Right, well the only other thing we could do is I contribute $10 to George's website, and tell him it's for you. If we email George/Matt first to ok it, and then they can be on the lookout for your order and my contribution. That way not even your wife needs to know exactly how much your vape cost
If you'd rather the glassy, no worries! But I love wood, and glass breaks easy. Your choice though buddy, but the offer is there
@mrbonsai420 That doesn't sound right, but before you get into sanding it down etc, a few things:
- how is your avb coming out? Is it still green or toasted, or black? (I'm not being condescending, just trying to find out what's going on.
-how are you loading the bowl? I find a loose pack, just scooping some up from my grinder without really tamping down works best for me.
-what torch are you using? Different torches heat the device differently and produce a different session. My single flame turbo takes slightly longer to heat up but seems to heat more thoroughly and produce better clouds than my triple flame.
-how are you drawing on it? How fast are you drawing, and are you using the carb hole (I assume yes because you mentioned not getting any airflow under the cap).
I find with my OG, it takes 2 consecutive heat cycles generally to produce good clouds. It takes time for the glass bowl to gain enough heat. Could I suggest perhaps not sliding the cap fully to the end, leave a mm gap to see if you get better airflow, although if I'm honest, with my finger covering the carb, a barely get any airflow either, but my OG does produce clouds... I don't really cover the carbhole, just sometimes feather it.
Hope we can help get you those clouds you deserve
