DIY Bulli Vaporizer


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I like that!!!!! I feel like I don't know enough about ecigs to be innovative Lol.

I ran out of SS wire so I'm using titanium wire now and I'm actually liking it.

I have an experiment rda coming so we will see how that goes. I also ordered 16 gauge and 18 guage titanium wire.

I feel like my 22 gauge twisted coils give me the best vaping experience and the coils didn't have to be perfect. But this gauge doesn't fit the kayfun stuff very well.

I have been using my last setup all weekend and it's so nice with the mini-elb because it is really quick.
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My 316L stainless wire finally arrived. Definitely easier to work with that the Ti - a lot less springy! I am using a TCR of 160 for the 316L wire.

My current Kayfun Mini setup uses a 0.55 ohm 22 gauge stainless coil. I can vape at about 420 F. Note I am not using the inner evap chamber sleeve at all, just the lower housing with two air inlet holes drilled to bring air right into the bottom of the coil. Working well so far but still #2 to the Bulli with its 0.31 ohm 316L ss coil (running at about 570 F on that one.)

How are you liking it compared to ti. Or does it seem the same. In terms of taste.

I really want to try the ss316.

Wow still #2 to the bulli!!! I may need to pick one up. Do any of the pieces happen to work with the kayfun???


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Sneak Peak.
Started to test the upcoming "Project" endeavour

Wow Pipes that looks great. Plenty of room for the coil and very modular. How much do you think you'll be selling these for? I might get one... I bet 20 gauge titanium would fit well under those washers.
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cui bono?
How are you liking it compared to ti. Or does it seem the same. In terms of taste.

I really want to try the ss316.

Wow still #2 to the bulli!!! I may need to pick one up. Do any of the pieces happen to work with the kayfun???

No, unfortunately there are no cross-compatible pieces on the Bulli and Kayfun except for drip tips.

I don't really notice a difference in taste between the SS and Ti - they both taste pretty good to me honestly, I don't think I taste any off flavors from either coil material. I do appreciate the safer nature of SS vs Ti and I do appreciate the fact that now my Bulli + Underdog glass stem setup has a 100% stainless and glass air path including the heating element itself. Not too many portables will make that claim :clap:

Buying a Bulli will really test your coil-building skills! You already know that you don't need a huge coil to get great results - but after some of the RDA's you have been playing with, you will be cursing the size of this heating chamber.

I think that the Bulli's best attribute is its thin walls. They do not soak up nearly as much heat as the Kayfun stainless bodies and I think it makes a huge difference. I thought that the Kayfun Mini might make up for its additional heft by allowing for a much larger heating element (which it does) but the Bulli still seems to come out on top even with half the heating element and half the weight. It's also shorter, which makes for better portability.

My current portable Bulli setup uses a folded SS screen carefully pressed into the top of the heating chamber (per @Pipes instructions) and a domed Solo screen in the bottom of the oven which serves double duty - keep the material away from the element a bit, and let you take the bowl/moutpiece off without making a mess. At the top end I have a stainless screen pressed into the drip-tip adapter and another pressed into the drip tip itself. It's a real winner :love:

As for @Pipes ' "Project," I am really loving it and you are a true coil-building artist! Do you have air holes drilled in that stainless sleeve over the coil?? I can't wait to read about your results from that baby. :sherlock:


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Finally getting clouds that I want!!!! So my E-Nano came in and i plugged it up waited ten minutes and took the first draw and i thought I was combusting. I was at 6.5. Once I did this I realized my setup needs to stay small and that the most important part is the heating element. THe E-Nanos heat control is very very good and I now know that I need more heat.

I started looking at different coil designs. and I think this simple one is what I will end on. I basically want to get my entire heating element as hot as possible very quickly. I can't wait to get my other rda and for the 18 gauge and 16 gauge wire. That should provide adequate heat.


So this is the coil that I was talking about. You basically put the metal over the coil and place the metal heat cover into the female 18mm glass fitting (I may jb weld something later on)


Then everything else depends on your favorite stem. If you want to emulate the cloud / extreme Q then use the 18mm Male to Male connection and slide a ELB or MINI-ELB in the other end.


Want to emulate a log vape, take off the top metal piece (keep the bottom piece on) and stick a screen on top of the chamber, then put the kayfun back into the 18mm female end. Take out your LOG stem (e-nano for me) and stick it directly in the other 18mm female end.


Want to emulate a convection style air/solo, follow the same steps as the log vape but insert a solo or air stem with a silicone hose on top.


Here is my heating coil. This rda really doesnt allow me to go high in gauge but im sure I can fit more wraps. More wraps = More Element = More heat.

video to come later tonight


cui bono?
@enjiatt - haven't watched your video yet but it sounds like you are still making progress! I am also happy to learn that you have joined Team Log Vape :clap: Welcome to the club!!!! Best advice I ever received from FC is to use a TINY load (~0.05)

Kayfun Mini progress........ My thinking:

If one hole is better than no holes, and two holes are better than one hole, what is the next step??? Obviously four holes. I was confident that four holes wouldn't overwhelm the coil since it is pretty huge and I was right! This thing is starting to show its potential! Here is my current all SS, glass, and silicone Kayfun Mini v2.1


Here are some of my other current projects:


Kayfun Mini w/ 316L SS @ 0.61 ohm - Bulli w/ Ti @ 0.33 ohm - Bulli w/ 316L SS @ 0.31 ohm


Some Bulli's.


Mmmmmmm Stainless.


I only knocked these over twice trying to get this stupid picture.

Are these the best on-demand portable vapes that money can buy????? Maybe? Idk? What is better???


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Here is a comparison of my e-nano and the TC MOD nano.

when I get more heat I may be able to go back to the capsule so it is easier to deal with during extractions.

the taste is super super close to each other. Both delicious. The airflow on my mini sucks just like @StonerSloth said.

I have one more all glass method im going to try but it wont be until monday unfortunately.

BTW these plastic tips for the glass pieces are great!!!


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Yes, @StonerSloth you have it nailed!!! Liking the set ups, the Ti Bulli is the same as mine and decided it was best.
Still waiting to try try the SS. You say you didn't notice any big taste difference? Also, how consistent is your temperature holding with the SS? Meaning any drifting and need to select a different number?
TIA and WTG. my hats off.


cui bono?
Yes, @StonerSloth you have it nailed!!! Liking the set ups, the Ti Bulli is the same as mine and decided it was best.
Still waiting to try try the SS. You say you didn't notice any big taste difference? Also, how consistent is your temperature holding with the SS? Meaning any drifting and need to select a different number?
TIA and WTG. my hats off.

Thanks!! My coil design is a total rip-off - you should patent it!

I never detected any off tastes from the Ti coil, and I don't detect any off tastes from the stainless. So I would sort of describe the taste of both as neutral/unnoticeable in my mind... Which is obviously a good thing! The only complaint I could think of about the taste is that the vapor is pretty 'hot' since the load is so close to the heater and both are so close to the mouthpiece.

My resistance is dead solid with the 316L SS so far. I am using TCR=190 and 600 F seems to be a safe operating temp coil-wise but higher than you would ever need to go.

I just like the stainless because it's easier to build a coil with and doesn't seem to discolor as much as the Ti does. And it's cheaper!

Both my Bulli and Kayfun are giving about 20 good 10-second draws per load. Pretty good for an on-the-go setup. The Bulli + Underdog stem setup can wreck a typical Underdog load (0.05) in three pulls and you can turn the load black if you want to. Don't usually want to. But it's nice to be in control.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Thanks for the TCR number to use with SS.
I was using a program TCR number for Ti and found the ohms measurement would jump up and cause the heater to run off. Not often but running in pre-set Ni mode for Ti never has this problem. Just thought I'd mention that in case other have this happening.

So been sitting back testing my first completed "Project".


4 each O-rings in each end and a screen between 2 in the top. I also lengthened the oven some from my first oven. Same coil.


Outer sleeve off. This one is reversible in that the top and bottom have the same dimensions. 3 air intake holes in both inner and outer tubes. Inside grooved out using a Dremel tool with sand paper wheel. The groove is the length of the sand paper wheel. Which holds 4 O-rings nicely.



So far, so good. Insulator not showing any signs of degrading and performance is very close to the bull.
The long stem really helps with the hot vapour. I think with a convection vape a long stem is a real must have.


Hello everyone, pipes, enjiatt, stonersloth. Thanks for all the good posts, the good activity in this thread. I got a chance to get around to taking some photos of what I have so far. This is a Frankenstein's monster of a vape, the deck is from a Kayfun Lite, the coil chamber and herb chamber are from a Kayfun mini, and the screens are off of Ebay.

Picture of the whole thing. Note the copper heat sink between the evic mini vtc and the kayfun lite atomizer deck. Also see how the Kayfun mini tube is two parts. I use the lower part as the coil chamber, and the upper part for dry materials. The Kayfun Mini screws right into the evap chamber threading on the Kayfun lite deck! Thank god for clones being made on the same machine huh? Haha

Picture of the deck with Kayfun mini body removed. You are looking in from the top of the Kayfun mini tube, this is the dry materials side. I am using the Arizer solo bowl shaped screen I picked up for ($10!!! yikes too expensive) on eBay and it is just pressed into the top of the tube. The concave from the screen is on the inside of the tube. The dry material will sit inside of this chamber, underneath the Solo screen.

Looking from the bottom of the Kayfun mini, this is the bottom of the coil chamber, where the tube screws onto the deck. The coil will sit inside of this area. I am using the 1/2 inch flat screen from eBay jammed into the end of this to keep the dry materials in the upper chamber.

The screens I used, 1/2 inch screen (12mm I think) from eBay and a 1/2 inch bowl screen (overpriced!) for the Arizer solo.
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cui bono?
Hello everyone, pipes, enjiatt, stonersloth. Thanks for all the good posts, the good activity in this thread. I got a chance to get around to taking some photos of what I have so far. This is a Frankenstein's monster of a vape, the deck is from a Kayfun Lite, the coil chamber and herb chamber are from a Kayfun mini, and the screens are off of Ebay.

Picture of the whole thing. Note the copper heat sink between the evic mini vtc and the kayfun lite atomizer deck. Also see how the Kayfun mini tube is two parts. I use the lower part as the coil chamber, and the upper part for dry materials. The Kayfun Mini screws right into the evap chamber threading on the Kayfun lite deck! Thank god for clones being made on the same machine huh? Haha

Picture of the deck with Kayfun mini body removed. You are looking in from the top of the Kayfun mini tube, this is the dry materials side. I am using the Arizer solo bowl shaped screen I picked up for ($10!!! yikes too expensive) on eBay and it is just pressed into the top of the tube. The concave from the screen is on the inside of the tube. The dry material will sit inside of this chamber, underneath the Solo screen.

Looking from the bottom of the Kayfun mini, this is the bottom of the coil chamber, where the tube screws onto the deck. The coil will sit inside of this area. I am using the 1/2 inch flat screen from eBay jammed into the end of this to keep the dry materials in the upper chamber.

The screens I used, 1/2 inch screen (12mm I think) from eBay and a 1/2 inch bowl screen (overpriced!) for the Arizer solo.

Looking good!

A few questions:

#1 - Why is your display upside down on your VTC Mini? I am so confused!
#2 - Why are you using the Kayfun Lite deck over the Kayfun Mini one? I don't see the advantage? Does this deck allow for more air flow than the Mini?
#3 - How are the clouds from this setup?
#4 - Why not use a larger heating coil? There is so much room to work with on this build!!!

More findings/ramblings:

I have been thinking a lot about air flow in these vapes, as up now the equation seems to be more air flow = more vapor. Obviously there is a point of too much air flow, but I think that the high amount of power we have available here (I picked up a Cuboid that does 200W, wtf) is going to be hard to overwhelm.

So, I drilled a blank Bulli heater cover with 4 x 1/16" holes (as opposed to my other unit with 2 x 5/64") 28% more inlet area, and a lot more vapor. I'm hesitant to open the 4 holes up to 5/64, but I'm sure it'll happen soon enough. This thing is an absolute beast now coupled with an underdog GonG as shown above.

I'm only running 50W on my mods, so it's not like this is using a ton of power or a lot of battery (although the underdog uses 7-8W :lol:.) I am going to experiment with reducing the power further, since I think several of us have already proven that it's not really about the power here. There is plenty of power... I think it's all about getting that power through your load evenly and efficiently.
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Okay that's it! I've drooled over this thread for WAY too long. I'm ordered 2 kayfun lite's 2.1 es and a heatsink from fasttech. I already have a cuboid, have some replacement o-rings and trying to find a suitable pipe screen (the ones I saw on amazon were too big or shitty quality according to the reviews)

If I was to order just some SS mesh and form my own screens, what would the recommended size be?
or can anyone point me to where I can get some decent screens, for not an outrageous price. I really wouldn't mind making my own, hell, I might try and find a thin piece of Stainless and just drill a million holes in it, I don't know. any help is greatly appreciated.

already have a cuboid so the mod part is covered for now. Eventually I will probably gut a VTC mini and put it into a custom enclosure.

and if I'm forgetting something obvious, please let me know. Thanks in advance and thanks for starting this thread!


Well-Known Member
#1 - Why is your display upside down on your VTC Mini? I am so confused!

at least on the cuboid i can flip my display by turning it off then holding both the left and right option buttons at the same time. its nice if trying to read it while using it


cui bono?
at least on the cuboid i can flip my display by turning it off then holding both the left and right option buttons at the same time. its nice if trying to read it while using it


Not familiar with the Kayfun Lite I don't think - just the Kayfun Mini 2.1 but I honestly don't know the similarities/differences. I am using primarily 1/2" and 5/8" flat stainless pipe screens - the most economical place to get them in my experience is ebay. I am also using some of the domed Solo screens I linked somewhere a few pages ago, but those are like $1 each so I try to use those sparingly! My current Kayfun build actually does not use any of those - just a flat 5/8" screen in the bottom of the oven, shaped like a bit of a dome, then a 1/2" screen formed into the hole in the drip tip adapter up top and trimmed a bit with tint wire cutters.


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Not familiar with the Kayfun Lite I don't think - just the Kayfun Mini 2.1 but I honestly don't know the similarities/differences. I am using primarily 1/2" and 5/8" flat stainless pipe screens - the most economical place to get them in my experience is ebay. I am also using some of the domed Solo screens I linked somewhere a few pages ago, but those are like $1 each so I try to use those sparingly! My current Kayfun build actually does not use any of those - just a flat 5/8" screen in the bottom of the oven, shaped like a bit of a dome, then a 1/2" screen formed into the hole in the drip tip adapter up top and trimmed a bit with tint wire cutters.

yeah I grabbed some screen off of Ebay in the end, some 3/5" and some 1/2". oh and some screw and washers. I figure I can trim or shape the bigger screens if needed and I know I will be buying more stuff later anyway to tinker with. I can't wait to get these in, I have way too many ideas already.


cui bono?
yeah I grabbed some screen off of Ebay in the end, some 3/5" and some 1/2". oh and some screw and washers. I figure I can trim or shape the bigger screens if needed and I know I will be buying more stuff later anyway to tinker with. I can't wait to get these in, I have way too many ideas already.

Oh yea, on my Kayfun I had to replace the terminal screws (I used 'cheese head' ones) and washers - M1.6 x 3mm long for the screws and #0 washers - all stainless of course!

I've got one of my Bulli's drilled with 4 x 5/64" diameter air holes now (that didn't take long) and I think I've reached optimum Bulli performance. My inverted Bulli + glass underdog stem setup has always been a monster, but my portable setup was suffering from some drag. That is all a thing of the past now! The bowl also cooks a lot more evenly with the additional airflow. This one is a keeper.
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@bloom Hey man I like your setup!! Keep it up. Im assuming that your coil is that small because its hard to build on that deck lol (especially with those screws and no washers). Honestly just go to ebay spend 12 dollars and get the kayfun 3.1 atomizer. Your setup wont change at all but your deck will be way easier to build on. If you wanted you could even use a thicker gauge wire because the 3.1 use screw holes instead so just letting you know....

@StonerSloth I pretty much finally understand how this whole setup works. Good airflow does make things much better. This is the only thing I do not like about the kayfun decks. I have been moving my setup closer and closer to the coil with positive results. I love how when im using 18 gauge wire that everything just seems super durable and I dont need many wraps, But it does require more wraps. I feel like when im on 22 the wires are just too easy to move around. I m experimenting with 20 gauge soon. I think for me that 18 or 20 will be my ending.

@donnyp Id really follow @StonerSloth advice when it comes to the kayfun mini. Also I honestly would look into a 2 battery mod with custom TCR. You will have a more consistent vape and better battery life. Im waiting for a dual battery 26650 mod with custom TCR but it doesn't exist yet :-(

@donnyp if you want to do the setup like @bloom did then order the kayfun 3.1 also for the build deck.

Im wanting to use @Pipes heating chamber because I feel like it will work perfectly will all of my glass setups. Im going to wait a little longer for some more details, but im excited about it.

I love glass lol. Check out the clouds!!!! Ill post pictures once I have a setup that is complete. Sorry about the long video.



Well-Known Member
@bloom Hey man I like your setup!! Keep it up. Im assuming that your coil is that small because its hard to build on that deck lol (especially with those screws and no washers). Honestly just go to ebay spend 12 dollars and get the kayfun 3.1 atomizer. Your setup wont change at all but your deck will be way easier to build on. If you wanted you could even use a thicker gauge wire because the 3.1 use screw holes instead so just letting you know....

@StonerSloth I pretty much finally understand how this whole setup works. Good airflow does make things much better. This is the only thing I do not like about the kayfun decks. I have been moving my setup closer and closer to the coil with positive results. I love how when im using 18 gauge wire that everything just seems super durable and I dont need many wraps, But it does require more wraps. I feel like when im on 22 the wires are just too easy to move around. I m experimenting with 20 gauge soon. I think for me that 18 or 20 will be my ending.

@donnyp Id really follow @StonerSloth advice when it comes to the kayfun mini. Also I honestly would look into a 2 battery mod with custom TCR. You will have a more consistent vape and better battery life. Im waiting for a dual battery 26650 mod with custom TCR but it doesn't exist yet :-(

@donnyp if you want to do the setup like @bloom did then order the kayfun 3.1 also for the build deck.

Im wanting to use @Pipes heating chamber because I feel like it will work perfectly will all of my glass setups. Im going to wait a little longer for some more details, but im excited about it.

I love glass lol. Check out the clouds!!!! Ill post pictures once I have a setup that is complete. Sorry about the long video.

I already ordered a mini 2.1, well 2 of them actually, they are skinnier like the bulli is I believe. they will be the first to tinker with, probably going to go in a direction like @Pipes went with the removeable stem over the chamber. Just waiting on the fasttech shipping now...

Already have a Cuboid which is the 2 battery version of the VTC Mini basically.

At some point after I get a good working version I like going I will be gutting a Cuboid or a VTC or something else with TCR and making an enclosure for it where the whole package will be more compact and pocketable. That's a ways out and in purely idea stage right now though.


cui bono?
I already ordered a mini 2.1, well 2 of them actually, they are skinnier like the bulli is I believe. they will be the first to tinker with, probably going to go in a direction like @Pipes went with the removeable stem over the chamber. Just waiting on the fasttech shipping now...

Already have a Cuboid which is the 2 battery version of the VTC Mini basically.

At some point after I get a good working version I like going I will be gutting a Cuboid or a VTC or something else with TCR and making an enclosure for it where the whole package will be more compact and pocketable. That's a ways out and in purely idea stage right now though.

Can't wait to check out your Kayfun Mini/Glass stem setup - I haven't explored this option much since the Bulli just happens to mate so perfectly with underdog glass, but I will be on that project soon enough I'm sure.

This Cuboid is pretty awesome for a 'home' unit - I have 200 draws on a set of batteries and they aren't dead yet..... It is also sort of similar in dimension to a log vape (just 100 times heavier) so it feels very comfortable in my hand. I wish they made a mod with the 510 connection smack in the middle for optimum log simulation!

For portability, I just unscrew the atomizer from the mod and carry them separately.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker

Im wanting to use [USER=8420]@Pipes
heating chamber because I feel like it will work perfectly will all of my glass setups. Im going to wait a little longer for some more details, but im excited about it.
Endurance testing has got me pretty excited myself. This this is working out to be very much like the Bull.
Starting to make a few up but really want to compare the SS coil first before I install the elements. Hopefully coming very soon.
Finding the time is another problem, but hopefully the Project will become contagious and others will follow the route to make em.... :science::2c::D:D:D
Here is a link to a picture album I've been putting together. For your viewing pleasure and I'll be adding to it as things move along. I have also made a link in my signature for easy entry. :ninja: Just click on the pictures.
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Well-Known Member
That is very sexy @Pipes and I am super jealous of the lathe. It looks like pefect size for small projects like this, and oh man, the Log vapes you could pump out on that thing!

I wouldn't leave the workshop.
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