Well-Known Member
Oh I never noticed that the torch SiC dish from D-nail had a flush centre hole, that must allow for reasonable carb function with most any cap! Good to knowNaw brand new, I mashed the sic in there, not tight but so it wouldn't fall out. I didn't try hard to get it out, the base was pretty hot,...gotta assume the base expanded and got a tight grip on it before cooling...I'm thinking it don't need 60+sec torch time, I'll try with a timer or something. Also the sic dish has a flush middle hole. But yeah for sure the scalding hot dabs would be nice if you had to conserve. The flavor isnt like ceramic(which I don't like, give it a food taste I'm)
Still pretty used to banger style, never had a setup like this where the cap seals so nice...only grip is the hive base rocking back and forth a little but its not going anywhere...a tag 18mm male is a lil oversized.

I am very sure that you could achieve good results with faster torching times with SiC, please do let us know of what warm up and cool down times work for you here. You are one of very few people that I know with the torch only SiC!
I do wonder if that Hive base may have been a little sloppy with the tolerances if it is a little wobbly on your GonG joint and the dish seems to have gotten stuck also? Might be worth calling or emailing d-nail CS to query on that one.