Hi Guys (and of course my personal friend and always helpful scientist,
@herbivore21) - to review, I found that running my Slim Line with SiC Halo at the same temp set point on my Auber as I use with my Liger 2.0 (20 MM) resulted in a lot of pooling and not very beefy hits (and yes, I'm going for the gusto for pain/sedation and want strong quick dabs).
Now, just intuitively, one can look at the Liger with all of that Ti mass, and in particular the Ti that surrounds the SiC insert vs the Halo where the SiC is highly exposed to ambient air, and can easily speculate that they will have very different thermal models and that the SiC Halo will most likely shed more heat to ambient than the Liger SiC insert. I think it can be expected that the same set point will not result in the same dab surface. But there is speculation and there is data.
So, I got a K-type thermo off of Amazon with a couple of thermocouples and ran some measurements.
Now, it still takes a good while for these TCs to truly settle at their ultimate temp (and yeah, its a PIA to sit there for 5 minutes and hold the tip of the TC in the same exact spot for up to 3-5 minutes maybe??).
Short story, what I speculated above was amply supported by the data.
There are some limitations to the data...if you look at the deltas, you will see that my data is not completely linear which is probably more due to issues holding the TC in exactly the same place, instrument error maybe, air con kicking in, etc and not real non-linearity in the thermal model of the devices....but who really knows (well, at least I don't really know).
Doesn't matter to me as all I'm looking for is roughly where to set the temp on the Halo so I get approx the same dab surface temp as the Liger.
Here is the data.
I was surprised at how BIG the difference was between the two but now I know....I need to run my Halo about about 780 or so to get the same dab surface temp as I have been using with my Liger.
I hope this is somewhat helpful to you all.