All great news , George ! I'm really looking forward to receiving my titanium , and I'm eager to hear about those "new items" !Greetings,
I'm a bit sorry for the absence here recently. It is your fault. All of you. Wow! I feel like I'm in one of those documentary movies where the orders just start coming in and everyone is just sharing X product because they want to.
All of a sudden I am out of supplies I had no idea I would run out of so quickly. I thought the orders would settle down after the holiday, but nope, not just steady one here and one there, but accelerating orders. So the past few weeks have been a bit challenging as I not only had to focus on scaling manufacturing, but producing units AND ordering more supplies. I have to say I am just floored!
I would like to thank everyone for giving me a reason to make every single VapCap. Every Vap I make brings me a smile when I think about how this (seemingly) simple device can improve people's life on several different levels, and especially that level where grief from the vaporizer not functioning correctly is non existent.
These are some of my thoughts as I take a break in my shop as it is approaching 2am
I just received my special diamond grinder yesterday. These are the first precision ground VapCaps. These will be the newest improvement to the OG VC. The grinding happens on a very precise setup so I can now make every VapCap body precise at the cap interface. This is exciting stuff for me.
I am getting together the largest gathering of VapCaps in the world. Biggest gathering ever!
I am getting together the largest gathering of VapCaps in the world. Biggest gathering ever!
Oh, and here is another thought of a product applying for acceptance to V.A.S. university.
Yup, the Ti tip fits.
Please let me know if the "administration" should consider enrollment into the modular lineup.
So also, an update on shipments. I will have quite a few VapCaps going out on Friday. The Ti Woody shipments will start again on Tuesday or Wednesday after the next batch of fantastically sweet sweet stems arrive from @Ed's TnT
Also another thing I was contemplating as I've been sitting here building and assembling Vaps is the fact that it is this forum and its members that are almost exclusively responsible for how anyone is finding out about this product. I haven't ever advertised, and if you look at my facebook page, well no one even goes there.
The past 6 months I have really enjoyed the interaction of everyone here, and this interaction has certainly accelerated the development of my product into an entire product line. Day by day everything seems to take too long, but when I look at what has progressed over the past 6 months I can hardly believe the difference.
And to top it off, I will have more good news as some other items I have been working for a while now are almost ready for release. Guaranteed fun.
So again thank you everyone for helping me get to this point.
@VapCap, do you have things shored up on the legal end? I have a feeling this may become one of the most copied vapes on the market.
I didn't think we were allowed to post pornography here.
Good news!
I worked well into the am today to get a nice pile of VapCaps ready to ship, and they are now all nestled snug in their tubes. I have to also mention that there really isn't much I would rather be doing.
I thought I could share a little of what I was looking at last night.
And now almost every unit I made will be going on a ride tomorrow morning.
And the packaging. So off these will go to hopefully bring a smile to their new caretakers.
I will be back at it tomorrow getting more units ready and hope to get them mailed Saturday and Monday.
The TI Woody stems will be here soon and I'll be ready when they do to get them assembled then turn them around ship them right out.
Thank you again for the support here. I know this project wouldn't be near as far along if it weren't for the support of this community!
Good news!
I worked well into the am today to get a nice pile of VapCaps ready to ship, and they are now all nestled snug in their tubes. I have to also mention that there really isn't much I would rather be doing.
I thought I could share a little of what I was looking at last night.
And now almost every unit I made will be going on a ride tomorrow morning.
And the packaging. So off these will go to hopefully bring a smile to their new caretakers.
I will be back at it tomorrow getting more units ready and hope to get them mailed Saturday and Monday.
The TI Woody stems will be here soon and I'll be ready when they do to get them assembled then turn them around ship them right out.
Thank you again for the support here. I know this project wouldn't be near as far along if it weren't for the support of this community!
I had to step back from my VC for a while (when I first received it), and re-evaluate what I wanted from it and how I was actually using it. When I came back to it a few weeks later with a fresh perspective I loved it. It sounds like you are having a similar experience, and I'm glad to hear you're coming back around to team vap!I had a few hickups with the vapcap at first but it now is my daily driver! Vapman feels very lonely these days...
who or where did you order your Vapcap from? I just got a Vaponic and now I'd like a Vapcap...just for fun.Oh, and just in case some of you haven't seen the new wood varieties I added to the DynaStash Lineup
Here is a picture.
The picture doesn't show how awesome these really are.
And I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has one of these regarding whether they like my little magnet stand built into the stash for, well all DynaVap Vaps. It also will hold your stash under the metal pencil drawer on most desks and under toolbox lids too.
@VapCap makes the vapcap, so he likely didn't order his from elsewherewho or where did you order your Vapcap from? I just got a Vaponic and now I'd like a Vapcap...just for fun.
The original is the one I'm interested in!@VapCap makes the vapcap, so he likely didn't order his from elsewhere
The website for the VapCap ( is the only place to order, currently. George has been stockpiling parts, and seems to be delivering units within a few weeks of ordering. The modular (Ti tip) vap is his newest model, with numerous body, condenser, and mouthpiece choices becoming available as he finishes designs =)
If you are waffling on the Vap, I say get the original for $30 -- it's next to nothing for a cool butane powered vape that is simple to use and maintain, but has a lot of versatility the mroe you get to know it.
The original is the one I'm interested in!
@horst it may take some time to reach the click temp with a candle and any soot will be annoying. Also paraffin wax taste may be detectable.
Sorry not trying to burst the chilled setting bubble. The torch does detract from it so I fully understand where you are coming from. I've been looking for some other form of heating that is hot and clean but a little more chilled. I've found these but I think again soot, smell and taste may be present if they are not very efficient. The RHS one should be a cleaner burn. Okay for a low light level so you could see it was lit. Would be careful if in sunlight or levels where the flame was not clearly visible.