Reminds me of the colour of broken dreams

Very cool stuff Pipes!
Thanks Tweek, it's nice to know I can be entertaining while having fun all at the same time. Actually, I even use this thread for forgotten recipes. Was considering going back to a pulse mode unit but forgot that would have to go too low in resistance (well under 1 ohm IIRC) or go back to 6 volt supply. Which is where I started from initially. And now not really needed as my FV fills the hole for the need for speed, so to speak.
Thanks Pipes!
I'm fairly passionate about this (my friends think I'm ridiculous). I'm going to have to read back on this thread because I've not tried any sort of Dry Herb rebuildable, and it looks like you did 'bout all the work on that one. Trouble is the concentrates have my tolerance through the roof. I'm one of those guys that gets normalized by inhaled MJ Meds.
I'm in the "your nuts" boat myself. Welcome aboard!!!
Gets asked about all my little jigs and odd things I buy all the time. Sometimes I step back and think, yeah I'm nuts but having fun and a happy nut. And you know, at the end of the day the same folks are the ones that come to ask if I can do it for them too. That's when the real satisfaction hits home.
I have a burning question: can I rebuild my TV Revolution cart's? You mention replacing the ceramic. I've tried to find this info on FC for a long time, but find mostly banter about a lot of other stuff. Also seems people have moved onto the Cera. I still am a little sore over my TV experience. I've honestly never gotten a good rip off the Evo. Going to try again tho. Can you direct me a little if there is a "how-to" for the TV carts? I have a burned out Revo.
I live adjacent to Oakland, CA, so you'd think I've been getting quality concentrates, but truly it's hit and miss. I'm still not great at visually determining what makes the good stuff. I've been wondered a long while if that's the crux of my prob's with the Revo's. I'd love to use Pure Gold all the time but where the heck is it? I see it once in a blue moon, but usually a little unaffordable.
For most the rebuilding of the REV or DART is NOT an option. If one can rebuild a normal old type 510 arch top atomizers, then it would be a different story. In your case and because of where you live I would just get TET to rebuild it. They have a rebuild service for just a few dollars. $15-$20 type of thing.
If you have the balls for it, best to google "rebuilding 510 bridge atomizer" should get some disassembly techniques down. Mainly removing the 510 connector from tube.
Inside the DART/EVO you will find the following:
One end of coil is compression fit to center pin with a brass collar. Kanthal pinched between collar and post of center 510 pin.
The upper ceramic disk which fits between the mid collar ring in the tube and the wound Kanthal element. Newer versions had the side(s) shaved to leave a gap for better draw.
An inner ceramic cylinder which acts as a reservoir along with the upper disk. The center hole in this cylinder is about the same as the hole in the bottom of 510 connector without the center contact in place. The diameter is such the wound coil get fed up through it for assembly. Outside is sized to snugly fit into the 510 connector leaving just enough room above to accommodate the Kanthal element which fits horizontally across the top.
The Kanthal element gauge depends on the voltage and vintage of the device. But the setup is the same. As stated one end starts at the center post then wound around a ceramic post and is terminated by compression between the outer tube and 510 connector tube. The end of the wire is fed through one of the small holes around the top of 510 connector and bent down the side so when inserted into the main tube it gets squeezed for the ground contact.
Now the things that can and will go wrong. Losing parts like base collar or ceramic small and can "flick" accidently.
The porous ceramic breaks very easily. Unit must be as clean as possible before disassembly. Cleaned again after connectors disassembled and before removing ceramics. Once ceramics are out they can be torched clean. These ceramics are the pieces I found can be replaced with the porous bubble stone material and acts the same as original material.
In conclusion attempting this can lead to problems but then again, fun for the right kind of guy.
My preference here is running 3.7 volt 30 AWG Kanthal at 1.2 + ohm so most ecig PVs will drive it.
Over the next days, I'll photo a dismantle of the build I posted about. I already want to re-design and re-implement. I think a "PORTABLE DIY Concentrate Vaporizer" thread is needed here on FC. My only hesitation is I haven't hung around here long enough to get a feeling for the overall attitude of the forum. I can't stand getting beat up on over the Internet. You have had a pleasant experience in the thread however.
Hey, no need to be shy here as long as you keep it within reason and can benefit others. There's lots of great folks here and you will find out whos whos before long. Some are very well know and love to help perks out and make a habit of it which is the beauty of the folks here.
You can always take your time and put a post together in notepad or whatever to get it right before cut and paste into a thread when you're happy with it.
Watch out for that Tweek though. He's a smooth talker for sure.