That IS a miqro! Shockingly, the dotleaf isn't that much larger than the miqro. (Both are absolutely tiny!)
I get asked to compare the two a lot, and it's hard to answer. I really enjoy the miqro and the dotleaf.
dotleaf beats miqro on heatup time by a seeming order of magnitude. leaf is up to temp so fast you could use it "on demand" for a few puffs easily. Miqro takes forever.
miqro beats dotleaf on vapor quality and flavor. miqro has very tasty vapor and it's silky smooth without much/any heat. dotleaf has good flavor (and I'm getting less because I mostly use it for CBD), but it's toastier and tends to lose flavor quickly.
Battery life obviously goes to the dotleaf, which has seemingly infinite battery life, with a full cell being easy to swap in. You never have to worry about it.
Performance is obviously in the dotleafs favor. The dotleaf puts full on desktops to shame with it's vapor production and effects. It's a pocket nuke. The vapor comes on strong and doesn't quit due to the hybrid heating and the power of the battery+oven.
dotleaf holds .25g vs the miqros .2g
You never have to stir a dotleaf oven before it's completely done (probably because of the hybrid heating). With the miqro you need at least one stir before the last session, and it never gets as dark as the dotleaf abv.
On size it's kind of a tossup. A miqro and carry can with extra cell and herb is about the same size as the dotleaf. The dotleaf doesn't need an extra cell, but you get tempted to have an extra oven with you since you can blow through an oven super quick if you want. So you might still carry an accessory. It's up to you.
Lastly, I'd just say that vs any other vapes I've had, every temp setting on the dotleaf is useful. Temp1 is great for stretching an oven and providing a lower strength effect. Temp2 is perfect for strong DTL rips with big vapor and full effects without much heat. Temp3 and Temp4 are go big or go home desktop shamers that are really nice with glass.
Wow, thanks for the comprehensive reply!
That gives me a lot to think about.
That pic surprises me, despite having watched numerous video reviews the Dotleaf looks smaller than I thought.
It looks like 1.5 mIQro's!
Which really is amazing when the extra battery capacity is considered.
About how many ovens can one battery last in the Dotleaf?
When you say "it's toastier [Dotleaf] and tends to lose flavour quickly." Do you mean toastier as in hotter vapour, or as in - a more toasted flavour?
I lent my mIQro out to a friend in need, and that means I dont have a good sipper, or regulated vape, and I'd like something which plays well with capsules (or whatever) for easy reloading while out and about, which is why I've narrowed down the search to the Dotleaf, and the Tinymight.
The only functional advantage that I can think of, that the TM has over the DL, is microdosing, on the other hand, satisfaction with capsule use in the TM seems mixed.
I think I'll lurk this thread for a while longer to see if the new ovens in the 1.5 have truly solved the issues, and if they have I'll be stuck with a really hard decision still, but I'd have to be patient anyway as I'm still working on raising funds!
Another thing that occurs to me that Dotleaf could consider for DL 2.0 is the inclusion of a stir tool/pick under the doors somewhere.
I have read several folk saying stirring isn't needed In use (big kudos there DL) But it might be handy for emptying the oven.
I love the internally stored tool in my mIQro (hard to lose, always right there when you need it, easy to access and put away every time you use it).
Oo-ooh, what about a captive pin, like a blunt needle, which slides out a tiny hole in the bottom of the DL to use?
The 'slide to deploy' thumb stud end of the pin could be pretty tiny, and concealed behind one of the doors!
The slot it would slide in would only need to be as long as the oven is deep.
Like a retractable version of the Lotus stir tool.
Anyone think there'd be room enough for that in the DL? (or any need for it, as for all I know the oven is smooth enough to just tip AVB out without any assistance?).
I know I'm overthinking this. A length of bamboo skewer dropped alongside the battery would likely serve, but where's the fun in that?