George, you have a way of keeping me on the edge of my seat with excitement for this device. Great video!Here are two in use videos for the VapCap and PyroVap. Enjoy
George, you have a way of keeping me on the edge of my seat with excitement for this device. Great video!Here are two in use videos for the VapCap and PyroVap. Enjoy
You are definitely looking more comfortable in front of the camera George. By the PyroVap video it all looked very natural, good work. Being filmed is hard, you are doing well.
Looking forward to eventually getting the VapCap! Will definitely be expanding my order by the time it gets released.
Ti Woody + glass body + magnetic stand + ??? + ???
*cough*dugout*cough*A magnetic stand would be great but maybe something more elegant and discreet… In wood maybe? With place for a couple VapCaps?
Great vids George! Can't wait to get hold of both VC and PV!
As always, feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to answer them.
I hope you're liking it! Personally I would love a comparison to the Vapman, seeing as you are a fan of that also. I love my Vapman and hoping this provides a similar experience.
Hey @VapCap, I was thinking about how to clean this vape and I was wondering if you could make the inside of the Ti bowl more roundish maybe so there's no edge and it's easier to clean with an iso'ed q-tip.
Glad i pre-ordered...hope the price increase is not too bad..would like to get another oneLast Call.
I will be increasing the price on the VapCap and PyroVap tomorrow afternoon central time. I also am scheduled to receive some really cool things in the mail tomorrow. Pictures will be here as soon as I can get them up. Really looking forward to the Cup this Weekend. I'll be on my way there tomorrow afternoon.
lolololol...i did the exact opposite..i pre-ordered the i want to get a basic for my son!!!Feeling the same. Ordered one this morning before the price increase, but I still have my eye on the woody one too. so hoping the increase isn't to up there