nope i even blow cool air into the oven when its in use too long, ive never dropped the device ever not even once. I used the thing like so much thats my only guess it says even in the warranty that it only cycles 300 times before the batteries go bunk and break, i used the thing sometimes like 10 times in a day. im a avid marijuana user my only guess is i used it a lot? i treat my DV like a queen theirs no reason for it to break. it broke outta no were following the 18 hour charge LOL it was plugged in for 18 hours and it said it was still charging before it broke. the thing was even combusting when the light was red, the numbers on the LED screen. when i asked the DV representitive she said the exact same thing i said she said the DV heating element is too close to the batteries and that they changed that with the ascent,Maybe you are doing something that is making it more vulnerable to breaking. Ask them it is worth a shot. Maybe like lying facing up while hot just guessing cause I don't know shit about electronics and batteries but it makes sense in my head.
Yea idk honestly what happened to it though thats just what they said, and meh i like the DV i just want to get what i paid for? I feel kind of robbed to spend 200 dollors on paraphanelia and it break within 3 months? thats stupid. do you use yours alot? like 8+ times a day? what ever happened to it its not my fault the unit just stopped working entirely at one point the heat thing wouldnt even come on. on the temp gauge if i went from 370 to 380 it would go from 379 back to 370 and so forth the thing was screwed. performance wise i love the thing, but for it to break within 3 months? that seems silly to me. and it seems like they should provide a better warranty if thats the case. maybe i just got a bad unit? guess ill find out with my new one.I have had mine forever and never had an issue. I guess you are sending yours back again. Maybe they will upgrade it for a price to the ascent if that is what you want.
regardless i love the DV and i would def recommend it, its just hard to defend something when it broke so fast ya know? if it woulda been a year that woulda been cool but 3 months?
Yea i agree do plug ins work better? wouldnt they break just as easy or no because its through electrical outputs. and dude marijuana doesnt make me forget anything lol i dont lose control with marijuana and drop my vapes everywere lol i remember everything when im high weed dont even effect me like it effects alot of people. when im sober people think im high. i used to drop tons of LSD (hence my name) marijuana dont do shit to me but relax me and maybe forget were i placed my car keys muahahha. unfortunetly i cant really have a plug in at the moment but i will soon so. ive gone through 3 portables and the other too crapped out in a week. it seems to me like their poorly made? im out and about more than im at home and thats when i toke most the time. so what on portables you cant use em alot? so i have to only use it once a day? ROFL sounds stupid to me. depending on my days i toke about a dime to a dub of weed by myself. i dont see how this is "abuse" but i guess it is. 3 months of use whether it be common or not is unnacceptable and not worth my 200 dollars IMO. how is using a vape abusing it lol? its just a heating element it shouldnt be that crazy hell maybe i ran the batteries out. ill go check out those ive always wanted a cano but honestly im scared of buying vapes now, it seems like a waste of money that i could just buy weed with for something to break in a couple weeksMaybe you forget what you are doing when you are stoned? I heard stories and even read some on the net
. I am sure a lot of us medial user use more then 10 bucks worth a day. I am assuming that is about a gram and a good price if it is. Anyhow if you do use so much a day my suggestion is a PLUG IN VAPORIZER. I think that will make you very happy
. A portable is for out and about and most can't stand up to that kind of abuse. In all honesty though I have never heard of someone saying that all there portables crap out. I have had issues with mine but they are all fine and still medicating me as need be. I use at least two different vapes a day and sometimes more depending.
It depends on your stoning situation what you should get. Also what needs or what you want from a vape. It does sound like you are a plug in kind of guy.
Edit: I would look at, depending on cash, at the cloud and the ssv. They have the best reviews. I have never used a cloud but it doesn't interest me but I do own an ssv.
Good luck
yea i know you were just messing with me XD why all the cano hate on FC? canos are great (when i used one of my friends). prob just the price heh? id buy a cano in a heartbeeat if they were 400 flat. and thats funny too cause when it first broke before calling DV customer service thats what i was thinking when it broke because i noticed it would only mess up when it heated up. and sure enough DV customer service said the same thing. why do they do that? why dont they just wire it far away from the oven? or wrap the batteries in some kind of heat resistant material? she said with the ascent they fixed this but who knows really right? im not trying to talk crap about the DV so i dont want to come across like that its just upsetting ya know? depressing. my PS3 has also been crapping out more so its like everything breaks all at once its frustrating. i quit smoking i haven't smoked in 4 months and i want to keep it that way but without a constant vape that will be impossible ill snap and grab my pipe one day and the guilt will rush in. i did this originally for a healthier option and started liking vaping 100x more than smoking and now i cant stand smoking, i think its nasty. my throat flares up like no other now since i quit its crazy. last time i smoked it just made me feel like shit. the body load the feeling of not being able to breathe icky XD. never thought id quit combusting thats for sure.I was messing with you silly. Anyhow not that you are abusing the vape but you are abusing the battery not by any fault of your own. They are close to the heater in a lot of vapes so they die way sooner then they would in another application. I learned that from many smart people on here. IIRC you had an atmos which we can't count and I forgot the other vape you had. You can't go by that and portables are certainly not made to go through the amount you are doing except maybe the solo. Again IIRC a solo may not fit your needs if you want a wide open air path. You might want to open a thread in the vapor lounge and tell the forum what your needs are and maybe they can come up with something. I doubt that most on here will even suggest a cano. A cloud is a great unit but has its issues since it is glass it does break. I think the ssv is the best for you but if you can't have a plug in then I don't know what to tell you. The ssv is wide open air flow, it does have glass but easily replaceable. I have not broken any but it does happen.
In either respect get your DV replaced while you figure this out. Maybe for a portable you can go with the INH xp once the bugs are fixed.
Yea i get you, thats the thing i loved about the cano was the bags lol but yea setup is more so a bitch i could see (i wasnt operating it i was watching my friend do it so i just huffed the vape out the bag lol), honestly the SSV is looking very appealing to me do you like the SSV? i took your advice and posted in the vape lounge so as i dont get off topic in the DV forum. i love all your guys helps and appreciate it more than you think, im a spaz and when my DV broke it felt like the world was ending ROFL. but i needed a well needed tolerance break anyways so thats good, and my DV is currently being tested by karma in LV to see if its faulty and send me a replacement i should have my replacement by next week. their a great company cant argue with that at all. and i can get a plug in vape i just cant use it at some times due to living situations. and ive heard the ascent isnt what its cracked out to be not bad but not great.Firstly you need more then one unit. It depends on the amount of money you want to spend. All the portables have the same issue with the battery being to close to the heat sauce because it is a small space. So fixed means better than not fixed. I guess the hate as you call it for the canos is mostly price and I suppose a lot fall out of love with the bags. It is an extra step and you also have to remember you are doing something. For example when I had a cano clone I never remembered that it was warming up till it was to late and I had to start again. I put it back in the box and it is on the top of my closet. If you like bags and want a vape that can do a bit of everything but as vito says master of none then get an EQ. You have to get backups and decent ones. This is your first decent vape from what you have said and you ended up with issues. Maybe the newer DV's have this issue cause the old ones didn't but they had other ones. Reliability is all in what you expect. If I go out and I can't be certain my portable is going to give me enough session that would be dangerous. When I got a new portable I carried a backup vape. I now carry a vip2 as my top off back up just in case I need a quick hit.
If my portable is going to be an outside one I test it to death to the point that some thing I am insane. They are correct but I need to do that to feel safe. Bottom line is you need more then one. If you think the ascent is the next one I would wait to see what happens when the masses get one. In the mean while get something more reliable like a solo. There is a learning curve so don't expect to love it out of the box. There is also a charger issue but it is an easy replacement if need be. They must have gotten a cheap batch of chargers.
In the mean while buy a new one then send your DV back to be fixed.
a tip to get the most out of your herb is to start at 375 degrees and work up 10 degree increments as you finish the herb and the da vinci reaches the max temp of 405 degrees. use the provided brush to keep the unit clean and change the little screen in the top mouthpiece regularly when needed. I've taken the screen out that is up inside the draw tube and only have the screen left in where the metal screw piece sits against the herb chamber. because your da vinci is new you should have quite a few sessions with the unit before worrying about that though, just something to keep up with as you get some miles on the da vinci. the unit remembers your last heat setting also, so when you are finished with a session you can turn the unit back down to 375 before turning the power off and when the unit re starts it will be set to 375 to start the next sesssion. happy vaping!I just got me a davinci handheld yestert and was.wondering if.someone can give me some pointers for my new Vape. I own a few other vapes (iolite, solo,MFLB,no2 those are just my handheld. So can my fellow vaporists help me out?