I took some pictures by my iPhone for your reference.
1, Driptech
2, four plastic pads on the feet
3, two magnets
4, 10 ton
5, dual heating, two sensors
Thank you, looks great Roger, I already see some changes from the prototype pictures from the prior week. For rosineers curious, those bolts are there stuck to the integrated magnets in the frame to show their location.
Will this unit have 2 options like the voltage for couplers? One for NPT 3/8" to use with dp-cp390 and one ZG 1/4" to use with Strongway brand?
I would be pissed that i pushed the trigger too soon with the smaller AIO
but as i dont have the space for the bigger driptech design nor the slightst problem
with my small gem its no problem
Cant wait for the first high margin driptech vid´s...im looking in ur direction
I can understand a rosineer being torn between the 2 units. I had a lengthy conversation on the phone with a customer about just that. I think the point of dp-hr10t35 is mini size, stainless steel construction. It is a popular model but this new unit is likely going to attract more rosineers due to features. SS is beefy and will serve indefinitely under normal operations.
I'll showcase the unit ASAP, sometime around the end of November.
OH my that looks the nuts
@dabpress.com great work. Is it to early to ask about pricing Roger or
@psychonaut and if there's gonna be kits available with micron bags, silicon tool kit, puck mold etc?
Thanks! We will offer a bundle with this unit for rosineers outside of FC which will save all who purchase the bundle savings. For FC friends, we will work out a short promo

Pricing is going to be between dp-bj6t35 and hr10t35, that should give you an estimate for your budget!
They keep getting better and better.
I have 0 complaints with my 3x7 caged plates in fact I think they are the best. But I might snag one of the aio presses next year.

We have some accessories still in R&D, these AIO units took a lot of Rogers time, but it seems we're at a point to move forward with tools to help the rosineers workflow.
dp-rp37 is our most popular model. The 4x6 is also quite popular it seems. I wouldn't have thought but I suppose it's commercial hash pressers who need the surface area.
@dabpress.com ... The one thing that is missing from the smaller presses IMHO is a pressure gauge ... would definitely be a nice option
Knowing exactly what pressure you are applying, and being to adjust accurately based on puck size, is critical to the process being repeatable and consistent in my experience ...
I agree. We had looked into gauges for the bottle jacks but it is an expensive add-on. Perhaps we can revisit that in the future if a cheaper solution becomes available. It just pushed the price of the press too high. Rosineers wanna buy a press for under $200-300, it's difficult to offer a HD press at that price.
Fortunately for those seeking a gauge, all of the hydraulic cylinder AIO units have that ability.
Can’t wait to get one for myself and start squishing! Really some wonderful work guys! This thing looks like a homerun for sure!
Thank you for your interest! First releases will all be shipping outta China so it'll be 2-5 days delivery time at first, but we should have a container with units reaching US for faster delivery to North American customers sometime in late December or early January.