The key to big clouds with a VC is to heat it past the click. You have to sort of get in tune with it so you know how far past you can go before combustion. Just myI don't think it has been as bad for me, but I have been trying for some time to find the experience that many others talk about with the vapcap. I have been working on it off and on for several years, in fact just recently updated with a new SS tip and longer body. My experiences are sometimes good but never what I see in other reviews. I so want it to be like I watch on Modern Cannabists where Troy and Austin are blowing huge tasty clouds over and over. Not for me. The times I've gotten a huge cloud was when I heated too much and wrecked my throat.
At some point I need to find the sweet spot or cut my losses. I believe the vapcap is a quality product, but it just might not work for me.
Soft metals like aluminium maybe, stainless steel or titanium aren’t affected.Doesn't caustic soda etch metals?
There are 2 things (I believe) at play here;
1) technique; getting huge clouds is not a given with the dynavap, and took me around a month to learn (as my daily ~10 bowls/day) not to mention, it will be a hot and hurty hit
2) when you watch modern cannabists or these YouTube videos, the background and lighting is setup to accentuate the clouds... Try blowing a cloud against a black background, with light illuminating the vape from behind, you'll see a noticeable improvement in perceived cloud size
Very disgruntled Omivap XL Owner:
I still can't get this fucking thing to work on any constant basis... It's been 2 months using this thing once a night... and I still can't produce a cloud worthy hit.. What's the fucking point in using this thing through water when I can't produce enough "dry vapor" even worthy of it?
Again, thanks to the community for trying to help.. But as of yesterday, I have sold my Omnivap Xl on ebay.. for.... $150... not a bad trade off for the huge $250 disappointment this "Dynavap Disappointment" has been for me..
Just as I was disappointed in the E - Nano... I'll be avoiding "Butane Vapes" in the future just as I avoid "Log Vapes" altogether... from this moment forward.
Either I got a defective cap, Or i'm the biggest dumb ass in the world.. but after two months, it's safe to say.. I give up!I'd go with with the the former rather than the latter on this....
I'd rather have my 2 solar panels and 4 power banks that run off of 18650's and a Solo 2 or Mighty than any BUTANE or LOG VAPE any day of the week and twice on sunday in the instance we were evacuated by another California fire or Edison pulls the power plug on us... That's just the way it is... To each their fucking own.. I'm done with Dynavap!
Sorry but as far as word of mouth goes.. this vape lands in the "over rated" hype train for me.
My next vape will definitely be the New Vape Flower Pot V ROD. followed by the Volcano Hybrid.. I've tried the flowerpot V ROD and Volcano Hybrid already... and am blown away.. This is where my $$$ should have went in the first place... Both of these vapes KNOCK ME ON MY ASS in a way that no other has since my Storz and Bickel Plenty!!!!
Do I get high from my Omni XL? Fuck yes!
Can I produce clouds from it? FUCK NO!!!
Have I tried it through water using the Fat Mouthpiece? Yes and it sucked!
Does that first hit from a fresh bowl produce some of the best flavor you ever had? FUCK YES!
It's not to say it's a bad vape.. it does produce results.. I'll admit that!I'm just disappointed with my "visual vapor producing experience" when compared to the likes of this:
My experience hasn't even CAME CLOSE TO THIS if people wonder why I'm so angry:
There are pros and cons to this vape from my experience....
I also want to comment on these "Precious Metals"... but I won't...
I'm just done with this company...
Thanks to those that tried to help.. sincerely... I just don't like this product... I have NEVER gotten it to perform in a consistent fashion since the first day I used it. Maybe I didn't put in the effort? I dunno? Who really gives a shit when I have a perfectly functional plug in vape that works every time CONSISTENTLY unlike my OMNIVAP XL has...
I haven't been this FRUSTRATED with anything before in my life since my first girlfriend... yes really!
That is all...
Sorry George! I just "don't get it!"....
Doesn't caustic soda etch metals? said:Titanium is very resistant to alkaline media including solutions of sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide. Regardless of concentration, titanium generally exhibits corrosion rates of less than or equal to 5 milliinches per year - mpy (0.127 mm/yr). Near nil corrosion rates are exhibited in boiling calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and ammonium hydroxide solutions up to saturation. Despite low corrosion rates in alkaline solutions, hydrogen pickup and possible embrittlement of titanium can occur at temperatures above 170°F (77°C) when solution pH is greater than or equal to 12. Successful application can be achieved where this guideline is observed. said:Both 304 and 316 stainless steel types are resistant to a wide range of concentration and temperature.
Below 80 degC they can be considered resistant to any concentration of sodium hydroxide, up to the limit of solubility.
There can be a risk of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) attack at higher temperatures, which is common to both the 304 and 316 types.
This should not be an issue if service temperatures are limited to a 95 degC maximum.
Winter time here, 4 seconds past the click on my IH to get decent hits. That's indoors. With the more piercing heat of my 3 flame triangle torch it's 4 seconds outside in 35F ambient temps.The key to big clouds with a VC is to heat it past the click. You have to sort of get in tune with it so you know how far past you can go before combustion. Just my![]()
I already posted it but maybe usefull to repost: while not dangerous, the coloured thin layer of oxyde that grows up with heat cycles can be taken away with an ultrasonic bath in a solution of caustic soda (NaOH). In three minutes or so all the rainbow colors outside and black gunk inside will be lost, you will get back your tip like brand new, and it feels nice (and because of the hard black gunk gone, it tastes even a little better)
In the beginning I always thought I want fast extraction but now I realize I like slower extraction more hits. When I use some thing that extracts too fast I feel a little cheated, like "that's it?" But when I get a few nice hits I'm more satisfied.
Do I get high from my Omni XL? Fuck yes!
Can I produce clouds from it? FUCK NO!!!![]()
Sometimes I want it fast, sometimes I want it slow, sometimes I want some of both. That is just one of the beauties of the vapcap, I am in complete control. Others are wanting 381.765 deg. +- .050, meh I don't.
When I started with the VC I respected the click, now it's more of a rough benchmark, sometimes heat to the click or beyond, sometimes not even to the click. I know how it works and the differences in my caps. I have a running count that is natural and instinctive now to track where I'm at.
The heat source and how one uses it also makes a big difference that can be exploited to get the desired results. I think this just develops naturally with use.
Vapcap, the F1 class vape.![]()
Your lungs get thrashed if youre seeing clouds? That sucks man.Fog production is overrated. I value my lungs. YMMV
Talking about how clouds are just to impress and look cool is in itself an attempt to impress and look coolYeah, I personally don't give 2 shits big clouds.
Imho, clouds are more to impress ppl and look cool. It doesn't necessarily TAKE big clouds to get high. I don't partake, to look cool or impress anyone. I partake to enjoy a nice comfortable buzz.