ya know, im really sick of explaining this thing an convincing people (not FC/youtube) its just like, dont take it the wrong way but let me put it this way
if you don't buy one...its your own god damn fault and sorry for your ass you aint got one, because its fucking amazing and perfect, really it is. If it fits the user, it has the potential to FINALLY make you happy and stop searching for that perfect perc.
If you're THINKING about buying it and have the money, just buy any fucking one of em (come on, really think you wouldn't be able to sell it if you didn't like it? COME ON.) as long as its your budget, they will all make you happy in one way they all have
advantages and disadvantages. Youll be happy you didnt waste any more time. I regret not picking one the second i saw one stack that high i coulda been dabbin like this for a WHILE!
not gonna sit here and tell everyone how i wish i had a more hefty and higher airflow joint, yea bummer but thats the exact reason i got it (besides it being cheaper

but its way more compatible with a WAY more common 18mm size....also tube is longer....once again
pro's n cons!
the biggest thing and only thing you should be worried about, is what vape or setup you plan on using on this beast, cause if you only have a solo and dont dab, just forget it. Need to be willing to step outa bounds with this beast, because this turns dabs into a whole diff experience, i think some can agree with me on that.
i need to just make a damn pros n cons video for the DG's kind of like a buyers guide?
where to buy one, what it comes with, differences between models and prices, tips on high stacks, shed some light on the cleaning aspect and how it affects the piece. just so much to talk about!
PS: You really need a sense of humor to read my posts.

i like to discuss things out of excitement and fun