Well-Known Member
The d-nail cap is the best ti cap that there is for heat drop IME of all the nails I have. Honestly man, temp drop is not the problem that many of us think. One of the best things you can do for yourself after you find your ideal temp is to stop looking at the number on your controller. So many people get so anxious about the numbers there, when in reality, that number does not represent the temp on your dish, but rather a thermocouple inside the coil. A titanium cap will draw more heat from the dish when placed on all enails, and many other nails that I have do much worse in this regard than my d-nail halos (holy shit the infiniti with HE cap for example!).They said the unit is operating as it should and is not underperforming... I do wish it maintained temp better but it does medicate.
"the TI cap is going to pull some of the heat away from the dish. WE have been able to get TI on TI to drop 75 degrees in about 10 seconds with a hard pull
Because you are going so slow the heat is able to transfer to the cap over that period of time"
With the Halo shaped bowl and retaining nut on top, are there any other carb caps people have found success with, or do all user just use the D-Nail cap?
A glass version of the d-nail cap would work better for not taking heat off the cap, but would drastically sacrifice pressure and airflow inherent in the d-nail cap design. You would lose more beneficial functioning for vaporization than you'd gain. This is due to the limitations of precisely engineered shapes and tolerances when we are blowing glass as opposed to CNC manufacturing titanium.
I do have some advice to offer that will greatly improve your experience. It sounds like you dab more like I do. A long inhale, leaving the cap on until vapor is finished. As the d-nail CS people say, this will draw more heat into the cap due to increased contact time. However, if you have your qtip in hand, you'll notice that the cotton end perfectly covers the air intake hole on the d-nail universal 2.0 carb cap. If you do that, it'll cause much more rapid vaporization with a somewhat more restricted draw. This is my favorite way to use the d-nail cap, which is my favorite cap