Yeah fuck you.
J/K of course but I can't wait for the time when I can walk in a store and order off a menu. Just can't come soon enough.
Massachusetts = “civilized” ?
In time Illinois will follow, toot sweet!
INSA seems to want to build their customer base up, randomly giving out discount cards, allowing
You to get back in line despite limits per “visit”. Talked to friendly chatty patrons from
New Hampshire, Connecticut, even from the City. Imagine.
I think I will try to get a “medical” card, no waiting in line, no limits.
INSA will for every $50 spent, give a $50 store credit, up to $200, thus in effect reembursing the $200 medical fee. Sweet.
Showing off my Shad-dow! #167 while waiting in line.
(BTW no waiting in line when pre-ordering online, but then you miss the camaraderie chatting
With your neighbors in line)