@phattpiggie thanks for the heads up but... Yikes! £40? Just for the opportunity to break it?! I believe I'd rather put that dosh towards a more robust stem from one of our in-house talents

. Speaking of, I'd like to second all the praise for the bocote open twist with black glass up the page. It's stunning, truly.
Whoever is getting that is a lucky son/daughter of a

but then really, I could say that about so many of the pictures in this thread! The ecosystem around this one little vaporization device in such a short period is nothing short of AMAZING! Is there another with so many aftermarket options and accessories?
@stark1 It changes currency according to where you are in the world. Interwebs!
I got my second DV package and I really like the Vertigo Razor lighter. I use it backwards so that the flames face me and the lid gives me a background so I can easily see the proper level to keep the rotating tip. Among my laundry list of medical conditions, I've got retinal scar tissue on my right eye; collateral damage from a disease, it's just like macular degeneration. I've learned that it really messes with my depth perception using single torches. I've found using dual torch perpendicularly works best for me; giving precision with more forgiveness. With the Razor and Trek models, I've got 2 dependable doubles! Yay!
And because I haven't said so lately: I still love my omni xl so much! It's the everlasting honeymoon!
@Dutch-Mic - after
@stardustsailor (aka Mr Wizard) told us about the Ti condensers, I had to dig into my DV cigarbox and LEGO an M body with the new condenser plus Ti tip & Ti spinning mp for a totally titanium path and yes, it was different! More tasty and true to the herb, I think. Two thumbs up for me!
@phattpiggie sent me the glass condenser to test before deciding whether I wanted glass or metal on my upcoming stem, I was blown away by the flavour. I'm very glad I went with the glass option on my piggie stem for the flavourful pathway
So in the name of science yesterday, I loaded another Ti cap and an SS cap to try both with the glass & titanium condensers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the glass seemed to give a more flavourful profile than the Ti but not by much, which did surprise me tbh. I expected more difference between the two but both were very neutral. I'm definitely a fan and advocate of the new Ti condensers and think every TRUE vapcap lover should replace all SS condensers immediately or face a trial by a jury of their peers.
When using glass, I couldn't tell any difference between SS & Ti tips
but thought I could tell a difference between tips using the Ti condenser. I preferred the Ti bits together but that's certainly subjective and I wonder if not maybe even psychosomatic. I am fucking nuts afterall.
EDIT: fix my dumb-ass mistakes to be understood by the smart people.