needed and don't add information or allure to the website. The display of Vapcaps are enticing enough and they, in and of themselves, are super sexy.
The Vapcap is a beautiful classy effective device and I would promote those aspects.
I would focus on images that provide additional visual detail for the buyer. Perhaps replace the vapor leaking girls with Vapcap displays.
I've always thought that the
@VapCap avatar, was spot on. It is a nice shot, focuses on the device and its size in relation to the hand holding it.
The "Home" page shot of the Omnivap is perfect.
I like the image heading up the "About" page. it focusses on the product and gives a sense of proportion.
How about a bouquet of Vapcaps attractively displayed with some stashes together in one shot with another hand in there for the "Accessory" page.
The "Parts" page could feature a pic that plays up the modular aspect of the Vapcap. Perhaps an attractive display of bodies, stems, condensers and mps, with a couple of hands in the process of switching components.
The "Merchandise" page pic could be someone wearing a t-shirt and cap, drinking from the mug with a Vapcap in the other hand, on a park bench or at a Sun filled morning breakfast table etc.

. Every image would feature the Vapcap.