,, the crucible cup will take months from the ceramic people...
next week I will be getting 200 separate medium donuts and cups to sell on the side these will have improved cups along with 400 black v3 kits(kits will have 2 large donuts , one installed and one on the side and a medium donut and cup on the side .. this is all next week I am told,,
my goal is to get the DC GEN 2 rebuild able done, and a small cup and donut for the v3..
I will be pushing for the crucible cup and keeping everyone updated as paul is keeping me.
New glass attachment lol. No really I bought this so I can meet up with a local glassblower to see what designs and different mouthpieces can be made from Pyrex for the V3
Intellectual property? ha! That's a joke. Patents are for rich corps with armies of lawyers. Been there, done that.
You can find crucibles in various sizes on e-bay under "Alumina crucible". The bandits who order them for a couple dollars from China and sell them for forty in the US are jerks, pure and simple, not "smart". Buy direct. The 6.8 x 4 mm size fits the V2-alikes perfectly, though the low air inlets on the real V2 and the 13mm V3 lift them. I'd like to try some slightly bigger ones on the medium V3.
On the idea of a very long integrated heater/cup for the design Matt was proposing, I just meant as an extreme (impractical) case where it becomes the mouthpiece too so there's nowhere to leak.
On those wicks, that's absurd. The idea you can inhale glass or ceramic fibers, like asbestos, and it's OK if they're big enough that you'll cough them up before you die. OK, how about inhaling steel wool or shotgun pellets? The difference with cotton is that cotton is a carbohydrate that grows on Southern plantations and makes you regular. Doh. Sorry Mate, D- (it's not an F because he actually made an effort).
Sorry if my answer comes a couple pages late, but this thread is running fast and some of you guys are very talkative (wink! wink!)
We think that there is more to the DNA chipset than just the customizable software. Apparently the sampling rate of our mods can vary greatly, and some have better TC implementation than others.
I would like to point you to this post by @Pipes in the "DIY BULLI" thread: http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/diy-bulli-vaporizer.6601/page-23#post-968964
Unfortunately I don't think anyone of us over there had the chance to test a DNA box first-hand. I'm using a evic VTC mini myself and I'm relatively satisfied, but previously I raised the question of whether it would be worth it to try to customize it to better suit our needs, cf my post in the "Project" thread: http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/the-project-diy-herbal-vaporizer.21055/page-13#post-997825
It's clear there's a lot of overlap, we are using the same devices than you but for dry herbs instead. Seeing how many of you like to tinker and tweak, I'm confident you will find yourself at ease over there too and your help would be much appreciated!
I actually only like them to go up to .63, but since plugging the first two into my ht75, their cold resistance is not the same. It's not in the mid-.5x range, around .52-.58 for both. They are both blown and partially cracked, though, which increases the cold resistance. I'm going from .5x-.7, which gives about 220C (~428F). Higher end for me, but that is +/- 10C, since that is my current standard error. It feels to me a little low.
The need is a result of higher drain. Pushing a 3.2v battery up to 75W requires a higher drain, which is easier to achieve (with 18650's) with multiple batteries - thus raising the voltage (6.4v+) so that less drain is required from the batteries. Or, you can use a custom high-drain LiPo, or a larger battery (26650 -higher drain capabilities).
I don't know, except that the first was blown by 75w preheat. Preheat is a little kick given before your settings take effect. By default, it's 75w for 3 seconds with a medium (3) punch. That's supposed to preheat the coil so that as you pull it instantly vapes. That works for juice on a wire, but not for us. We don't need such a staunchy preheat. I have mine set to 25w for 1s with soft (1) punch. I find cranking the preheat to 40w decreases my heat-up time to near-zero, so I am instantly vaping. It is VERY fast (<3s) with it set at 25W, which I am fine with so I use 1s@25w 1 punch. I am playing with preheat a little, but am less interested. I probably won't mess with it anymore until I get different sized donuts (and a few more large) to test with, so that I can get my heating curve set up a little better. It's working well for me so far, but I need to adjust it just a bit because I find the temps inaccurate in a few spots.
Yo, @divinetribe , is that like,
a Mango smoothie?
BTW, you're one hard working stoner, Dude! Great!
I ran into an issue with my v3. Once again I'm using the Joyetech eVic VTwin Mini.
I'd disassembled and cleaned the thing the previous day (but I didn't remove the donut and check the leads and wire wells). I LOVE the fact that I can break it down to clean it... just wish I didn't have to do it so much! (but I'm medicating the CRAP out of myself... so, there ya go!)
Was vaping away nicely, and it started acting weird... kept on flashing the protection message like immediately, could only get it to display the temp occasionally but it wasn't getting the concentrate hot enough anymore... so I broke it down again, and could see that concentrate had made it's way down the feed holes for the donut leads. I unscrewed the contact screws for each lead, separated the donut from the base and submerged it, stood the base on the posts with enough ISO to cover the screw holes.
Cleaned everything up pretty nicely, ran a very fine jewelers flat edge down the wire wells and it came out clean. Reassembled it with the same donut, and same thing... drop a small bb on the donut and it barely melts, but the display was jumping to 'protection' and not getting hot enough to develop vapor.
I thought it was contact resistance before I cleaned everything, but the same thing afterward? Weird.
I replaced the donut with a new one... same thing! it gets weirder...
I just picked the thing up again after a few hours of it sitting there and now it fires fine.
I don't think I got ISO in anything sensitive, but I guess I'll blow a hairdryer on everything for awhile next time.
Still looking forward to the 10mm donut and medium cup![]()
i got ripped from ebay sellers in the past.
I have had great success with eciggity i think is the one... they are based in hawaii though, but their shipping was phenominal in those two orders.
thanks matt @divinetribe . and thanks @Vape Donkey 650 , @fernand , @OF .. unbelieveable vape I just had on this V3 DT !
..using the VTCmini w/ TCR 190, 21W, 380ºF.... thanks. right out of the gate, you guys cracked the code lol. reminds me of the documentary i just watched about compaq trying to crack IBMs code. ha
vape on my friends
and may we continue this open source investigation![]()
Have you tried a different battery? I'm curious what your settings are... I have a V3 coming in the mail today and will be trying it with an eVic VTwo Mini as well. Where are your settings right now?
Mango smoothie....ha...funny guy, you.![]()
Mango kush maybe
I'd say it looks like puree'd baby food, not far off.
I like Matt's terp oil pornz, it's like a more classy version of my raunchy donut prawns
Many times talking to him on email, he'd show me that pic about live resin, even though we're talking about something elseThat was a while ago, and live resins and hi-terp oils have been around for a few years now, I figure I'd finally give this newfangled oil a try, to complement my many cheap run-of-the-mill shatters, crumbles and co2 oils. It's more expensive, (almost 2x more) but at my relatively low consumption, it could be worth it?
"ambrosia" live nectar. live nectar=live resin, right? the damn delivery guy had this jar lying sideways in his car and the oil ran up to the lid and left trailscmon now. this hybrid strain is very nice, but the genetics are unknown to me
"london fog" live nectar. uk cheese x blue dream i think, i forgot alreadyvery a-nice
banana og kush sugar wax. sugar wax is not the same as live resins, right? not sure on all the different forms. Regardless, this one is my favorite i think of all these gold drop half grams i copped. super tasty....
sweet island skunk sugar wax. not quite as nice as the others, but i wanted a sativa too
more live nectar, goji oj. I've been working on vaping this half-g longer, as you can see from my scrapes. another very nice sativa-hybrid.the name is great, too. say "goji og" 3x fast
maui wowie....
close the blinds and turn the lights off now! time for more donut porns!
i cleaned one of my medium donuts for the first time (the one dedicated for live resins) and here's a sequence of the first few reloads
2 modest pinches of that goji og. i saw all those little black marks on the cup only on my hi-res image, not with the naked eye. must be remnants of the reclaim and burn-off that didn't burn or rinse awayno worry to me
a more greedy lump of some more goji og
i think i had 2 more reloads here that were not documented, and after the 1st load, (3-4 hits) I'm getting those "endless reclaim hits" which some loveand some despise
Like 8 or 10 nice hits before it gets wispy and it's time to reload...it get's a little dirty...
kerozen and reclaim haters, avert your gaze...click if you dare...
some of that ambrosia live resinisn't that cool the way it makes a perfect halo, sticking to the little ick-oil beneath it?
and that sweet island skunk was rather pleasant too
I can't thank you enough @fernand @OF @Steven @Vape Donkey 650 for the countless hours and support you have given to this blog and my customers. I know I have missed others who leave their input on here as well so whomever you four feel is worthy I can send upgrades to them too. What I want you to receive is the V3 in black and all new upgrades to the Divine Tribe line( cup changes, donuts in all resistances and sizes). The sooner I get these parts into your hands the sooner we can make changes and upgrades and figure out what works best for specific types of vaping. This company is very fluid and ready to adapt to new principles and ways.
I have sent the V3 with the eleaf 40w tc off to the FDA lab this week. It will be nice to finally know if we have fumes or gassing.
Has any other company done this that you know of ? doesn't it seem like they should of?
I have said this before and I will say it again, if we don't start regulating ourselves the govt is going to have to come in and try to do it for us.
so for the lab
I have given instructions to have the eleaf set to 280°f to start for the v3 with a donut that has .47ohms.
I vape at 260°f myself so i figure 280°f is a good starting temp. I told them it is not the accurate temp and if they could provide it for me on that mod that would be helpful... I will keep everyone informed on here of the results. even if the results are bad, WE NEED TO KNOW.. but i really feel when i dry fire the donut that it tastes clean. I can taste metal on every other device I have tried.
I am getting a line of concentrates tested at another lab this week, These are from some people I have been working with in the last six months. There are two types of tests, the simple test (THC, CBD, THCA, CBN,MOLDS ,SOLVENTS,) then the complex test which does all that plus the whole terpene profile. I am getting the second one done. many call it live resin but I call it HTFSE (high terpene full spectrum extract) and HCFSE (high cannabinoid full spectrum extract). My goal is to bring two completely tested products together. what is in the medicine that can be harmful and helpful medicinally? and what in the vapor device can be harmful?
Those are two very relevant questions that anybody would agree are the two most important..
So moving on I have Known this Dr. for over twenty years and in my opinion he is one of the most knowledgeable dr.s when it comes to cannabis. He and and a lawyer I hired once for a tahoe case got the DEA to to admit that cannabis has medical value. hehe see link here for a good read.
Day Two of Scheduling Hearings: Drs. Carl Hart and Philip Denney Take the Stand
So I am going to be paying a visit to Dr. Denney in Hawaii from Nov 3-9th (what a horrible place to have to discuss business huh?) what I want from him is to oversee this v3 project and help facilitate it or something like it to becoming a FDA approved medicinal device. Got to have your goals right?
I believe cannabis medicine will change the pharmaceutical industry and the way we approach medicine and healing in general.
While I love all the forward thinking optimism in the post, I'm not sure you're going to win this one. Live resin has a certain ring to it that eludes the acronyms.many call it live resin but I call it HTFSE (high terpene full spectrum extract) and HCFSE (high cannabinoid full spectrum extract).
one of my teachers is a guy on IG called Extractioneering-WestcoastWhile I love all the forward thinking optimism in the post, I'm not sure you're going to win this one. Live resin has a certain ring to it that eludes the acronyms.
The sooner I get these parts into your hands the sooner we can make changes and upgrades and figure out what works best for specific types of vaping. This company is very fluid and ready to adapt to new principles and ways.
I can't thank you enough @fernand @OF @Steven @Vape Donkey 650 for the countless hours and support you have given to this blog and my customers. I know I have missed others who leave their input on here as well so whomever you four feel is worthy I can send upgrades to them too. What I want you to receive is the V3 in black and all new upgrades to the Divine Tribe line( cup changes, donuts in all resistances and sizes). The sooner I get these parts into your hands the sooner we can make changes and upgrades and figure out what works best for specific types of vaping. This company is very fluid and ready to adapt to new principles and ways.
I have sent the V3 with the eleaf 40w tc off to the FDA lab this week. It will be nice to finally know if we have fumes or gassing.
Has any other company done this that you know of ? doesn't it seem like they should of?
I have said this before and I will say it again, if we don't start regulating ourselves the govt is going to have to come in and try to do it for us.
so for the lab
I have given instructions to have the eleaf set to 280°f to start for the v3 with a donut that has .47ohms.
I vape at 260°f myself so i figure 280°f is a good starting temp. I told them it is not the accurate temp and if they could provide it for me on that mod that would be helpful... I will keep everyone informed on here of the results. even if the results are bad, WE NEED TO KNOW.. but i really feel when i dry fire the donut that it tastes clean. I can taste metal on every other device I have tried.
I am getting a line of concentrates tested at another lab this week, These are from some people I have been working with in the last six months. There are two types of tests, the simple test (THC, CBD, THCA, CBN,MOLDS ,SOLVENTS,) then the complex test which does all that plus the whole terpene profile. I am getting the second one done. many call it live resin but I call it HTFSE (high terpene full spectrum extract) and HCFSE (high cannabinoid full spectrum extract). My goal is to bring two completely tested products together. what is in the medicine that can be harmful and helpful medicinally? and what in the vapor device can be harmful?
Those are two very relevant questions that anybody would agree are the two most important..
So moving on I have Known this Dr. for over twenty years and in my opinion he is one of the most knowledgeable dr.s when it comes to cannabis. He and and a lawyer I hired once for a tahoe case got the DEA to to admit that cannabis has medical value. hehe see link here for a good read.
Day Two of Scheduling Hearings: Drs. Carl Hart and Philip Denney Take the Stand
So I am going to be paying a visit to Dr. Denney in Hawaii from Nov 3-9th (what a horrible place to have to discuss business huh?) what I want from him is to oversee this v3 project and help facilitate it or something like it to becoming a FDA approved medicinal device. Got to have your goals right?
I believe cannabis medicine will change the pharmaceutical industry and the way we approach medicine and healing in general.
one of my teachers is a guy on IG called Extractioneering-Westcoast
this is what i think also ...
While I love all the forward thinking optimism in the post, I'm not sure you're going to win this one. Live resin has a certain ring to it that eludes the acronyms.
I ran into an issue with my v3. Once again I'm using the Joyetech eVic VTwin Mini.
I'd disassembled and cleaned the thing the previous day (but I didn't remove the donut and check the leads and wire wells). I LOVE the fact that I can break it down to clean it... just wish I didn't have to do it so much! (but I'm medicating the CRAP out of myself... so, there ya go!)
Was vaping away nicely, and it started acting weird... kept on flashing the protection message like immediately, could only get it to display the temp occasionally but it wasn't getting the concentrate hot enough anymore... so I broke it down again, and could see that concentrate had made it's way down the feed holes for the donut leads. I unscrewed the contact screws for each lead, separated the donut from the base and submerged it, stood the base on the posts with enough ISO to cover the screw holes.
Cleaned everything up pretty nicely, ran a very fine jewelers flat edge down the wire wells and it came out clean. Reassembled it with the same donut, and same thing... drop a small bb on the donut and it barely melts, but the display was jumping to 'protection' and not getting hot enough to develop vapor.
I thought it was contact resistance before I cleaned everything, but the same thing afterward? Weird.
I replaced the donut with a new one... same thing! it gets weirder...
I just picked the thing up again after a few hours of it sitting there and now it fires fine.
I don't think I got ISO in anything sensitive, but I guess I'll blow a hairdryer on everything for awhile next time.
Still looking forward to the 10mm donut and medium cup![]()
This attitude is the reason why I like to work with Divine Tribe rather than many other vape companies offering similar products. Some of these other ceramic concentrate vapes may be worthy contenders, but how many others are trying to bring this ambitious level of transparency and medical grade equipment to the market?
There's no censored reviews here, we want to know issues and bugs so we can fix them, not cover them up
Also, to a certain extent....it doesn't matter how pure and safe your medicine is, if the device you use to administer it combusts your medicine, pollutes it, or gasses off harmful substances. I'm quite optimistic on the upcoming tests
Cool...where you involved with Dr. Carl Hart too? I haven't heard of Dr. Denney, but Dr. Hart is a(nother) leading voice on medical cannabis and drug policy reform. I've seen him interviewed on TV many times
haha...yes, that's the pic I was talking about. It was kinda funny, because I'd be e-mailing Matt about....say....DC dry herb attys, or something un-related, and he would show me this pic also....a few times. Why is he showing me this,I'd think to myself?
Well it finally sank in....somewhat...
Yea..."HTFSE" may be more descriptive, but the term live resin has been around and gained some traction...also rolls off the tongue more naturally.
Hey I hope your V3 has been acting better since then? I've had similar problems a few times, and I've found oil dribbling down the posts for the wire contacts has caused the Ω readings on the mod to drift (upwards), which causes the un-reliable TC performance. (the other less likely culprit a loose screw for a lead wire in the post)
It helps to know what your donut's cold base Ω is, and have that Ω "locked in" on your mod so you have an accurate baseline. You can go to power (watts, VW) mode and check what the Ω says there to confirm your resistance is accurate.
Almost every time I'm cleaning a donut and cup now, I'm observing some amount of oil making its way down one of the posts, at least, but this has not always been enough to cause the measured Ω reading to change. I think 3 times out of 10 or 12 cleanings so far, have I observed resistance changes >0.01Ω and bad TC performance with an oil soaked wire.
If you disassemble everything and clean it thoroughly, like you did, dry it out and carefully (minimum watts needed) burn your donut clean, it should return to it's original Ω again when cooled off and the TC should operate normally again. It always has for me, at least.![]()
On the subject of terpenes, I think there;'s an assumption that needs to be questioned: that terpenes are a known safe thing. All the terpenes and flavonoids in the plant are present in small amounts. They are a major contributor to the flavor. But the idea that using MORE terpenes as an additive or solvent is "natural" and thus safe, is based on fantasy. Thoughts, anyone?
Yeah, since letting it sit for a few hours, it now seems fine. I did indeed make sure the screws were tight and secure. Next time I break it down to clean it I'll make sure i've checked everything off the list. Baseline for this donut is .42 ohms. Interesting note, since this incident, it periodically asks me to choose resistance settings from 2 baselines (left and right buttons), the left button is the baseline (in my case). So somehow I think sufficient contact resistance is occurring to make the VTwin Mini flip out a bitMore reason to protect those wire wells and screw holes. How are you cleaning yours?
If your worried about leakage, I'd recommend the v3 because they will eventually both leak but the v3 can be broken down to its parts for cleaning while the v2.5 is not . I clean mines pretty often so I've never experienced reclaim oozing out the cracks. Especially with the future cups that will be coming out, I'd go with the v3. Pick up a v2.5 and keep it in your car or a fresh one for traveling.Can anyone comoment on the difference between the v3 and v2.5.. especially on the leaking
Can't wait to try out the new goodies, especially the revised large cup. I second @OF's request for straight water tool adapters for Hydratubes. I actually only use the dt donut a with Hydratubes and the glass adapter has been the eluding unicorn. So it would be a female part that goes into the v3 base and a male 14mm or 18mm part that will go into the bottom of a hydratube. Imo it's the most natural feeling way to add a water tool to the v3. For some reason using the dt donuts on a regular bong just doesn't feel right. It works wonderfully, don't get me wrong. It just feels off.the v3s are here in black and i have extra stock of the medium donuts. Also I have sample large cups and black units for @fernand @OF @Steven @Vape Donkey 650
I am making ads for the blacks if you want the black just let me know on checkout.
glass on glass bubbler / oil rig attachments coming soon for the v3 in all sizes 14-18mm male and female
I will be selling whole vaporizer kits of the v3 matched up with the eleaf pico, sony vtc6 18650, silicone case, and v3.. you can choose black or white for all items..
FC discount link 50% off retail for v3
until i get the new ad up please let me know in notes if you want black or white
click here