I own a five fully functional Vapcaps, all with different tips, a lot of spare bodies, stems, condensers, and caps. When the VC OG sale came about, I really thought that I don't need another VC, I mean, it's glass, it is not xl, it has rubber mouthpiece, why would I need one?
Well, maybe, because it's a piece of history, it got VC train rolling, and it must be a different experience using it.
I finally pulled the trigger and ordered my OG, and I am so glad I did, this was the best decision regarding vaporizers ever.
Great taste, lightweight, small (maybe smallest vaporizer ever), even mouthpiece was comfortable and not awkward at all like I thought.
I was stunned, and so happy with my decision.
George really got it right from the first try.
Then, after just two days, I learned about its fragility.
OG broke, just like my heart.
I contacted Dynavap and I really hope that they have another glass body for sale (or two)