Well-Known Member
You asked.
Yes, a change for the worse...any vaping, btw.
I have to take two-week breaks now and again for my trachea to recover [edibles during].
Hard to believe any claim it'd be good for you.
Pot resin is so sticky on yr delicate tissues. :-)
[Maybe I've tenderized my lungs from decades of second-hand smoke playing nightclubs for so long?]
It probably depends on the frequency of use, your body, the specific vaporizer and how you use it, etc.
There’s a big difference between using a VapCap for 3 light heat cycles a day and using it at near combustion temps 30 times a day for example. Or setting a moderate temp on a conduction device vs a high temp on a short stemmed convection one.
Cannabis (apart from smoking) has actually been shown to help with asthma though, and I think the same effect may also help the breathing of users without asthma.