Well-Known Member
I'm partial to good, fresh French Roast. Whole beans, grind and use a French Press. Out of this world.
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My camping buddy drinks pre-ground Folgers, and I give him endless grief about it. But he knows it’s all in good fun; if you’re happy with your cup that is the only vote that should ever matter!
ALL Commercially processed food is Allowed to have a Percentage of Rodent Hairs, Insect parts ! Wow, didnt know it was as high as 10 percent tho. This is by the FDA. !That's easy to fix. Inform your friend that ground coffee can contain up to 10 percent cockroach litter. The FDA allows up to 10 percent insect litter in ground coffee, including cockroach bodies (and roach turds). I'm not joking.
The solution is to buy whole beans and grind them yourself. Coffee grinders are inexpensive and the quality of whole bean coffee is much better than ground coffee, anyway.
Does Ground Coffee Really Have Cockroaches in It? The Facts & How To Avoid It | Corner Coffee Store
Are cockroaches hiding inside your ground coffee? It is more normal than you think - don't be put off. We have the information for you.coffeeaffection.com
Are Roaches in Ground Coffee? Well, Why Do You Ask?
Are roaches in ground coffee? Yes, but do you know how they get there? Read to find out in this tell-all report!www.coffeeness.de
I have a La Pavoni Pro i bought in 1991 and just finally am getting a Bplus Apollo Manual Grinder (combo bday/Switching from pre ground to whole beans was the biggest improvement I've had in coffee quality personally. I used to buy large bags of ground Peet's or something from Costco and if you don't consume it fast enough it tastes really stale and bad.
Friend of mine roasts his own beans and his coffee is the best I've had that wasn't fresh from a shop.
DONT "DOUBT IT" ! There is a certain % of Insect Parts and Rodent Hairs Allowed in Commercial processed foods Set by the FDA !Um does that FDA rule mean that there actually *is* cockroach stuff in ground coffee? I kinda doubt it. But happy to live in the EU.I do agree though, grinding coffee yourself is probably the biggest upgrade one can do, even before exotic single origins or using fancy machines from Italy.
My most recent coffee adventure: when I visit my roastery, I will almost always buy a bag of Monsooned Malabar, which has been my favorite for quite some time now. A few weeks ago I thought I did the same, but when I got home I saw that I bought „Monsooned Robusta“ instead, also from India and also processed via the same monsooning technique like the Malabar – but I always despised robusta coffee unless it's an espresso, which I hardly drink anyway. Then I did some research and found out that this particular kind of robusta is actually a „Canephora“-variety, which is only one of many different robusta varieties. Or something. Anyway, I gave it a try and it's actually quite fantastic; malty chocolate, a fine boozy note and strong hints of petrichor / geosmine earthiness. And much much more caffeine than your common arabica. Highly recommended!
OMG! I JUST HAD TWO PEPPERIDGE FARM MILANO COOKIES!DONT "DOUBT IT" ! There is a certain % of Insect Parts and Rodent Hairs Allowed in Commercial processed foods Set by the FDA !