@thejackalsmark replace the one closest the tip with an orange, leave the bottom two grey and put 2 orange between them. Ill upload a pic.
I finally got the SS in and seems secure with the right length of tip exposed to trigger the Caldron IH.
I had the O-rings set up on the Shadow M tip the way you had originally described but it just didn't want to seat securely and at the right depth the first try.
Took ALL the O-rings off completely.
Put the first orange just under tip.
Put the two lower Gray's back on.
Then the two orange over and in between them.
2nd try... PROFIT!
Thanks for uploading those pics! They definitely helped confirm that I WASN'T going crazy when I set those Rings up.
There's an ever-so-slight taper to the end of the stem which I assume is to help accommodate a wider range of potential tips, given the proper o-ring usage/placement.
The downside from my testing on this is that it can make the tip fit just a little finicky.
Once I finally finagled everything around a bit and got it in place securely, though, everything was good to go and the stem seems to work just fine with my shadow M tip and titanium tip both.
The little filtration perc near the mouthpiece end of the stem is what really makes this one a winner.
Vapor is smoother and cooler than it was through the OG Chillum stem, in spite of being a good 1/2 inch shorter, because of that little beauty by the mouthpiece plus the extra internal diameter.
She's a good solid stem. I'd recommend her to anybody.
*Just may have to fiddle with your O-rings and the tip placement into the stem a bit when you first set it up.
Bottom line...
Now that she's is set up, this stem will definitely be my new daily for a while!
Happy Vaping!