Daisy and I are already becoming firm friends.
She comes with no illusions. Everything said or shown by Triihouse has held true since the moment the package arrived at my door. It's a good feeling to know what to expect, and receive exactly that. It gives me the feeling I'm dealing with a manufacturer of integrity. There are no paper manuals of any kind.. but why should there be? Triihouse has a great manual on the site, along with multiple videos on Daisy.
Build quality.. so solid and smooth. So sturdy! The magnets really are as strong as you want them to be. The only loose-sitting parts are the heat intake stem and a small metal connecting pin on the bottom block (I am curious as to why that pin is not fixed into the block... but for now I'll assume it's meant to be that way.) Don't roughhouse with her too much and you should both be fine for some casual walking about and passing.
Usage.. I'll start by saying this was my first time -
ever - with a butane torch, so there was a learning curve there. I could not identify the torch by looking at it, and I could not find some online manual for it. I was able to track down "a" place to buy it, and it helped a bit. Has some info, instructions, and a video.
Here -- > http://www.dx.com/p/jet-1300-c-butane-lighter-1320
Food for thought:
-Turn the torch gas valve to the
right to decrease/cut off fuel.. and to the
left to heat things up.
-The torch can get a huge flame if you crank it up.. but don't get crazy.
-A 1 inch flame is recommended.. and it seems to burn the smoothest too. You want it short.. but long enough to where the flame is not sputtering or flickering at all.
So with good understanding of the torch and a good flame, I's good to go. Screen inserted easily and securely. Loaded herb, fine ground, into the chamber. Just enough to cover the screen + a bit extra, for girth. My first 5-6 draws were getting used to the mouthpiece, finding a good torch level, and basically getting oriented with the draw speed and carb as well. I didn't expect any vapor, and I didn't get any. I Checked the herb, still green green.
- The next few draws were a different story... I was getting it. Figuring out where the heat was coming from and how to make it move through Daisy. Not filling up your lungs is crucial here.. it's an open, unrestricted draw.. You have to make the best of your entire breath. With practice, it comes.
- Once the vapor began to flow, thick and visible through the tube, the entire hit does feel very airy, but that doesn't bother me. Large visible clouds and an enjoyable taste. Once I got the first and second huge, full hits.. opening Daisy and giving a stir is A DREAM. I twirl the supplied tweezers to mix the herb, give it a small tap, and slide her back together. So easy, no mess.
- The 3-5 hits after the stir were unbelievable. Thick hit after hit. I seem to be getting so much out of a less amount of herb either of my other vapes use in a session.
- So, after a full session, 9-10 draws, the herb was a lovely dark brown. No charring to be found.
I love the amount of heat control she gives you. I may not know the precise temps.. but judging by the way I am feeling currently under Daisy's care.. I'm compleeeetely fine with the temps. - AND - it feels so efficient. I used less herb in the load than either of my other vapes use in a single session.. and feel like I got just as much, if not more, out of it. I did feel some
minor heat build-up in the body after the entire session.. but it was a long, thorough session.
On another note, I'm feeling much more elevated (increasingly so) than with either of my other vapes after a session. Yes it feels great, but I just hope it's not something to do with using butane heat/fumes? Maybe just this style of heating, and vaping at different temps than I'm used to? Or perhaps it's the method itself. It's hard to complain about it.
I am extremely pleased with this purchase.. I definitely have some practicing to do, but I'm looking forward to it! * ALSO, I read that someone purchased from a different site for a discount.. but I recommend going through Triihouse directly. Not only is it more secure, but they include a classy wood grinder AND a solid, reliable torch. That's just my 2 cents.
Welcome home, Daisy.