DIY Bulli Vaporizer

OK. I'm on board, decided to go with a cuboid, a kayfun 3.1 and and two mini's. Might add another RTA or so to tinker with.

Where do you guys typically source the replacement screws? Anywhere I seem to find has outrageous shipping and nothing else I need.. I was also curious if you all had a cheap supplier for wire in the US.

I was able to find the 3.1 cheap with my cuboid stateside, so I'd like to have some stuff to tinker with while I wait on the rest on a slow boat from China.
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cui bono?
OK. I'm on board, decided to go with a cuboid, a kayfun 3.1 and and two mini's. Might add another RTA or so to tinker with.

Where do you guys typically source the replacement screws? Anywhere I seem to find has outrageous shipping and nothing else I need.. I was also curious if you all had a cheap supplier for wire in the US.

I was able to find the 3.1 cheap with my cuboid stateside, so I'd like to have some stuff to tinker with while I wait on the rest on a slow boat from China.

Amazon has them for $1.15 for a ten pack, but you need to qualify for free shipping or have Prime

SS and Ti wire I usually get from eBay - I like this seller in Florida but there are a million options on eBay
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Hey guys. Got my SS 316 AWG 22 heating wire a few days back. Have been testing ever since. Initially harder to get the temperature set to work properly. Still too early to say much about consistency of control because still playing. Currently using a TCR of 130 in the 500 F range. Seems to run away into red hot if TCR is much higher. Same 8" length as the Ti but the SS comes in at .5 ohms compared to .33 ohm with Ti.
So far I don't really see any big benefit. Have not noticed any real taste change but that is likely just me. Working with it took me some getting use to as well. I kind of like the springiness of the Ti and stands up to bumping or touching it better without it bending. Brittle would be the term to use I guess, specially once it's been heated up. The SS will bend quite easily in comparison even after it's been heated. It does look better though.
Nevertheless, here's the coil I did for it. I made a little change to it. I combined the double vertical with the stove top element style. The inner coil comes up the same but instead of an abrupt twist to the outside to start back down, it coils slowly outward with a couple added loops before descending back down. An effort to further make the heat more uniform.




Back to testing....Man it's a hard job!!! :freak:
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cui bono?
Looking good @Pipes !!

I got my hands on some 20 AWG 316L SS wire and somehow managed to fit a decent 0.20 ohm double coil inside the Bulli chamber, which was definitely a challenge. I've begun testing with it and right now it doesn't seem like a huge improvement over the 22 AWG wire, maybe about the same, but it's too early to say.

The 20 AWG coil + lots of airflow is definitely giving my Cuboid a workout. I had the mod set to 80W and it got pretty warm after two test sessions. Dialed back to 60W for now to see how things go.

Testing side-by-side

Bulli w/ 22 AWG 0.31 ohm coil and 4 x 1/16" air inlets @ 60W
Bulli w/ 20 AWG 0.20 ohm coil and 4 x 5/54" air inlets @ 60W


Well-Known Member
@Pipes @StonerSloth I don't understand how you guys can even work with any 22 gauge wire without wanting to strangle everything!! lol I have stuck with 20 gauge. its not too big and not too small.

I was not a fan of the IPV5 at all :-( Takes way too much effort to set, and vaping was always inconsistent.
Ill be using the Wismec RX200 until my Wismec DNA200 Arrives. Ill basically be sticking to these two mods and it makes battery life just amazing.

@StonerSloth More Airflow has saved me once again. Both of my kayfun 3.1/mini 2.1 setups now have 4 holes and it carries the hot air so much better and it can fly through bowls right now. Its kind of Ridiculous. Right now I warm up the coil for 4 seconds and the first pull is really good vapor followed by pretty consistent vapor.

Mixing depends on if I am out and about or not. If i'm out ill use the sucks and blow method and ill also tap tap tap until I know the herb has fallen back down from the firewood stem. If i'm inside ill actually stir it.

I basically have 2-3 setups already ready to go if one happens to mess up (which never has with my 20 Gauge SS 316L setup) Im making these my only portables. So Basically I have 2-3 of the same portable. 20 gauge .41 and .48
I am only using my E-nano at home just because it is just so quick at extracting.


ready for most of the day
(backup kayfun vape by the rx200)

E-nano in the morning before the gym (cardio)
One stem before work
One stem after work
E-nano before bed



Shes still a little tall but Im really enjoying. I just had it on vacation for a week and it never failed me once.

WIth the RX200 at 100w It will last me about 8-10 bowls. I have it at 100w because I am low gauge and I like fast heat up. I only really need about 60w or 70w

Soon ill be getting rid of my air, x-max 2, evic mini, and ipv5


cui bono?
@enjiatt - when you get your Bulli you are going to be cursing the size of the 'heating chamber' haha. I fried so many titanium coils in my first few days of building and testing :lmao: You essentially need to build your coil and then mount it up and then carefully reshape the coil with tweezers lol. It's the only way! It takes a lot of patience - keeping your Nano close at hand may help.


So far my 20 awg coil has been a bit of a battery destroyer and without any real benefit over the 22 awg setup. Going to build a few different 20 awg coil designs for more testing :science: but for right now I have fallen back on the old faithful 0.31 ohm 22awg 316L ss coil with the 4 x 1/16" air holes. A powerhouse at even 50W. Amazing on-the-go setup with Delrin wide bore drip tip on eVic mini. So small!!! And possibly unbeatable! :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Looking good @Gator!

I have started work on adapting some Solo stems to both my Bulli and Kayfun heating chambers - just using silicone tubing for now - and it is working pretty well but the heat is spotty. I think the bowl is a little too wide for the heating elements I'm using. I'm having more luck with an underdog stem (10mm ID bowl vs 11.5mm ID bowl on the Solo stem) which cooks more evenly than the solo stem.

Still my best results through all of this experimentation are both of my four-hole Bulli configurations:
  • the original Pipes Bulli TM setup with the packed upper stainless chamber + drip tip adapter. Probably the best portable on-demand setup you could ask for.
  • the empty Bulli oven + underdog stem combo, which works upright or upside down
I think @Pipes had it right from the beginning lol

Are you saying that the underdog stem OD is low enough that you can can fit it inside of the Bulli TM bowl? That would be fantastic. And just gave me an idea. I wonder if I could flare some glass so that I could screw a stem down tight using the A2-T bowl? All I have is a MAP torch but I could practice on some pasteur pipettes... Perhaps I'll cut a scrap stem, flare it out, then melt the other half back onto it leaving a glass "skirt" to screw down onto. Then I could cut the bottom half so it fits snugly when screwed down.

PS: my Enano stem is 9.20mm ID, and 14.00mm OD.

Still waiting for those O-rings.


cui bono?
Are you saying that the underdog stem OD is low enough that you can can fit it inside of the Bulli TM bowl? That would be fantastic. And just gave me an idea. I wonder if I could flare some glass so that I could screw a stem down tight using the A2-T bowl? All I have is a MAP torch but I could practice on some pasteur pipettes... Perhaps I'll cut a scrap stem, flare it out, then melt the other half back onto it leaving a glass "skirt" to screw down onto. Then I could cut the bottom half so it fits snugly when screwed down.

PS: my Enano stem is 9.20mm ID, and 14.00mm OD.

Still waiting for those O-rings.

Yep - see my pics on pages 16 and 17. Those are UD stems (GonG and direct draw respectively.) The o-rings are not even necessary but you can use them to control the depth of the stem inside the Bulli oven if you want.

The out-of-the-box compatibility with Underdog stems is one of the reasons my Bulli gets so much use! I can switch between Underdogs and Bulli's on the fly! Start a bowl with one, finish with the other - why not??


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I've gained confidence in the SS316 coils now. Took a few tries to zero in on the TCR number but finding 145 a good trade off. Working with AWG 22, .5 ohm coil and temperature setting in the low 500 range. Finding it as stable and consistent as the Ti so far. In fact I have started using it to make some Projects up. Some of these projects are actually starting to leave the nest.
I will be starting a "Project" thread shortly.

Thread launch here.
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Monotonous Botanist
My evic mini is taking forever to get in from fasttech. What batteries is everyone using with this? I've got some high drain batteries lg he 2 & he 4 that i'm hoping to use with my mini.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Batteries are a good topic to get some feedback to. I've tried a fair many types. Been using Sony VTC4s without a problem Even VTC3 work fine. Found VTC5s are a waste of the extra money as cannot detect any difference in performance from that of the 4s.
I think rule of thumb is look for high drain 30 amp+ and 2500mah max as if advertising over 2500mha it's likely not true. True high drains are usually lower mhas which isn't a big deal as I found I don't use much power below 1/3 full before it gets replaced and hits the charger.
Which reminds me. Switching out the battery while atomizer is still really hot is not a good thing at times. If the resistance is too far different from the previous read, then the ohms measurement can go up. Your unit will run very hot until you let it cool down and then the unit resets to the correct resistance value. Just an odd side effect I found. This is what makes zeroing in on correct TCR numbers so tricky as well. Every time you change the number to test, you should start from a cold (room temp) condition. Can be a little time consuming but once achieved it's history.


Well-Known Member
I've just got like 6 Samsung 25r that I use for all of my vape mod needs.

Also, I've got a working prototype now, everything FINALLY came in and I have one out together from a Kayfun Mini 2.1...




The little inner sleeve I took and put into a drill and filed down to fit into the top chamber. So it's like my removable bowl, it comes out from the bottom. There is a screen inside of it which puts the bus pretty Damn close to the cool. 2 1/16" holes in the bottom sleeve, left the extra airhole screws in on the base.
Coil is 2 strands twisted 26 AWG 316L @ .72 ohms, the 22 was giving me So much trouble with reverting to power mode (i don't think it's real 316)

Vaping at temps Like 330 F somehow, and combusting if I go too close to 400. Using stock cuboid 316l the setting. Still getting hotspots and such, clearly still prototyping. But still fun nonetheless

Edit: not sure how to fix the photos and on mobile, so for now here's a link

Also @Pipes
AWESOME work! That looks incredible what you've done with where you started at. That's amazing and I think I may have to source the parts for one of those, or 50, soon


Active Member
The batteries I have been using are 3000mah awt and arizer batteries. For the setup I'm running (.49 ss316l) I like 50watts. A little math, power(watts) = resistance (ohms)* amps^2. So √(50/.49) =10 amps. Why I am telling you this is becuase if you want to run at 100watts you need a battery that can handle 20 amps continuously. Don't bother getting a battery you cannot find a review on, telling you the real life stats. I found out my awts aren't good for over 20 amps continuously, even though advertised as double. My arizer batts are good for 10 amps continuously, hence why I stick with 50 watts.

Another tip for joytech users. Take note of of what resistance your mod shows when vaping temp is reached, for me .49 is room temp .61(450f on my mod ss316 mode) is perfect vape temp, .64(500f) is ignition. So a .12 difference before I reach my temp preferred. Let's say I take my rda off at higher then room temp and put it back on, now it reads .55 instead of the intended .49. Just observe your ohm reading till it reaches desired ohm reading .61 which will read as a lower temp but will actually be your desired temp.

If you get what I'm talking about, your coil will never run away on you and become red. I dont even look at my temp setting unless it's at the right calibration. I assume that a .12 change in ohms should be consistent with all ss316 but it could varry with coil sizes. But it shouldn't, if the coils are identical to my .49 coil.

I also figured out on my cuboid that if I lock at .49ohms, I turn it on and it reads higher then what is locked, let's say .55, if I pulse till the ohms catch up to that number, it will calibrate and not kick me out of TC.

Let me know your results with your coils, I'm curious to see some input on that.


Well-Known Member
Hmm that is interesting. Because mine is like .12 or .13 difference in ohms from room temp to vape temps too and too much more than that and I'm combusting. That's actually crazy how that works out.
Slightly readjusted my coil and it sits at .68now room temp and vape temp ohms are .8 or .81 26 gauge twisted 316l
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Something is off there.
Is it performing good?
You should see a greater change in resistance. Almost sounds like you went from a short in your coil somewhere to a bad connection adding resistance. Betting the correct value should be somewhere in between. Check it over and tighten things up. Also, clean the bottom of your 510 connector.
Also, if adjusting your coil, remember to unlock the resistance read on the device and remove battery when done arranging to force it to ask for a new coil confirmation.
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Well-Known Member
It's working fine, the issues I'm having are more airflow related in getting an even vape of the material. This is me vaping at 350F coil temp (well that's what the cuboid says) so the resistance change isn't very high, where as if I pump up the temperature it's a much bigge change and combustion at like 390-400F.

I'm not shorted anywhere in the coil, spent a long time sorting that out before, and I'm not locked anywhere usually. Only ever use the lock if I have to remove the atty mid session.

A greater change even with 316l? What kind of changes are you getting @Pipes ? Because @Gator was saying he only has a .12 ohm change from cool to vape temp as well

Edit: also, I would take any results I have right now very lightly. Everything changes constantly it's seeming, with changing draw speed/pack ammount I'm able to vape with the cuboid set to 390 without combusting. I'll need a good week or so (at least) of playing with it to get this down pat. Also I really need to find some borosilicate glass tube and some stainless tube to play with.

And lastly, where are you guys getting the clear plastic (silicone I assume) tube? I found some different sizes tubes around one of my job sites, but I believe it's all vinyl tube, which can't be good, the fact they have to label it "lead-free" should be earning enough
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I'm getting .5 ohm at room temp and .71 ohm at vaping temp. SS316
For a good grade high temp tubing give USPlastic a look.


Well-Known Member
Vaping at temps Like 330 F somehow, and combusting if I go too close to 400. Using stock cuboid 316l the setting. Still getting hotspots and such, clearly still prototyping. But still fun nonetheless

You need way more airflow!!! Im using 4 holes and all are bigger than yours......


Well-Known Member
You need way more airflow!!! Im using 4 holes and all are bigger than yours......

Yeah, unfortunately I left my drill and bits at the job so I have to wait til Monday to fix that. But after fiddling with it more and really figuring out how it works and what is affecting what I think I have a good idea of what needs to be done to improve it. Deffinitely more air, lots more air.

I was also thinking, has anyone tried a stainless steel screen as their "coil"? You could stack a few of them with a small space between each to make a multi layered massive surface area heating "coil". There are both those like rigid ones, and the flexible thin ones. I have some of the flexible ones that most of I are using, but they are too big around for the may run mini chamber. Thinking about grabbing another wide base atomizer of some kind, as well as some smaller screens to play around with this idea. I think they're be really easy to rig up, I have a few ideas as to how. Just have to get some mateials in hand.
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Well-Known Member
@StonerSloth you may have already stopped using 20 gauge but if you are still using it try and raise your wattage a bit. I have to use 80 and above on my rx200 for it to power the coil correctly.

Ive cut up my e-nano long stem into a couple pieces and i'm really liking the 9.20mm ID of the nano stem. With good airflow and I can through a bowl pretty quickly.

Um using a DNA 200 for my mod right now and i'm loving it. Took a while to understand at the beginning but i'm using a TCR or .00166 and vaping at 560F preheat watts are at 140W!! and vaping watts are 35w yes not a typo 35W holds my 20 gauge .224 ohms coils at vaping temp with my DNA.

Although I think the DNA if much better I don't think it is absolutely necessary for this application, my RX200 was working just fine. I will still use the DNA because the profiles make switching atomizers easier.

Which reminds me. Switching out the battery while atomizer is still really hot is not a good thing at times. If the resistance is too far different from the previous read, then the ohms measurement can go up. Your unit will run very hot until you let it cool down and then the unit resets to the correct resistance value. Just an odd side effect I found. This is what makes zeroing in on correct TCR numbers so tricky as well. Every time you change the number to test, you should start from a cold (room temp) condition. Can be a little time consuming but once achieved it's history.

Yah this part gets annoying pretty quick but you learn how to deal with it. Ive realized if you are using the some material wire and same gauge it is pretty easy to tell how much resistance your coil will be around by just looking at it. But I usually build and then put it on the ohm meter to check the resistance. I still don't see a problem using the addy to check the resistance but you need to have an idea of what its going to be.

If you get what I'm talking about, your coil will never run away on you and become red. I dont even look at my temp setting unless it's at the right calibration. I assume that a .12 change in ohms should be consistent with all ss316 but it could varry with coil sizes. But it shouldn't, if the coils are identical to my .49 coil.

I also figured out on my cuboid that if I lock at .49ohms, I turn it on and it reads higher then what is locked, let's say .55, if I pulse till the ohms catch up to that number, it will calibrate and not kick me out of TC.

I only have two atomizers im using in rotation right now but I make sure they are very close to the same resistance. So for instance my kayfun 3.1 with a black base is .224 ohms and my silver base 3.1 is .223 ohms. Since my mod has presets (dna 200) I just always keep the resistance the same and I have a profile that has the right temp for each base I use and I keep the TCR and the Resistance the same.

This makes switching addys easy. If I ever use my rx200 which is essentially a more powerful mini, then if I ever put a hot atty on it will say "new coil?" I just say no and make sure it still at the right ohms.

It's working fine, the issues I'm having are more airflow related in getting an even vape of the material. This is me vaping at 350F coil temp (well that's what the cuboid says) so the resistance change isn't very high, where as if I pump up the temperature it's a much bigge change and combustion at like 390-400F.

I'm not shorted anywhere in the coil, spent a long time sorting that out before, and I'm not locked anywhere usually. Only ever use the lock if I have to remove the atty mid session.

Edit: also, I would take any results I have right now very lightly. Everything changes constantly it's seeming, with changing draw speed/pack ammount I'm able to vape with the cuboid set to 390 without combusting. I'll need a good week or so (at least) of playing with it to get this down pat. Also I really need to find some borosilicate glass tube and some stainless tube to play with.

And lastly, where are you guys getting the clear plastic (silicone I assume) tube?

For the tubing USplastic just like @Pipes said. Use the pay for shipping later option and say you want USPS priority shipping and it will come faster for cheaper if you are in the US. UPS ground can be slow lol. Size tubing will depend on your stems you decide to use. But here are the sizes I use, you have to buy in 10 feet intervals from usplastic

1. Silicon 5/16" ID 7/16" OD AT TEN FEET $9.10
2. Silicon 3/8" ID 1/2" OD AT TEN FEET $10.10
3. USPS Shipping $5.83

@donnyp Im telling you right now if you keep your resistance locked Then you will pretty much never combust. Trust me I was like you wondering why I combusted sometimes and other times I did not. I only combust now if my screen setup is messed up for some reason. I think all you honestly need to know is when your room temp resistance is. Once you know that just make sure your mod is always locked at that resistance.

@donnyp By the way when I was twisting wires I noticed that I just couldnt get great vaping consistency and it took a lot of effort from the mod. This is why I just use thick wire but 22 gauge seems to be good for the evic mini users. It looks like you are about to experiment. Just want to give you a few helpful hints.

1. Good airflow. One experiment I like to do it after a build a setup ill fire it and let the oils come off then ill draw without any herb to see how the heat is coming through. This will really teach you have much airflow you need. I noticed (AT THE SAME TEMP AND SETUP) that when I added two more holes that the heat to my tongue was much greater with more holes. But be sure to not add too much air.

2. Make the entire heating element diameter small. I think for our mods available for TC that a 16mm heating chamber would probably be the max area that you need. To get up the the right temps everything around the heating element needs to be heat soaked. So if you say use a 22mm addy but the chimney section is 14mm OD then that whole chimney will probably need to reach temp before you will start seeing vapor. So dont be like me and make it too big.

3. Using glass is my favorite because the taste is really nice. If you are going to use glass buy silicone asap, it will save your life lol. Also glass gets hot. SO if you want a glass mouth piece then you need to put silicone over it or it will burn you.

4. using glass: You need to know your sizes. Dont buy glass viles, They are way too thin and are super easy to break. You want your thickness to be at least 1.5mm which would be an overall thickness of 3mm. For instance the e-nano stem is 9.20mm ID, and 14.00mm OD . Therefore this glass is most likely really close to a 2.5mm or 2.3mm thickness which you would double and get around 5mm.


cui bono?
Just to add a few more data points for coil resistance change - I see my favorite 0.31 ohm 22awg coil jump to 0.46 or 0.47 during operation. My Kayfun 0.58ohm 22awg coil reaches 0.83-0.84... and my 20awg 0.20 ohm coil gets to 0.29. A similar jump of about 45% it seems....

Glass is also my preferred material for taste and ease of cleaning. As @enjiatt says, the best way to adapt glass to your heating chamber is usually food grade silicone tubing (generally considered safe up to ~500 deg F) The underdog stems are just about 10mm ID x 13mm OD. I find the ID is very important. A solo stem is too large in diameter to vape evenly with any of my heating elements, which are mostly relatively small.

I think we have all proven that you don't need a very large heating element to get massive clouds and solid performance. All of my favorite coils at this point in time have been less than 0.35ohm.... It's all about balancing air flow vs. heating element size and somehow getting that hot air into your bowl evenly. I try to keep at least a few mm of air space between my load and my heating element which helps prevent hot spots. I think it is also important to prevent the body of your vape from robbing a lot of heat - which generally means keeping the overall mass low.

I have had very poor results with using stainless "capsules" in these vapes. I do have some glass firewood capsules on the way which I am hoping work out a lot better.

@enjiatt - I think you are right about needing more than 80W for the 20awg coils.. I have set my cuboid to 100W and I am definitely seeing some solid results. Need to do more testing!!

But from what I have seen so far, the size of the heating element and the thickness of the wire has not really been a limiting factor in the performance of the vape. Poor air flow and heat loss has been a much bigger limitation. If you can dial these in right, you can make a more energy efficient machine which you can run off smaller mods. I did start this project to create a portable, so I am trying to keep it as portable as possible.

I am using Samsung INR18650-25R, a very popular battery, with good results. I always keep my resistance locked and only remove/install coils at room temp. Learned this the hard way with a titanium coil lol - never again.
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Well-Known Member
somebody here say something about looking for a way to make the air create some vortex inside , maybe this can give you a idea , is a rda with a piece of hardware inside that supposedly create a vortox(spiral ) air flow:

hope it help
Hey guys tried this out a while back and looks like it's time to mess with it again. When I was trying it I was using the vtc-mini. I saw a comment on here a while back about the evolve chip and how it is constant current and the the vtc chips are pulsing.

I'm considering purchasing a rx200. I also am considering the vtc cuboid. Looking for a pointer in the right direction on this one. See people using all of them.

Hoping to see someone try this with the dna200... seems like there are some customizable heating options for someone who knows what they are doing.

Also if anybody needs a bulli mod lemme know.
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cui bono?
somebody here say something about looking for a way to make the air create some vortex inside , maybe this can give you a idea , is a rda with a piece of hardware inside that supposedly create a vortox(spiral ) air flow:

hope it help

Oooooo - there is an adjustable air flow version of this - and it's round - Aromamizer V2. I have one on the way. :lol: It LOOKS like that drip tip hole is maybe 12-14mm (the drip tip itself is 16mm OD, so I'm estimating from the photo) so it may be the perfect mate for a glass stem or maybe the Firewood capsule. I will report back once I have it obviously - they claim they are shipping from the US.

My Firewood capsules+mouthpieces arrived today and I have not really found an ideal way to make use of them in my Bulli but I'm sure I will figure something out...... I did rig up a simple silicone hose between the top of the heating chamber and the Firewood capsule and it's working - but not nearly as well as the ol' Underdog stem or even the standard Bulli stainless 'oven.'

Edit: For the record - The Firewood 3 capsules are 11.0mm OD x 8.8mm ID x 17.5mm tall
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Well-Known Member
So I'm vaping with titanium and 18 gauges and It seems like the more metal I have in my build the lower the temp I can vape with. Now is this more based on resistance or heat capacity?

my older build on page 18
22 gauge .42 ss316L coil
Heat Capacity 237
TC precision 369
current per volt 2.38 amp

The thick coil I'm using is a

18 gauge .18 ohm ti1 coil.
Heat Capacity 602
TC Precision 659
current per volt 5.56

In a ss430 wire this would be
.23 ohm ss430
Heat Capacity 925
TC Precision 317
current per volt 4.36

In a ss316L wire
.287 ohm ss316L
Heat Capacity 1039
TC Precision 252
Current per volt 3.49

So is the heat capacity only telling me how much energy it takes to heat up the coil?

do current per volts determine anything?

It seems that with TI it is nice because it doesnt take much battery to power the element but at the same time it takes more metal to reach a desired resistance it seems.

Is there a sweet spot for regulated mods for battery and safety purposes. Im thinking .30 ohms and up seems good but im not really sure??? Does this really even matter on a regulated device??

It seems if I want the higher resistance I would use the ss316L but looking at the heat capacity I know this will take longer to heat and require more wattage. I will also lose a lot of TC accuracy.

I think I can stuff an 18 gauge .30 ohm ss430 coil in a chamber and that should max out my heat. My mods don't seem to mind as long as I have enough wattage
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