I've been as patient as I can be. I would have been more patient this time if it wasn't a reoccurring thing. I don't feel like I should have to constantly send reminders to a company about an issue. When I have to do that it feels like I'm being neglected or forgotten. Maybe they're too busy filming another video and holding another contest to answer emails?
This whole incident is unfortunate. The whole LE7fin thing went poorly. It was a special request that went awry and was difficult for DV to fabricate and poorly managed from the beginning (No offense Summer) with order handling kinda taking place outside DV (in the thread). I like the tip that was produced but it wasn't worth the trouble. We AND DV live and learn.
If I were you, rather than keep the bad taste in your mouth, I would call DV and ask for George. He has answered the phone 2 of the 3 times I have called them anyway, so you may not need to ask. You follow this thread closely so I don't need to tell you that your experience is not typical and DV goes out of there way to fix things. They have certainly fallen down in your case but if you allow them, they have their own "Life Alert" in their business model.
I know you are having to go further than you should have to on this but shit happens and somehow you and DV are not connecting. Call George. Just my

. I am eminently ignoreable.
If I may add, the only reason I make this post about something that is really none of my business, is that I see you as an important member of this (DV) community and I hate to see unnecessary discomfort within it. So I apologize if I overstep.