Oh totally, my UFO for example I got a technique going in the end. I still stand by my “cheap crap” comment though, it’s just cheap crap both me and yourself are experienced enough to make work. Many others are not though
If I used a new cap and pulsed two seconds at a time I would get perfect consistent results - although at that point it’s not that much less hassle than a torch.
I found that I much prefer one I can just sit the VC in and wait for the click.
Hope you enjoy the wand by the way man, it’s a great purchase IMO. I really like mine and have found the versatility of it to be its biggest strength - in theory you could heat a 5 fin, then a 20m, then a tandem, and then an Anvil without missing a beat. The swappable 18650’s make it great for camping trips and the like too
@Demonic chronic I have both of the EXACT same torches as you! A man of great taste I see

That first one with the black fuel tank just keeps going and going, I get 3 days of heavy use easy. My local head shop sells them for £4 with different wraps on them and they’re a big favourite with the DV guys and gals
They’re made by a brand called Prof if anyone else wants one - they also make one with a Swiss Army knife attached which is a bit different