Somewhere North of The Wall
Wow, so you DO get 8-10 bowls per battery?! That's ~2.5 grams per battery? (If you are loading 0.25g per oven that is)Not alone.
After 2 combustion events first 2 bowls, I had a good run for 8 or 10 chambers. Then I swapped out while warm, took a few minutes so nowhere close to hot, just warm. I got no purple lights but it went almost straight to ready, and got very little heat. Took it out shut it down and tried again same result. Wrong temps obviously confused by resistance or something, but no purple lights. So I left it an hour, came back and tried again and immediately it did the opposite, took too long to heat and combusted.
I don't have to tell people here that combustion is the worst failing any vape could have and is such a non issue with conduction vapes it is hard to grip how they haven't fixed this with v1.5.
Issues NOT resolved by new chip.
@Copacetic this isn't the best device for coming back to a half spent load. The narrow bowl and aggressive conduction means faster extraction and subsequent sessions are not gonna be nice, or worthwhile. Better to consider 3 minutes roughly to finish the bowl, you should get 8 to 10 3 minute cycles per battery (or more if it combusted each bowl, that will save battery).
That is WAY better than ANY of my current vapes!
BTW, I LOL'd at your battery saving combustion technique

So 3 to 4 ovens is quite different from 8 to 10, I know you guys are using the DL differently to each other, but I'm surprised there's such a big difference in batt' life between you (unless one of you is emptying half used ovens, or the other is trying to vape the living shit out of every load.....or a bit of both. Or maybe you are just loading very different amounts).I usually hit the same oven 2 or 3 times, depending on the strain, how tightly I packed it, etc. I think 3 oven loads is a good rough estimate to work off, assuming 2-3 sessions per oven load. You might get 4, honestly I've never tracked it that closely, but I will say that I had it with me in NYC on Saturday night and it worked out great for me, I hit it a few times at night with pot in it, and then swapped to a CBD oven in the AM to help with my hangover, and I didn't need a new battery the whole weekend, though I did swap it as soon as I got home.
I keep a few 18650s charged since I also use an Arizer Air quite a bit, so I always have a fresh one handy.
I think I'll split the diff' and assume my own use would be around 6.5 per battery, which is still outstanding at over 1.5g per 18650.
Anyone else care to estimate their ovens/bowls per battery?