I really do not want to derail the thread but I feel that I should make some notes ,after reading the last couple of pages of this thread .
First .If something is made in China that does not necessarily means that is of bad or mediocre quality .
Actually the 5-12 V ZVS I.H. module is made of very few parts .
The pcb itself is very well made for the job and does not to be gold-plated or having other ,
comin' directly of " hi-end audio " world ,qualities .
Most of parts are of very good quality ,except the two MOSFETS ,that Pipes does replace at once with higher quality branded ones ,for every device he's making .
Most of the available devices,especially the DIY ones , can be problematic because they are not actually complete devices,
but encased modules .
Most of times they might be lacking quite a few things .
Like good soldering job on the module itself .Or between the work -coil and the modules coil pads .
MOSFETs are very sensitive devices .They get fried instantly IF something small ,a tiny detail, a small fault was left unfixed .
For example :
You have made your new IH device with that chinese ZVS module .
You have also added thermal protection at the coil ,de bouncing circuit at the tactile switch ,a fuse and so on ...
And you power it not from batteries ,but using a power supply .
You plug the whole rig together and you test it .
It works perfectly !!!
How nice is that !
After having couple of caps ,you unplug the mains socket of the power supply unit
(your IH device still remains connected to the PSU itself ) .
You notice that couple of LED light are still on (i.e. the psu LED and/or the IH power LED ) ...
And you decide to press the button / tactile switch for one last draw ...
Guess what .
You 've just fried your IH device .
Because it's not a proper device .It's just a module inside a case .
No matter what other sub -circuit they may have been added for extra protection and stability .
It's not a device made and tested by specialists .
last time I heard that DV was testing version six . Or was it version seven ?
That's the difference .
Myself ,Pipes ,fluxerheaters and many others that might be building their own IH devices or for selling
can not compete with a team of electronic engineers ,paid to design and make " this device for that purpose ".
BTW ,there is that SJK device .
Chinese ,but enough well made .
Thing is that is not actually made to heat such mass of metal ,like a VC tip & cap combo has .
It's work coil is made of very thin wire ,wrapped many-many times ,while having a very short length (as coil,not as wire ).
So ,the operating current is very low ( higher AMPERAGE is needed to heat some metal mass ) ,
while the coil is made to induce a very strong magnetic field on a very small length range .
This device is made to heat small and thin metal objects ,like a scalpel or any other wax-carving tool.
At most couple of grams of metal .
A titanium tip with a cap is close to 4 grams ,while a M tip with it's cap is close to 6-7 grams.
Heating a VC with a SJK device will cause overheating of the work coil of the device
and /or possibly overheating or even failure of other sub-circuits or electronic parts .
It's not the right device .The work coil should be like the one the ZVS module comes with .
At least 1 mm of wire diameter is needed for the job (to " handle " the appropriate -high- amperage ) .
Over and out .
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