Is in so far as quantity, I was wondering if you leave the grind loose in the chamber or pack it down & load moreI just loaded it and dumped it onto my scale and it came to .11g. That is a normal load for me.
I prefer to run it at 360F, as hotter than that seems to irritate my throat.
I purchased my DV about 3 weeks ago and absolutely hate it! This thing is a toy; the vapor is weak and thin, the temp gauge is a joke and not even close to accurate. Also, why do i see vapor coming out of places that vapor shouldn't be coming out of. From a design standpoint, I couldn't think of a more cumbersome device. JMHO folks!
While there have been some instances of people complaining of mysterious vapors, the amount of complaints to units sold on the market are overall, very small.
To "tweak and change" something would indicate a problem in the first place.MCFunkyJ, the Davinci was thoroughly tested and there were no problems in the test phase. Of course we'll continue to tweak and change some things. It's all about listening to customer input. We can't make every change suggested, but we do take all feedback seriously and want nothing more than to be the best portable vaporizer on the market.
We hate the fact that even one unit has a problem, but in manufacturing something like the DaVinci, there will always be problems.
every once in awhile something might slip through, but I think that with a close-knit community like FC, views can get distorted and let's say 10 users on this forum are owners and 1 has a problem. That's 10% with a problem, which is bad, but if that 1 problem is relegated to all of the units out there (there are currently over 5000 units on the street), overall, it's a small number. Overall, we're at the 1% mark on returns and we're proud of that mark. It's not easy when dealing with a unit such as ours.
We constantly work on improving all facets of our company from product, to service and even to the packaging materials.
So finally we get some type of vague recognition from the Manufacturer.
Its a known fact that only a small percentage of Customers will raise awareness to a problem and the vast majority will literally "bite the bullet".
To "tweak and change" something would indicate a problem in the first place.
What might slipped through? And to respond to the distorted views by a Close-knit community. I find that offensive as I've just joined FC to be apart of the discussions and because I had questions that needed answers. I would actually consider these guys more experts than anyone else. Just because you got 5K units on the street doesn't mean that's the amount of customers. And "if that 1 problem is relegated to all of the units out there" your gonna have a bunch of pissed off custies!
If ain't broke don't fix it! What is it that your improving in the product exactly? Also why change the "packaging materials"? I was reading a possibility that the foam may of been the cause of the Mystery Vape.
I'm very meticulous about what I put in my body, especially my lungs. I was on the verge of getting this device until I started seeing YouTube vid's and reading about this Mystery Vape issue. This issue has been on unopened units, used and cleaned ones as well. I haven't done the math to see how many but I know its enough for me to hold off and wait for something else that will meet my needs.
I also want to point out that some of the newly joined members posts on this Mystery Vape subject lead me to believe that their Davinci reps impersonating customers. Main reason leading me to that conclusion is because the wording is similar. I think some IP's need to be ran!
Since I've used two DV's with no issues at all, and heard from several other buyers who have had no problems, your view, which seems to say that your problem is representative of all units, is just plain in error, and I'd suggest contacting the company for resolution of your unit burns off vapor past 250 and will not go away no matter how much I 'burn it away' in my view this vape was not ready for production.
First of all, even if your IP address says you're posting from Siberia, that doesn't guarantee anything. Leave it to us to spot people who have an agenda.zomger said:I INSIST my IP is checked and it is confirmed on this thread that I am NOT a DV rep.
thanks for the suggestion, I have contacted the retailer I bought through and have returned my unit. I do believe it could just be mine thats defective. But the fact I did buy one for a friend saw the gas, and returned, maybe it was a used unit being sold as a new, and was ABV inside. Or maybe i'm just that unlucky. Never the less I returned. So at last I returned my own personal white unit., along with a detailed letter, a flash light, and a link to this thread. Hoping they will be providing me with a replacement that is up to par. If it is, I might be compelled to give another impression and disregard previous posts warning about an issue, that, no matter how you look at it, could be a possible hazadard to health. You never know with these things.. since as I'm sure over time particulates and dust will fall down and also into the air holes, and will settle and possibly combust, but it could be those wires near the heating chamber, as shown in a picture earlier in this thread of a tear down. At any rate i'm excited to know the decision of my exchange and and a new unit. Thanks for understanding my situation!Since I've used two DV's with no issues at all, and heard from several other buyers who have had no problems, your view, which seems to say that your problem is representative of all units, is just plain in error, and I'd suggest contacting the company for resolution of your problem.
I'm very meticulous about what I put in my body, especially my lungs.
I've just finished reading this thread, and ordering a unit to try out so I guess that describes my 'take' on a lot of this. I see a lot of folks I know and who's opinion I trust supporting it, but was (and I guess still am) concerned about potential problems.
Statements like the one above, even in the midst of some otherwise questionable stuff, catch my attention. They speak to a sincere guy with serious issues. Then I noticed the fellow's sig:
Papers: aLedinha, Bambu Hemp
Blunts: Backwoods, Dutch Masters
So, here we have a health nut that not only blazes, but smokes tobacco lecturing me on being careful about what I might be vaping in?
I'm sorry, but that amuses me.
I'm thinking now that what I at first took to be all too typical rude and confrontational prose really fits into a pattern. I just can't bring myself to take him seriously (something I assume he didn't intend), it's surely not the way this fellow would wish to be treated. I don't think he's looking for answers or trying to help others as much as just making trouble I guess. Too bad.
Thanks to all who honestly post their experiences and opinions for our collective benefit. You've helped me decide to try out what seems to be 'an electric, adjustable temperature, Iolite'. I'm looking forward to getting mine and forming some first hand opinions worth sharing.
OF I am really glad you are joining us in getting one of these devices. I trust your methodical approach to your testing with products. Will you be doing the off-gassing testing before you run anything through the device? I am extremely interested in your findings on that issue.
I, too am glad you will be trying this unit out. I respect your even-handed (I almost said "level-headed", but I caught myself) approach to vaporizer evaluation.
Since you say you've read the entire thread, I suppose you have seen that I have mixed feelings about this vaporizer.
The initial tennis shoe smell is totally gone now from my DV I'm happy to report. Taste is not quite as good as some other portable vaporizers, but I didn't buy it for taste; I bought it to be a rugged portable that produces reliable vapor with little fuss.
I have over $700 worth of ThermoEssence and D9 gear that says you've got a ways to go before we'll be "even".my spending yet more money on hardware I could be buying false drugs with is your fault. Again. Some day I'll get even with you for that. Maybe.
I have over $700 worth of ThermoEssence and D9 gear that says you've got a ways to go before we'll be "even".
OF what colour unit did you get?
curious because on my personal white unit, had browning around the heating chamber. Not so sure if it's visible on the black and grey units. Just something to think about, cheersBlack. I guess I didn't buy into the 'gray is better' idea enough to want to end up with that color? Although the Iolite I use most is white..... But that's just a label, not the whole unit.