...and what are you putting in that sensor!Does that Scepter work with or without a condenser and air port?
Did you know that the stuff liturgical churches burn in their sensors is mildly psychoactive?
...and what are you putting in that sensor!Does that Scepter work with or without a condenser and air port?
Does that Scepter work with or without a condenser and air port?
Does that Scepter work with or without a condenser and air port?
I feel the decision "stems" from the following criteriaFound myself unexpectedly in hospital on my birthday this year so of course, to lift my spirits, I did some impulse inter-shopping and yet I believe the rash decision was absolutely the right thing to do. On a whim, I reached out to @Andy Capp on IG just to see what was what and next thing I know, a no condenser/no airport Finster XL is being crafted especially for little old me. Dude just charmed me with his fair prices and no BS business sensibility, I’ll admit it. I’m so bloody stoked for this bad boy to be created because from the moment AC unveiled his premiere offerings, I knew I needed this beauty. Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!
Now the dilemma:
I ask you, dear sisters & brothers, does every VC stem/body in one’s collection deserve its own tip/cap so that if a stem is added, one must acquire more tips & caps or is that a silly notion since one cannot possibly use more than one VC at a time and one should be satisfied with the 6-7 tips/caps one has acquired? I hope you can all see how serious this matter is and respond accordingly.
Not trying to stress anyone out over this problem but I need your answer soon!
What would you do?
This thing has a clock on it folks, I need it before the big freedom sale expires!
Thank you for your time and careful consideration.
This is the quandary that has vexed VapCap stoners since time immortal, or at least since 2015.does every VC stem/body in one’s collection deserve its own tip/cap so that if a stem is added, one must acquire more tips & caps or is that a silly notion since one cannot possibly use more than one VC at a time and one should be satisfied with the 6-7 tips/caps one has acquired? I hope you can all see how serious this matter is and respond accordingly.
If any of you follow 420vapezone on IG, Troy has a stream up showing Simrell's new vortex stem in action. Appears that it's the next step in the evolution of the vc. It'll be up for the next 6 hours if you want to catch it. It starts about 14 min. in.
And he just published his youtube review on it:
thanks for posting your reviewThanks Summer!
For anyone interested, I've also posted a written review with some additional pictures and comparisons.
I know my statements of performance are 'out there' on this piece. The changes in vapor and vapor cooling are subtle, but the combination of the setup and vapor path and whatever cooling effects happening... it all works really well.
I F'n LOVE the omni adjustable airport and I really wish the Vortex had the same (or even just a much smaller airport, similar to how I keep my Omni setup)
But in a reach test, I grab the vortex.
I think the biggest differentiator with the Vortex is the width of the the vapor path/condenser. Standard condenser is 4.2mm internal diameter through the entire vape.
The Vortex condenser only pushes through 2/3 of the vape and its internal diameter is 5mm.
Even without vapor, airport open or closed. With tip, without tip...
Inhaling regular air through the Vortex feels smoother and easier than my other stems and setups.
It's not that it's "cooler", but the airpath makes it feel better.
I realize this is all "feel" and is completely subjective...
I'll loan my Vortex and intercooler out to anyone wanting to give it a try.
Personally I have 6 or 7 (or 8) complete VapCaps and a couple extra tips and caps and condensers waiting for the next stem I must have. I am actually hoping that @stardustsailor shows back up because I still don't have one of his and really would like one, tho that would be my first condenserless VC other than @DDave s wands.Now the dilemma:
I ask you, dear sisters & brothers, does every VC stem/body in one’s collection deserve its own tip/cap so that if a stem is added, one must acquire more tips & caps or is that a silly notion since one cannot possibly use more than one VC at a time and one should be satisfied with the 6-7 tips/caps one has acquired? I hope you can all see how serious this matter is and respond accordingly.
I agree with you on the IH. DV is electricity free so I feel like they should just keep doing that. On the other hand, I dont have an issue with them developing one. It's George's business and I figure he knows way more than I do about the path of the company.subtle
you know what brothers and sisters I may be way outa line I may piss of thethriftdrifter I may piss off George
but if someone wants an IH there are more than one option out there allready. I have a Portside mini. Dynavap Live seldom goes down without someone asking about the DV IH It like a dog that wont let go a bone! Conversly, its like djt who is stuck with a wall he shouldnt have got into, and now cant get rid of it.
What Dynavap does is their call...but my 2cents is that "battery free" is what got them the universe. The flame is whats in their heart and soul. Its the spark that led to all this creativity we all now enjoy. They obviously have had a hard time with this IH thing...I say Hey, take a hint; this is not in keeping with your path ...be true to your vision and save your electricity for anodizing TI.
sorry again for any offence but it pains me to see them with this albatross hanging around their neck
The dog, the bone, Donny...everyone might just be happier and healthie to just let this go
George can tell me to shut the Frack up...or he can make me king for a day and Ill set him free lol
Flame on
Let's get to the next page for our Birthday, whaddya say? 'Merica!!but I now see why this thread is 1775 pages
you know what brothers and sisters I may be way outa line I may piss of thethriftdrifter I may piss off George
got some goodies from TRWW @RogueGuy
the glass stem is well recognized here, but I wanted to give a shoutout regarding his magnetic tools.
The DV cap digger is great when you are on the go
the TRRW tools are an upgrade for Station use.
the magnet will pull and hold a hot cap while cleaning out the tip. Also, a member recently heralded a techique of pulling the cap while drawing vapor. I think he called it steamroller. When I read that I thought of making a tool to do that...as it turns out, Dave already has.
@ElPic, the thermal conductivity K, of SS is about 14K, so, no cigar; however if a spiral
Strip of silver is used instead, you should notice a difference.
Thermal conductivity of silver is ~ 400K.
The low heat conductivity of Ti ( ~20K ) makes it a suitable host as VC stems,
as well as Stainless Steel, with its low conductivity.
Perhaps the “intercooler” may be a pipe dream?
( Glass has a K of 1.05Diamonds are a girl’s/guy’s best friend, with a K of 1000. )
@danielj no worries at all.
My post was a little tongue in cheek, i could not resist.
I must also add, FC is such a cool community.
Word!To all of those in the United States who celebrate it, happy Independence Day America! And let's take a moment to remember, respect, and appreciate, the sacrifices of those who cannot be here to enjoy it with us.