Nomad #111

Well-Known Member
Too bad friend @Squiby felt unwelcome at FC after she (rightly IMHO) complained about
An expensive wooden stem which cracked.

The seller seemed to have been dragging his heels about his replacement/refund/response. Etc.

:wave:She has since been MIA, I miss my friend (she is at the “other” site) here.
I had some communication with Austyn. He seems like a good guy. Im international and UPS not delivering here. I went down quite a rabbit hole looking for another seller. Seems vendors are wary to ship internationally atm but looks like Puffitup are going to be able to sort me out. Hopefully Im now getting a short Simrell stem and a Phatt Piggie stem. Puffitup really is a great vendor. Always experienced excellent customer service from them.


What is "waterworks" ?

Do you mean your trying to make a IH that is small enough and easy enough to use on a vapcap that is already in the you do not have to pull the vapcap out of the IH and then put in the rig?
Sorry @LabPong - I bundle any wet accessory as "waterworks" for lack of an all inclusive term with vape related paraphernalia.

I hadn't though long about targeting a fitted unit or permanent installment, or even a full rig concept. I have trouble visioning user desires at this level. My mind is stuck on a "lighter with no flame" concepts. Right now I see two concepts, one being a corded wand which the new Flix will cover as a product and the next is a fully portable compact IH.

To be honest, the though about how one would interface with a permanently mounted rig. I stopped the thought process at about the place you'd have to restrict the VapCap in some way, like a specific joint, stem or whatever. I don't see a tool like that being much different to use then, say, the 710 coils. That is not to say that someone can't take the reduced HalfPint circuit and rig it to a 14mm glass joint. I'm seeing some usability issues with the tip and IH wanting to share the same space. Doable but in my mind, inconvenient.

I'm all open to ideas. You know I won't be creating a product but I love doing market analysis of sorts. How can you go wrong with such an interesting subject matter. "We need more testing! Okay :D"

@b0vver - Great Image! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Sorry @LabPong - I bundle any wet accessory as "waterworks" for lack of an all inclusive term with vape related paraphernalia.

I hadn't though long about targeting a fitted unit or permanent installment, or even a full rig concept. I have trouble visioning user desires at this level. My mind is stuck on a "lighter with no flame" concepts. Right now I see two concepts, one being a corded wand which the new Flix will cover as a product and the next is a fully portable compact IH.

To be honest, the though about how one would interface with a permanently mounted rig. I stopped the thought process at about the place you'd have to restrict the VapCap in some way, like a specific joint, stem or whatever. I don't see a tool like that being much different to use then, say, the 710 coils. That is not to say that someone can't take the reduced HalfPint circuit and rig it to a 14mm glass joint. I'm seeing some usability issues with the tip and IH wanting to share the same space. Doable but in my mind, inconvenient.

I'm all open to ideas. You know I won't be creating a product but I love doing market analysis of sorts. How can you go wrong with such an interesting subject matter. "We need more testing! Okay :D"

@b0vver - Great Image! Thanks!

Got it.....I did not know what you were trying to achieve that is not already achieved. I guess I am still a bit unsure as to what your trying to accomplish exactly in regards to using the vapcap with it.

I am the totally opposite type of thinker......I see needs and then design/build outward from there. lol

Marlon Rando

Well-Known Member
Too bad friend @Squiby felt unwelcome at FC after she (rightly IMHO) complained about
An expensive wooden stem which cracked.

The seller seemed to have been dragging his heels about his replacement/refund/response. Etc.

:wave:She has since been MIA, I miss my friend (she is at the “other” site) here.
Long time stark,
Yep she's a mod on VA (pop in once a while there)
Good people. Gonna go fire up some GSC
One luv DV! :wave::leaf:


Understood @LabPong . My thought process is too fluid to come up with a solid image of what is needed. Its just not coalescing.
The study parameters are simple enough. Heat-suck-enjoy. It's this last part that's fraught with unknowns.
Heat vapcap with IH coil while on a water adapter.
User cannot be subjected to excessive temperatures or burn risks from being stoned.
How to fill the VapCap?
How to empty the VapCap?
How to remove the VapCap from the water adapter?
Is the IH integral to the water rig?
Can the user use their own choice of stems?
Is it a corded device?

That's what my brain does and guess what... there is no one home to answer any of these questions so I ask here.
Therefore, for me to reduce the number of design elements to contend with I'd have to practice the art before trying to improve on it.
Unfortunately, my situation doesn't allow that at this time so my mind will remain in flux until such time that a literal "D'oh" hits me to move forward.
So the best I can do regarding an optimal water rig IH setup is brainstorm possibilities with you guys.
If I'm not being clear, or somehow my information doesn't sound right, I will endeavor to provide the context needed.

I would love to see a build of an IH water rig implementation project to ferret out some of those "catch 22's" our brains so easily allow.


You're right of course @CybrGuy - the VC is just one option that works well with IH. I guess in exploring @Bad Dog 's use-case, it is implied that the VC is the IH's target.

Now making an IH vape from scratch - doable. I will say one thing I enjoy about the VC with the IH besides on-demand use; I like not having the heater attached as I top off the lungs. I guess I'm saying VapCap makes it simple. We could loose the click though :cool: I'd have to look carefully at DV's current patents to even consider moving in that direction.


Lonesome Planet
Long time stark,
Yep she's a mod on VA (pop in once a while there)
Good people. Gonna go fire up some GSC
One luv DV! :wave::leaf:

Hey. Helios! Long time, indeed!

I see you at VA occasionally. :cheers::spliff:

Miss you here, Bud! :tup:


I had some communication with Austyn. He seems like a good guy. Im international and UPS not delivering here. I went down quite a rabbit hole looking for another seller. Seems vendors are wary to ship internationally atm but looks like Puffitup are going to be able to sort me out. Hopefully Im now getting a short Simrell stem and a Phatt Piggie stem. Puffitup really is a great vendor. Always experienced excellent customer service from them.

Stellar! Enjoy your experience.
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Sweet. Put the XL-condenser in the stem as it would normally look. Be sure the air port is not blocked.
Put the VC together as normal. The condenser will sit right behind the screen/CCD.
Your grind will be a loose pack and the load will breath easy.
Now heat it and hit it without blocking the air port.


toke down Babylon
Sweet. Put the XL-condenser in the stem as it would normally look. Be sure the air port is not blocked.
Put the VC together as normal. The condenser will sit right behind the screen/CCD.
Your grind will be a loose pack and the load will breath easy.
Now heat it and hit it without blocking the air port.

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toke down Babylon
@TommyDee I don't know who else is game. But, I been playing Legos all night.

Love that XL condenser set-up. I asked the other day about "carbless" stems. I tried it out last night with my makers block with a plugged hole. I like your XL condenser set-up better. By the way, even better air flow at "half mast" (CCD in the smaller bowl position).

Thanks for the heads up.


:cool: yea, mine is pretty new. I got it to learn more about it. Today I learned the bore of the Ti tip is smaller than the SS allowing for a bit more back-pressure. What this does in practice is that it gives you a more relaxed draw experience while still putting ample pull on the load. It kinda came up as a mimic for an Omni.
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