Dab Scientist here seeking knowledge
More people getting their QQ's, some having some issues, others pretty smooth, seems about 50/50 at this point. Regardless, I'm sure Matt will make sure all the early purchasers of the QQ will get the same units and parts that third, fourth, 5th and future production runs of this product, and he'll do as much as he can to help you get your QQ's vaping right.
For the early purchasers of the DTV2, do you remember all the free DTV2.5 atomizers you received shortly after? (Go, big airflow holes!)
After my first weekend of playing with the QQ was free of technical glitches, I had one tiny issue: from puffing too hard on the mouthpiece, I caused a little trickle of oil to spill over and splash one of the posts and wire leads for the ceramic rods. This only caused my Ω to rise from a fairly stable 0.25 to a slightly shaky 0.26-0.29 at rest. It still worked and fired up fine in TC, but bothered me. Finally, one time it slipped to over 0.3 upon waking up and kicked to watts mode before fiiring, so I decided I should break it down for the first cleaning. @OF had a great verbal description of the parts on the QQ, so here is a pic showing that:
Cup with rods still inside, saddle, post screws and 510 pin with insulator (what material is that? is that what burned on you @Danksta?) and then the main metal base and, lets call it, floating post? Positive post?
It was a little tricky to bend the lead wires for the rods and cram them into the posts. I made a small chip off the quartz tunnel for the rods break off securing the wires, but it's ok. When I screwed the center 510 pin all the way with a flathead (too tight) it made the coil read 0.025, atomizer low! But I backed off the screw a half turn or so, and back to 0.26Ω!
A little more work than the V3, but not very hard to rebuild the QQ.
@FMSQ great first post on FC for us! Nice review and great pics! I largely agree with your post, and it's nice to see someone else using the QQ with a nice glass setup!
@JigMelon nice work with the VVM atty and quartz cup!It seems a little tenuous, and I didn't think it could be made to work with that atty in particular, but you did it. If the quartz cup is going to work well with other RBAs, it will most likely have post-less, flat build decks. I hope everyone will be on the lookout for other RBAs that may handle the quartz cup well, something might be out there.
Anyways, I had many test sessions with my QQ over the weekend. On an eleaf invoke with 2 fresh VTC6 batteries, I was getting at least 10-12 full sessions, with a couple of burn-offs as well, before I had only 30% charge, so that was a little better than I expected. Although @ArchVape showed you can power this thing fine with a single 18650, you would probably get less than half the sessions with a single cell than you could get with 2 equivalent cells because you don't work the batteries as hard during use.
This is how I connected it to my rigs at first:
Although I felt that hose was too long, so I put a little 14/14 m/m adapter on top the QQ cap to make a shorter, more direct tube and I like this better.
I was able to get decent results without water, puffing straight off the cap, but I would have to take shorter puffs and the harshness would test my throat and cause me to cough mildly at times, usually after the 3rd-4th puff after the cup gets fully heat soaked.
Going through glass, I was able to get some good sessions too, but I would have to take much longer puffs to get a satisfying cloud, instead of being able to nibble quick, large clouds directly off the MP with no water. (because of the longer vapor path)
And with having to take longer puffs to fill the dab rig with the QQ, it would be challenging to keep the cup from overheating. Sometimes I would pulse the button just right and be able to coast the 2nd, 3rd, 4th puff to perfection, great taste, not too hot, allowing me to rapidly return to the next puff to finish the bowl. About 2-3 minutes seems like a good time frame to fully enjoy a QQ session, as some of the videos have shown. Then the cloud tapers off as only dark reclaim oil is left in the cup, and you can quickly swab this up to keep your cup tidy.
But at other times, I have held the button down for too long during puffs, and overheated the cup, causing overly harsh hitscausing me to cough and pause momentarily, all the while the rest of my dab is still cooking in that QC which holds its heat much longer than a donut, almost like a real quartz banger. If I have to wait 30 second or so to regain my breath, that reclaim has gotten pretty crusty and cooked, and is no longer pleasant to puff on, and my cotton swab comes out much more soaked, feeling like a more wasteful session.
So basically, it may take some more technique and practice to fully utilize this atty. Compared to the DTV3, which still requires a certain range of permissible pull/draw methods to not "mess up" it seems the QQ requires more judgement and timing and discipline. It's a ton of fun when you get it just right. As much as I like it so far, it isn't going to replace my V3s as the daily driver just yet....
A few more tips now that I've used it more: (could be repeating others)
- Pre-heat the cup until you see vapor rising and wisping up before you start your draw
- Take a long, slow draw to get the best results, especially through a larger glass piece. Although when the cup is cooking, it is possible to get nice, big, quick nibble-draws using just the MP dry
- Pulse the power button after good vapor production is achieved. Pulse the button for 2-5 seconds at a time with short breaks, not 8-10 seconds at a time. Based on your draw technique and mod settings, you will have to adjust and use your judgement
- Swivel the cap during use to target oil on the other side of the cup. Perhaps swivel the cap only CW (not CCW) so you don't accidentally unscrew the atty from your mod with tight-fitting o-rings by trying to only swivel the cap?
- Don't puff on the MP too hard or oil can jump the cup and spill over. Don't overload, 20-40mg, about the same you would load your V3, is a good amount. Keep it level, don't tilt that much.
(i could have loaded a tiny bit more up there)
Regarding temp stability, I tried very hard to dial in the QQ for low-temp hits with mixed results. I tried to match settings to vape with the cup surface around 450F, but this made for weak, dribbly hits that wasted my oil. Moving up to around 500-520F, I was able to get strong, satisfying vape that tasted good as long as I didn't let the cup overheat.
The problem remains for me: if you continue to hold the button down for several 15 second time-outs, the cup temp will continue to rise well above 500, to 600F if you don't give it a break! Although with some settings, I was able to see the cup remain around 480-500F, or at least rise above that temp at a rate much slower than the initial temp rise, giving you a chance to pulse the button and avoid overheat.
The settings that seemed to help me match screens and cup temps:
TCR = 240
Watts = 60
Temp = 490-510F
PI = 900, 20 also seemed to help hold it stable for a little longer than without PI control
How long you hold the button down influences the actual cup temp more than some of those settings, it seems, but at least I was able to keep screen/cup temps somewhat close in the 20-40 second time range.![]()
Thanks for the breakdown photos of the quest. The pulse method to retain the cup temperature is useful, much appreciated.
I will try your settings on my vapecige sd75c (dna75c) and on my voopoo newbie (gene). I have success without TCR, but this is where I want to learn more (using TCR).
The adapter on the quest is a modified Camelbak Kid's Eddy Kids Bite Valve that I use to connect to the HVT glass rig adapter.
Here's some photos I took this morning: (mini imgur album here)