I like to think of it as the XS the opposite of the XL. And dexterity shouldn't be much of an issue with my IH. I'm not sure I'd want to mess with it at that size if I was going to twirl and heat with a torch-I've got big hands and that could pose an issue.
And I'm way more excited about this than I should be. What is it about this device that just gets under your skin, in good way?
I too at first was thinking of XS as opposed to XL but since the S is already used for "spinning mouthpiece" I had to go with something else for my personal obsessive semantics.

(even though it would be easy to tell the 2 terms aparts)
I was little concerned regarding your gargantuan hands and the device's tiny size, maestro, but had forgotten that you possess an IH, so your usage should indeed be smooth and easy.

I'm a pretty small fellow and the NonaVonG Mini is a bit of a challenge to spin, even as a fellow musician (I work with the 88 keys). I'm pretty sure that acoustic instrumentalists in general (as well as many other humans; nature enthusiasts...) would have a natural affinity for Dynavap.
The only other vape I've owned is the MFLB, and while I do still love it (I have a nice little collection of them), the VapCap's modularity, wide versatility, ease of use, sheer undeniable power, and freedom from batteries/electronics make it an easy choice as one's primary tool. Also, the community here (and on reddit), customer service, continuous new developments and refinements (I think George knows that this keeps people hooked

and willing to further invest in shiny new toys)... Few parts, ingenious yet simple, very resistant to breakage. The analog appeal is huge. The VapCap joins monumental ranks of technologies like the piano, guitar, wind instruments... all the glorious inventions which, in usage, rely merely on natural laws, elements, and geometries. Hallelujah!!! Sorry for rambling, mate ! Hail to King George !