Putin is a War Criminal
I've been seeing this and I thought I was nuts. How interesting...This yields a relatively light yet still thoroughly extracted material.
To be clear, full extraction without going to dark ABV.
I've been seeing this and I thought I was nuts. How interesting...This yields a relatively light yet still thoroughly extracted material.
I've been seeing this and I thought I was nuts. How interesting...
What tip had better performance? Did I misunderstand that the Gen 5 s are better at extracting fully?
For my high temp finishers, I heat at the bottom of the cap, and stop right when I hear the click. The Gen 5 extracts a LITTLE more than the LE, but it's barely anything, and its ABV can be much darker. I had been hearing about some convection vapes that extract everything yet don't have dark ABV and I thought it was likely impossible, but seeing that the LE 7-fin can do it has made me a believer.
The LE 7-fin seems to have optimized extraction vs. not getting into scorchy zones where the bud gets near black.
I too have been questioning myself over this new tip behavior. Especially since the heat seems to want to concentrate on the top of the bowl with this one. Heating it in the middle the whole time results in a more browned top and less browned bottom which is the opposite of the behavior I was used to with my gen 3 tip. I can actually heat through the entire bowl on the very bottom of the cap without it combusting or even getting overly dark. It's weird, man. I've been struggling quite a bit with trying to get my technique down due to that, and also just trying to convince myself I'm still getting everything of use out of my herb with it being so pale. I'm paranoid, I keep thinking if I don't get it dark brown I'm going to miss something.I've been seeing this and I thought I was nuts. How interesting...
To be clear, full extraction without going to dark ABV.
Bingo, or have your sources lined up at destination. Either works.So you just bring the VC and get fixed up with torch and butane at the destination? thats my plan, gonna ship a box with a can of butane and an extra torch I don't use.
Bingo, or have your sources lined up at destination. Either works.
So I've been doing a ton of research and I'm pretty much at the point where I know I'll be picking up an Omnivap XL. Probably sometime this month or next. Anyone know if sales are at all regular with Dynavap, or is it a fairly uncommon thing? Looks like it'll cost $208+ for everything, definitely wouldn't mind saving a few bucks.
So I've been doing a ton of research and I'm pretty much at the point where I know I'll be picking up an Omnivap XL. Probably sometime this month or next. Anyone know if sales are at all regular with Dynavap, or is it a fairly uncommon thing? Looks like it'll cost $208+ for everything, definitely wouldn't
saving a few bucks.
I thought the same as you do regarding the abv from the new 7 Fin tip until I put it in my 5 fin tip and got 2 more heat cycles from it. I think the new tips allow more air flow but this in turn lowers the temperature in the chamber giving lighter coloured abv.I tested a couple of loads. In the LE 7-fin tip on Ti Omni XL, I took 2-3 inhalations powered by a triple torch, and a last hit with a single flame near the bottom of the cap for max temp. This yields a relatively light yet still thoroughly extracted material. (Awesomely fast airflow, but you might need a little technique to not burn yourself with hot air [I coughed a couple of times] or draw too fast and prematurely cool your hit, though I'm not sure if that's physically possible or just psychological tricks.) I transferred this ABV to my 5th Gen tip NonaVonG and did a triple flame cycle followed by a max temp single flame hit through dry glass to observe vapor production, and I was pleasantly surprised that only very little additional vapor could be pulled while also making the ABV significantly darker (dark to superdark brown).
It seems that Dynavap may be perfecting the technology to allow for maximal extraction while all but eliminating the chances of combusting or scorching your material and your own skin, for that matter! I believe in George's vision for the future. All the ti tips are pretty great especially post Gen 3, it seems.
Welcome aboard! If no applicable sale comes up between now & then, wait for the 4/20 sale. If I'm right (as I wasn't around then), it's 15%-off with free ship.
I thought the same as you do regarding the abv from the new 7 Fin tip until I put it in my 5 fin tip and got 2 more heat cycles from it. I think the new tips allow more air flow but this in turn lowers the temperature in the chamber giving lighter coloured abv.
Are you shure it’s 15%—would be more symbolic for it to be 20% (specially if you purchase
4 of an item).
So you didn't have to swap over to the 5-fin, you could have just as well finished off those 2 in the 7-fin. Right?
I was under the impression it was 20%, but someone recently said 15%.But what you say makes sense -- 20% on 4/20. But was it really, if you bought 4, or you just made that up stark!
If made up, it's a good idea to do.
With mine I've noticed if I switch the ABV from my new tip back to my gen 3 I can get a -slight- wisp of vapor more from the gen 3 more compared to the LE tip but it is such a small amount and has a negligible effect.I thought the same as you do regarding the abv from the new 7 Fin tip until I put it in my 5 fin tip and got 2 more heat cycles from it. I think the new tips allow more air flow but this in turn lowers the temperature in the chamber giving lighter coloured abv.
Wrap just a tiny bit of thread in the o-ring grooves then slip the o-ring back over it. This will tighten up the fitment of your tips in the stems.Dear all,
I have just received my differents stems and here is something that annoys me since quite some time and I am sure that you great guys & gals have a solution for me:
Most of my TI tips sit somehow loose in their stems. Some less, some more. That sucks. Even with new o-rings. What would MacGyver do? Seriously: I fear that some of them could come off while turning the Vapcap.
Thank you so much in advance for your guidance!
Dear all,
I have just received my differents stems and here is something that annoys me since quite some time and I am sure that you great guys & gals have a solution for me:
Most of my TI tips sit somehow loose in their stems. Some less, some more. That sucks. Even with new o-rings. What would MacGyver do? Seriously: I fear that some of them could come off while turning the Vapcap.
Thank you so much in advance for your guidance!
I had problems with loose caps in my last order and ended up using a pair of jewelry pliers to squeeze the cap tighter. Problem solved. But I feel your pain.
otIt's not the cap that is causing problems - It's the tip itself and its fit into the stem/body.